
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <optional>
#include <string>

namespace extensions {

enum class SandboxedUnpackerFailureReason;

// Typed errors that need to be handled specially by clients.
// Do not change the order of the entries or remove entries in this list.
enum class CrxInstallErrorType {};

// Extended error code that may help explain the error type.
// Do not change the order of the entries or remove entries in this list.
// 1) Don't forget to update enums.xml when adding new entries.
// 2) Don't forget to update device_management_backend.proto (name:
// ExtensionInstallReportLogEvent::CrxInstallErrorDetail) when adding new
// entries.
// 3) Don't forget to update ConvertCrxInstallErrorDetailToProto method in
// ExtensionInstallEventLogCollector.
enum class CrxInstallErrorDetail {};

// Simple error class for CrxInstaller.
class CrxInstallError {};

}  // namespace extensions