
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "extensions/browser/api/serial/serial_connection.h"
#include "extensions/browser/api/webcam_private/webcam.h"
#include "extensions/common/api/serial.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"

namespace extensions {

class ViscaWebcam : public Webcam {

  ViscaWebcam(const ViscaWebcam&) = delete;
  ViscaWebcam& operator=(const ViscaWebcam&) = delete;

  using OpenCompleteCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool)>;

  // Open and initialize the web camera. This is done by the following three
  // steps (in order): 1. Open the serial port; 2. Request address; 3. Clear the
  // command buffer. After these three steps completes, |open_callback| will be
  // called.
  void Open(const ExtensionId& extension_id,
            api::SerialPortManager* port_manager,
            const std::string& path,
            const OpenCompleteCallback& open_callback);

  friend class ViscaWebcamTest;

  enum InquiryType {

  using CommandCompleteCallback =
      base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool, const std::vector<char>&)>;

  // Private because WebCam is base::RefCounted.
  ~ViscaWebcam() override;

  // Callback function that will be called after the serial connection has been
  // opened successfully.
  void OnConnected(const OpenCompleteCallback& open_callback, bool success);

  // Callback function that will be called after the address has been set
  // successfully.
  void OnAddressSetCompleted(const OpenCompleteCallback& open_callback,
                             bool success,
                             const std::vector<char>& response);

  // Callback function that will be called after the command buffer has been
  // cleared successfully.
  void OnClearAllCompleted(const OpenCompleteCallback& open_callback,
                           bool success,
                           const std::vector<char>& response);

  // Send or queue a command and wait for the camera's response.
  void Send(const std::vector<char>& command,
            const CommandCompleteCallback& callback);
  void OnSendCompleted(const CommandCompleteCallback& callback,
                       uint32_t bytes_sent,
                       api::serial::SendError error);
  void OnReceiveEvent(const CommandCompleteCallback& callback,
                      std::vector<uint8_t> data,
                      api::serial::ReceiveError error);

  // Callback function that will be called after the send and reply of a command
  // are both completed.
  void OnCommandCompleted(const SetPTZCompleteCallback& callback,
                          bool success,
                          const std::vector<char>& response);
  // Callback function that will be called after the send and reply of an
  // inquiry are both completed.
  void OnInquiryCompleted(InquiryType type,
                          const GetPTZCompleteCallback& callback,
                          bool success,
                          const std::vector<char>& response);

  void ProcessNextCommand();

  // Webcam Overrides:
  void GetPan(const GetPTZCompleteCallback& callback) override;
  void GetTilt(const GetPTZCompleteCallback& callback) override;
  void GetZoom(const GetPTZCompleteCallback& callback) override;
  void GetFocus(const GetPTZCompleteCallback& callback) override;
  void SetPan(int value,
              int pan_speed,
              const SetPTZCompleteCallback& callback) override;
  void SetTilt(int value,
               int tilt_speed,
               const SetPTZCompleteCallback& callback) override;
  void SetZoom(int value, const SetPTZCompleteCallback& callback) override;
  void SetPanDirection(PanDirection direction,
                       int pan_speed,
                       const SetPTZCompleteCallback& callback) override;
  void SetTiltDirection(TiltDirection direction,
                        int tilt_speed,
                        const SetPTZCompleteCallback& callback) override;
  void Reset(bool pan,
             bool tilt,
             bool zoom,
             const SetPTZCompleteCallback& callback) override;
  void SetHome(const SetPTZCompleteCallback& callback) override;
  void SetFocus(int value, const SetPTZCompleteCallback& callback) override;
  void SetAutofocusState(AutofocusState state,
                         const SetPTZCompleteCallback& callback) override;
  void RestoreCameraPreset(int preset_number,
                           const SetPTZCompleteCallback& callback) override;
  void SetCameraPreset(int preset_number,
                       const SetPTZCompleteCallback& callback) override;

  // Used only in unit tests in place of Open().
  void OpenForTesting(std::unique_ptr<SerialConnection> serial_connection);

  // Used only in unit tests to retrieve |serial_connection_| since this class
  // owns it.
  SerialConnection* GetSerialConnectionForTesting();

  std::unique_ptr<SerialConnection> serial_connection_;

  // Stores the response for the current command.
  std::vector<char> data_buffer_;

  // Queues commands till the current command completes.
  base::circular_deque<std::pair<std::vector<char>, CommandCompleteCallback>>

  // Visca webcam always get/set pan-tilt together. |pan| and |tilt| are used to
  // store the current value of pan and tilt positions.
  int pan_ = 0;
  int tilt_ = 0;

}  // namespace extensions