// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is the implementation layer of the chrome.automation API, and is
// essentially a translation of the internal accessibility tree update system
// into an extension API.
namespace automationInternal {
// Data for an accessibility event and/or an atomic change to an accessibility
// tree. See ui/accessibility/ax_tree_update.h for an extended explanation of
// the tree update format.
[nocompile] dictionary AXEventParams {
// The tree id of the web contents that this update is for.
DOMString treeID;
// ID of the node that the event applies to.
long targetID;
// The type of event that this update represents.
DOMString eventType;
// The source of this event.
DOMString eventFrom;
// The mouse coordinates when this event fired.
double mouseX;
double mouseY;
// ID of an action request resulting in this event.
long actionRequestID;
dictionary AXTextLocationParams {
DOMString treeID;
long nodeID;
boolean result;
long left;
long top;
long width;
long height;
long requestID;
// Arguments required for all actions supplied to performAction.
dictionary PerformActionRequiredParams {
DOMString treeID;
long automationNodeID;
// This can be either automation::ActionType or
// automation_internal::ActionTypePrivate.
DOMString actionType;
long? requestID;
// Arguments for the customAction action. Those args are passed to
// performAction as opt_args.
dictionary PerformCustomActionParams {
long customActionID;
// Arguments for the setSelection action supplied to performAction.
dictionary SetSelectionParams {
// Reuses ActionRequiredParams automationNodeID to mean anchor node id,
// and treeID to apply to both anchor and focus node ids.
long focusNodeID;
long anchorOffset;
long focusOffset;
// Arguments for the replaceSelectedText action supplied to performAction.
dictionary ReplaceSelectedTextParams {
DOMString value;
// Arguments for the setValue action supplied to performAction.
dictionary SetValueParams {
DOMString value;
// Arguments for the scrollToPoint action supplied to performAction.
dictionary ScrollToPointParams {
long x;
long y;
// Arguments for the scrollToPositionAtRowColumn action supplied to performAction.
dictionary ScrollToPositionAtRowColumnParams {
long row;
long column;
// Arguments for the SetScrollOffset action supplied to performAction.
dictionary SetScrollOffsetParams {
long x;
long y;
// Arguments for the getImageData action.
dictionary GetImageDataParams {
long maxWidth;
long maxHeight;
// Arguments for the hitTest action.
dictionary HitTestParams {
long x;
long y;
DOMString eventToFire;
// Arguments for getTextLocation action.
dictionary GetTextLocationDataParams {
long startIndex;
long endIndex;
// Callback called when enableDesktop() returns. Returns the accessibility
// tree id of the desktop tree.
callback EnableDesktopCallback = void(DOMString tree_id);
// Callback called when disableDesktop() returns. It is safe to clear
// accessibility api state at that point.
callback DisableDesktopCallback = void();
interface Functions {
// Enable automation of the tree with the given id.
static void enableTree(DOMString tree_id);
// Enables desktop automation.
static void enableDesktop(
EnableDesktopCallback callback);
// Disables desktop automation.
static void disableDesktop(DisableDesktopCallback callback);
// Performs an action on an automation node.
static void performAction(PerformActionRequiredParams args,
object opt_args);
interface Events {
// Fired when an accessibility event occurs
static void onAccessibilityEvent(AXEventParams update);
static void onAccessibilityTreeDestroyed(DOMString treeID);
static void onGetTextLocationResult(AXTextLocationParams params);
static void onTreeChange(long observerID,
DOMString treeID,
long nodeID,
DOMString changeType);
static void onChildTreeID(DOMString treeID);
static void onNodesRemoved(DOMString treeID, long[] nodeIDs);
static void onAccessibilityTreeSerializationError(DOMString treeID);
static void onActionResult(DOMString treeID, long requestID, boolean result);
static void onAllAutomationEventListenersRemoved();