
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Use the <code>offscreen</code> API to create and manage offscreen documents.
namespace offscreen {
  enum Reason {
    // A reason used for testing purposes only.
    // Specifies that the offscreen document is responsible for playing audio.
    // Specifies that the offscreen document needs to embed and script an
    // iframe in order to modify the iframe's content.
    // Specifies that the offscreen document needs to embed an iframe and
    // scrape its DOM to extract information.
    // Specifies that the offscreen document needs to interact with Blob
    // objects (including <code>URL.createObjectURL()</code>).
    // Specifies that the offscreen document needs to use the
    // <a href="">DOMParser API</a>.
    // Specifies that the offscreen document needs to interact with
    // media streams from user media (e.g. <code>getUserMedia()</code>).
    // Specifies that the offscreen document needs to interact with
    // media streams from display media (e.g. <code>getDisplayMedia()</code>).
    // Specifies that the offscreen document needs to use
    // <a href="">WebRTC APIs</a>.
    // Specifies that the offscreen document needs to interact with the
    // <a href="">Clipboard API</a>.
    // Specifies that the offscreen document needs access to
    // <a href="">localStorage</a>.
    // Specifies that the offscreen document needs to spawn workers.
    // Specifies that the offscreen document needs to use
    // <a href="">navigator.getBattery</a>.
    // Specifies that the offscreen document needs to use
    // <a href="">window.matchMedia</a>.
    // Specifies that the offscreen document needs to use
    // <a href="">navigator.geolocation</a>.

  dictionary CreateParameters {
    // The reason(s) the extension is creating the offscreen document.
    Reason[] reasons;
    // The (relative) URL to load in the document.
    DOMString url;
    // A developer-provided string that explains, in more detail, the need for
    // the background context. The user agent _may_ use this in display to the
    // user.
    DOMString justification;

  callback VoidCallback = void();
  callback BooleanCallback = void(boolean result);

  interface Functions {
    // Creates a new offscreen document for the extension.
    // |parameters|: The parameters describing the offscreen document to create.
    // |callback|: Invoked when the offscreen document is created and has
    // completed its initial page load.
    static void createDocument(
        CreateParameters parameters,
        VoidCallback callback);

    // Closes the currently-open offscreen document for the extension.
    // |callback|: Invoked when the offscreen document has been closed.
    static void closeDocument(VoidCallback callback);

    // Determines whether the extension has an active document.
    // TODO( This probably isn't something we want to
    // ship in its current form (hence the nodoc). Instead of this, we should
    // integrate offscreen documents into a service worker-compatible getViews()
    // alternative. But this is pretty useful in testing environments.
    // |callback|: Invoked with the result of whether the extension has an
    // active offscreen document.
    [nodoc] static void hasDocument(BooleanCallback callback);