
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "extensions/browser/pref_types.h"

namespace extensions {
// Records the number of corrupted extensions that have been disabled.
const PrefMap kCorruptedDisableCount =;

// Records the user permissions.
const PrefMap kUserPermissions =;

// Records the configuration of user scripts worlds.
const PrefMap kUserScriptsWorldsConfiguration =;

// Stores whether the user has acknowledged the MV2 deprecation notice for the
// warning stage globally.
const PrefMap kMV2DeprecationWarningAcknowledgedGloballyPref =;

// Stores whether the user has acknowledged the MV2 deprecation notice for the
// disabled stage globally.
const PrefMap kMV2DeprecationDisabledAcknowledgedGloballyPref =;

}  // namespace extensions