// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/tick_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/feedback/redaction_tool/redaction_tool.h"
#include "components/feedback/system_logs/system_logs_source.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h"
#include "extensions/browser/api/feedback_private/access_rate_limiter.h"
#include "extensions/common/api/feedback_private.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"
namespace extensions {
// Provides bookkeepping for SingleLogSource usage. It ensures that:
// - Each extension can have only one SingleLogSource for a particular source.
// - A source may not be accessed too frequently by an extension.
class LogSourceAccessManager {
using ReadLogSourceCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(
explicit LogSourceAccessManager(content::BrowserContext* context);
LogSourceAccessManager(const LogSourceAccessManager&) = delete;
LogSourceAccessManager& operator=(const LogSourceAccessManager&) = delete;
// Call this to override the maximum burst access count of the rate limiter.
static void SetMaxNumBurstAccessesForTesting(int num_accesses);
// To override the default rate-limiting mechanism of this function, pass in
// a TimeDelta representing the desired minimum time between consecutive reads
// of a source from an extension. Does not take ownership of |timeout|. When
// done testing, call this function again with |timeout|=nullptr to reset to
// the default behavior.
static void SetRateLimitingTimeoutForTesting(const base::TimeDelta* timeout);
// Override the default base::Time clock with a custom clock for testing.
void SetTickClockForTesting(const base::TickClock* clock) {
tick_clock_ = clock;
// Initiates a fetch from a log source, as specified in |params|. See
// feedback_private.idl for more info about the actual parameters.
bool FetchFromSource(const api::feedback_private::ReadLogSourceParams& params,
const ExtensionId& extension_id,
ReadLogSourceCallback callback);
// Each log source may not have more than this number of readers accessing it,
// regardless of extension.
static constexpr int kMaxReadersPerSource = 10;
// Contains a source/extension pair.
struct SourceAndExtension {
explicit SourceAndExtension(api::feedback_private::LogSource source,
const ExtensionId& extension_id);
bool operator<(const SourceAndExtension& other) const {
return std::make_pair(source, extension_id) <
std::make_pair(other.source, other.extension_id);
// The log source that this handle is accessing.
api::feedback_private::LogSource source;
// ID of the extension that opened this handle.
ExtensionId extension_id;
using ResourceId = int;
// Returned when there was an error creating a new resource or looking for an
// existing resource.
static constexpr ResourceId kInvalidResourceId = 0;
// Creates a new LogSourceResource for the source and extension indicated by
// |source| and |extension_id|. Stores the new resource in the API Resource
// Manager, and uses the resource ID as a key for a new entry in
// |open_handles_|, with value being a SourceAndExtension containing |source|
// and |extension_id|.
// Returns the nonzero ID of the newly created LogSourceResource, or
// |kInvalidResourceId| if a new resource could not be created.
ResourceId CreateResource(api::feedback_private::LogSource source,
const ExtensionId& extension_id);
// Callback that is passed to the log source from FetchFromSource.
// Arguments:
// - extension_id: ID of extension that opened the log source.
// - resource_id: Resource ID provided by API Resource Manager for the reader.
// - delete_source: Set this if the source opened by |handle| should be
// removed from both the API Resource Manager and from |open_handles_|.
// - callback: Callback for sending the response as a ReadLogSourceResult
// struct.
// - response: Contains the result from an operation to fetch from system
// log(s).
void OnFetchComplete(
const ExtensionId& extension_id,
ResourceId resource_id,
bool delete_source,
ReadLogSourceCallback callback,
std::unique_ptr<system_logs::SystemLogsResponse> response);
// Removes an existing log source handle indicated by |id| from
// |open_handles_|.
void RemoveHandle(ResourceId id);
// Returns the number of entries in |open_handles_| with source=|source|.
size_t GetNumActiveResourcesForSource(
api::feedback_private::LogSource source) const;
// Attempts to update the |last_access_time| field for the SourceAndExtension
// |open_handles_[id]|, to record that the source is being accessed by the
// handle right now. If less than |min_time_between_reads_| has elapsed since
// the last successful read, does not update |last_access_times|, and instead
// returns false. Otherwise returns true.
bool UpdateSourceAccessTime(ResourceId id);
// Keeps track of the last time each source was accessed by each extension.
// Each time FetchFromSource() is called, the timestamp gets updated.
// This intentionally kept separate from |sources_| because entries can be
// removed from and re-added to |sources_|, but that should not erase the
// recorded access times.
std::map<SourceAndExtension, std::unique_ptr<AccessRateLimiter>>
// Contains all open handles, each uniquely identified by a ResourceId and
// additionally described by a SourceAndExtension struct.
std::map<ResourceId, std::unique_ptr<SourceAndExtension>> open_handles_;
// Keep count of the number of reader handles (resources) for each source.
std::map<api::feedback_private::LogSource, size_t> num_readers_per_source_;
// For fetching browser resources like ApiResourceManager.
raw_ptr<content::BrowserContext> context_;
// Provides a timer clock implementation for keeping track of access times.
// Can override the default clock for testing.
raw_ptr<const base::TickClock> tick_clock_;
// For removing PII from log strings from log sources.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_for_redactor_;
scoped_refptr<redaction::RedactionToolContainer> redactor_container_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<LogSourceAccessManager> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace extensions