
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace extensions {

enum PrefType {};

// PrefScope indicates whether an ExtensionPref is profile wide or specific to
// an extension. Extension-specific prefs are keyed under a dictionary with the
// extension ID and are removed when an extension is uninstalled.
enum class PrefScope {};

struct PrefMap {};

extern const PrefMap kCorruptedDisableCount;
extern const PrefMap kUserPermissions;
extern const PrefMap kUserScriptsWorldsConfiguration;
// TODO( Move pref to ManifestV2ExperimentManager and
// expose it as a public member.
extern const PrefMap kMV2DeprecationWarningAcknowledgedGloballyPref;
extern const PrefMap kMV2DeprecationDisabledAcknowledgedGloballyPref;

}  // namespace extensions