
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// `file_handlers` manifest key defintion. File Handlers allow developers to
// let extensions interact with files on the operating system. This manifest key
// can be used by developers to register an extension to a given file type.
[generate_error_messages] namespace fileHandlers {

  // Icon specification similar to an ImageResource.
  dictionary Icon {
    // TODO( Add `DOMString? label;` for accessibility.

    // URL from which a user agent can fetch image data.
    DOMString src;

    // Multiple space-separated size values to also accommodate image formats
    // that can act as containers for multiple images of varying dimensions:
    // e.g. "16x16", "16x16 32x32".
    DOMString? sizes;

    // MIME type is purely advisory with no default value.
    DOMString? type;

  // A FileHandler registers the ability to read, stream, or edit files of given
  // MIME types and/or file extensions.
  dictionary FileHandler {
    // A mapping of one or more MIME types to one or more file extensions.
    // e.g. "accept": {"text/csv": ".csv"} or {"text/csv": [".csv", ".txt"]}.
    object accept;

    // Specifies the url after the origin that is the navigation destination for
    // file handling launches.
    DOMString action;

    // Description of the file type.
    DOMString name;

    // Array of ImageResources. Only icons declared at the manifest level are
    // currently supported. The icon for the extension will appear in the "Open"
    // menu.
    Icon[]? icons;

    // Whether multiple files should be opened in a single client or multiple.
    // Defaults to `single-client`, which makes all files available in only one
    // tab. `multiple-client` opens a new tab for each file.
    DOMString? launch_type;

  dictionary ManifestKeys {
    // File Handlers to register onto the target system.
    FileHandler[] file_handlers;