
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>

#include "extensions/browser/api/storage/settings_namespace.h"

namespace extensions {

// Enumerates all the namespaces of the storage areas.
enum class StorageAreaNamespace {};

// Returns the string representation of `storage_area`, or an empty string if
// it doesn't map to one.
const char* StorageAreaToString(StorageAreaNamespace storage_area);

// Returns the settings namespace of `storage_area`, or `Namespace::INVALID` if
// the StorageArea doesn't map to one.
settings_namespace::Namespace StorageAreaToSettingsNamespace(
    StorageAreaNamespace storage_area);

// Returns the StorageArea of `storage_area_string`, or
// `StorageAreaNamespace::kInvalid` if the string doesn't map to one.
StorageAreaNamespace StorageAreaFromString(
    const std::string& storage_area_string);

}  // namespace extensions