
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "extensions/browser/extension_icon_image.h"

#include <vector>

#include "base/json/json_file_value_serializer.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "content/public/test/test_browser_context.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extensions_test.h"
#include "extensions/browser/image_loader.h"
#include "extensions/browser/test_image_loader.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_paths.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest_handlers/icons_handler.h"
#include "skia/ext/image_operations.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia_rep.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia_source.h"
#include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h"


namespace extensions {
namespace {

SkBitmap CreateBlankBitmapForScale(int size_dip,
                                   ui::ResourceScaleFactor scale_factor) {}

SkBitmap EnsureBitmapSize(const SkBitmap& original, int size) {}

// Used to test behavior including images defined by an image skia source.
// |GetImageForScale| simply returns image representation from the image given
// in the ctor.
class MockImageSkiaSource : public gfx::ImageSkiaSource {};

class ExtensionIconImageTest : public ExtensionsTest,
                               public IconImage::Observer {};

}  // namespace

TEST_F(ExtensionIconImageTest, Basic) {}

// There is no resource with either exact or bigger size, but there is a smaller
// resource.
TEST_F(ExtensionIconImageTest, FallbackToSmallerWhenNoBigger) {}

// There is no resource with exact size, but there is a smaller and a bigger
// one. The bigger resource should be loaded.
TEST_F(ExtensionIconImageTest, FallbackToBigger) {}

// If resource set is empty, |GetRepresentation| should synchronously return
// default icon, without notifying observer of image change.
TEST_F(ExtensionIconImageTest, NoResources) {}

// If resource set is invalid, image load should be done asynchronously and
// the observer should be notified when it's done. |GetRepresentation| should
// return the default icon representation once image load is done.
TEST_F(ExtensionIconImageTest, InvalidResource) {}

// Test that IconImage works with lazily (but synchronously) created default
// icon when IconImage returns synchronously.
TEST_F(ExtensionIconImageTest, LazyDefaultIcon) {}

// Test that IconImage works with lazily (but synchronously) created default
// icon when IconImage returns asynchronously.
TEST_F(ExtensionIconImageTest, LazyDefaultIcon_AsyncIconImage) {}

// Tests behavior of image created by IconImage after IconImage host goes
// away. The image should still return loaded representations. If requested
// representation was not loaded while IconImage host was around, transparent
// representations should be returned.
TEST_F(ExtensionIconImageTest, IconImageDestruction) {}

// Test that new representations added to the image of an IconImageSkia are
// cached for future use.
TEST_F(ExtensionIconImageTest, ImageCachesNewRepresentations) {}

}  // namespace extensions