
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "extensions/common/api/declarative_net_request/constants.h"

namespace extensions {
namespace declarative_net_request {

const char kDeclarativeNetRequestPermission[] =;
const char kFeedbackAPIPermission[] =;

const char kIDKey[] =;
const char kPriorityKey[] =;
const char kRuleConditionKey[] =;
const char kRuleActionKey[] =;
const char kUrlFilterKey[] =;
const char kRegexFilterKey[] =;
const char kIsUrlFilterCaseSensitiveKey[] =;
const char kDomainsKey[] =;
const char kExcludedDomainsKey[] =;
const char kInitiatorDomainsKey[] =;
const char kExcludedInitiatorDomainsKey[] =;
const char kRequestDomainsKey[] =;
const char kExcludedRequestDomainsKey[] =;
const char kResourceTypesKey[] =;
const char kRequestMethodsKey[] =;
const char kExcludedRequestMethodsKey[] =;
const char kExcludedResourceTypesKey[] =;
const char kDomainTypeKey[] =;
const char kRuleActionTypeKey[] =;
const char kRedirectPath[] =;
const char kExtensionPathPath[] =;
const char kTransformSchemePath[] =;
const char kTransformPortPath[] =;
const char kTransformQueryPath[] =;
const char kTransformFragmentPath[] =;
const char kTransformQueryTransformPath[] =;
const char kRedirectKey[] =;
const char kExtensionPathKey[] =;
const char kRedirectUrlKey[] =;
const char kRedirectUrlPath[] =;
const char kTransformKey[] =;
const char kTransformSchemeKey[] =;
const char kTransformHostKey[] =;
const char kTransformPortKey[] =;
const char kTransformPathKey[] =;
const char kTransformQueryKey[] =;
const char kTransformQueryTransformKey[] =;
const char kTransformFragmentKey[] =;
const char kTransformUsernameKey[] =;
const char kTransformPasswordKey[] =;
const char kQueryTransformRemoveParamsKey[] =;
const char kQueryTransformAddReplaceParamsKey[] =;
const char kQueryKeyKey[] =;
const char kQueryValueKey[] =;
const char kQueryReplaceOnlyKey[] =;
const char kRegexSubstitutionKey[] =;
const char kRegexSubstitutionPath[] =;
const char kRequestHeadersKey[] =;
const char kResponseHeadersKey[] =;
const char kModifyRequestHeadersPath[] =;
const char kModifyResponseHeadersPath[] =;
const char kHeaderNameKey[] =;
const char kHeaderOperationKey[] =;
const char kHeaderValueKey[] =;
const char kTabIdsKey[] =;
const char kExcludedTabIdsKey[] =;

const char kMatchResponseHeadersPath[] =;
const char kMatchExcludedResponseHeadersPath[] =;
const char kHeaderValuesKey[] =;
const char kHeaderExcludedValuesKey[] =;
const char kExcludedResponseHeadersKey[] =;

}  // namespace declarative_net_request
}  // namespace extensions