
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "extensions/browser/quota_service.h"

#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_function.h"
#include "extensions/common/error_utils.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"

namespace {

// If the browser stays open long enough, we reset state once a day.
// Whatever this value is, it should be an order of magnitude longer than
// the longest interval in any of the QuotaLimitHeuristics in use.
constexpr int kPurgeIntervalInDays =;

constexpr char kOverQuotaError[] =;

bool g_purge_disabled_for_testing =;

}  // namespace

namespace extensions {

QuotaService::QuotaService() {}

QuotaService::~QuotaService() {}

std::string QuotaService::Assess(const ExtensionId& extension_id,
                                 ExtensionFunction* function,
                                 const base::Value::List& args,
                                 const base::TimeTicks& event_time) {}

QuotaService::ScopedDisablePurgeForTesting::ScopedDisablePurgeForTesting() {}

QuotaService::ScopedDisablePurgeForTesting::~ScopedDisablePurgeForTesting() {}

void QuotaService::Purge() {}

void QuotaLimitHeuristic::Bucket::Reset(const Config& config,
                                        const base::TimeTicks& start) {}

void QuotaLimitHeuristic::SingletonBucketMapper::GetBucketsForArgs(
    const base::Value::List& args,
    BucketList* buckets) {}

QuotaLimitHeuristic::QuotaLimitHeuristic(const Config& config,
                                         std::unique_ptr<BucketMapper> map,
                                         const std::string& name)

QuotaLimitHeuristic::~QuotaLimitHeuristic() = default;

bool QuotaLimitHeuristic::ApplyToArgs(const base::Value::List& args,
                                      const base::TimeTicks& event_time) {}

std::string QuotaLimitHeuristic::GetError() const {}

bool QuotaService::TimedLimit::Apply(Bucket* bucket,
                                     const base::TimeTicks& event_time) {}

}  // namespace extensions