
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <limits>

#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/dcheck_is_on.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/memory/stack_allocated.h"

namespace base {
namespace internal {
class JobTaskSource;
class PooledTaskRunnerDelegate;

class TaskTraits;
enum class TaskPriority : uint8_t;

// Delegate that's passed to Job's worker task, providing an entry point to
// communicate with the scheduler. To prevent deadlocks, JobDelegate methods
// should never be called while holding a user lock.
class BASE_EXPORT JobDelegate {};

// Handle returned when posting a Job. Provides methods to control execution of
// the posted Job. To prevent deadlocks, JobHandle methods should never be
// called while holding a user lock.
class BASE_EXPORT JobHandle {};

// Callback used in PostJob() to control the maximum number of threads calling
// the worker task concurrently.

// Returns the maximum number of threads which may call a job's worker task
// concurrently. |worker_count| is the number of threads currently assigned to
// this job which some callers may need to determine their return value.

// Posts a repeating |worker_task| with specific |traits| to run in parallel on
// base::ThreadPool.
// Returns a JobHandle associated with the Job, which can be joined, canceled or
// detached.
// ThreadPool APIs, including PostJob() and methods of the returned JobHandle,
// must never be called while holding a lock that could be acquired by
// |worker_task| or |max_concurrency_callback| -- that could result in a
// deadlock. This is because [1] |max_concurrency_callback| may be invoked while
// holding internal ThreadPool lock (A), hence |max_concurrency_callback| can
// only use a lock (B) if that lock is *never* held while calling back into a
// ThreadPool entry point from any thread (A=>B/B=>A deadlock) and [2]
// |worker_task| or |max_concurrency_callback| is invoked synchronously from
// JobHandle::Join() (A=>JobHandle::Join()=>A deadlock).
// To avoid scheduling overhead, |worker_task| should do as much work as
// possible in a loop when invoked, and JobDelegate::ShouldYield() should be
// periodically invoked to conditionally exit and let the scheduler prioritize
// work.
// A canonical implementation of |worker_task| looks like:
//   void WorkerTask(JobDelegate* job_delegate) {
//     while (!job_delegate->ShouldYield()) {
//       auto work_item = worker_queue.TakeWorkItem(); // Smallest unit of work.
//       if (!work_item)
//         return:
//       ProcessWork(work_item);
//     }
//   }
// |max_concurrency_callback| controls the maximum number of threads calling
// |worker_task| concurrently. |worker_task| is only invoked if the number of
// threads previously running |worker_task| was less than the value returned by
// |max_concurrency_callback|. In general, |max_concurrency_callback| should
// return the latest number of incomplete work items (smallest unit of work)
// left to processed. JobHandle/JobDelegate::NotifyConcurrencyIncrease() *must*
// be invoked shortly after |max_concurrency_callback| starts returning a value
// larger than previously returned values. This usually happens when new work
// items are added and the API user wants additional threads to invoke
// |worker_task| concurrently. The callbacks may be called concurrently on any
// thread until the job is complete. If the job handle is detached, the
// callbacks may still be called, so they must not access global state that
// could be destroyed.
// |traits| requirements:
// - base::ThreadPolicy must be specified if the priority of the task runner
//   will ever be increased from BEST_EFFORT.
JobHandle BASE_EXPORT PostJob(const Location& from_here,
                              const TaskTraits& traits,
                              RepeatingCallback<void(JobDelegate*)> worker_task,
                              MaxConcurrencyCallback max_concurrency_callback);

// Creates and returns a JobHandle associated with a Job. Unlike PostJob(), this
// doesn't immediately schedules |worker_task| to run on base::ThreadPool
// workers; the Job is then scheduled by calling either
// NotifyConcurrencyIncrease() or Join().
CreateJob(const Location& from_here,
          const TaskTraits& traits,
          RepeatingCallback<void(JobDelegate*)> worker_task,
          MaxConcurrencyCallback max_concurrency_callback);

}  // namespace base

#endif  // BASE_TASK_POST_JOB_H_