
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stdint.h>

#include <iosfwd>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/traits_bag.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"

namespace base {

// Valid priorities supported by the task scheduling infrastructure.
// Note: internal algorithms depend on priorities being expressed as a
// continuous zero-based list from lowest to highest priority. Users of this API
// shouldn't otherwise care about nor use the underlying values.
// GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.base.task
enum class TaskPriority : uint8_t {};

// Valid shutdown behaviors supported by the thread pool.
enum class TaskShutdownBehavior : uint8_t {};

// Determines at which thread priority a task may run.
// ThreadPolicy and priority updates
// ---------------------------------
//   If the TaskPriority of an UpdateableSequencedTaskRunner is increased while
//   one of its tasks is running at background thread priority, the task's
//   execution will have to complete at background thread priority (may take a
//   long time) before the next task can be scheduled with the new TaskPriority.
//   If it is important that priority increases take effect quickly,
//   MUST_USE_FOREGROUND should be used to prevent the tasks from running at
//   background thread priority. If it is important to minimize impact on the
//   rest on the system when the TaskPriority is BEST_EFFORT, PREFER_BACKGROUND
//   should be used.
// ThreadPolicy and priority inversions
// ------------------------------------
//   A priority inversion occurs when a task running at background thread
//   priority is descheduled while holding a resource needed by a thread of
//   higher priority. MUST_USE_FOREGROUND can be combined with BEST_EFFORT to
//   indicate that a task has a low priority, but shouldn't run at background
//   thread priority in order to avoid priority inversions. Please consult with
//   //base/task/OWNERS if you suspect a priority inversion.
enum class ThreadPolicy : uint8_t {};

// Tasks with this trait may block. This includes but is not limited to tasks
// that wait on synchronous file I/O operations: read or write a file from disk,
// interact with a pipe or a socket, rename or delete a file, enumerate files in
// a directory, etc. This trait isn't required for the mere use of locks. For
// tasks that block on base/ synchronization primitives, see the
// WithBaseSyncPrimitives trait.
struct MayBlock {};

// DEPRECATED. Use base::ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives(ForTesting) instead.
// Tasks with this trait will pass base::AssertBaseSyncPrimitivesAllowed(), i.e.
// will be allowed on the following methods :
// - base::WaitableEvent::Wait
// - base::ConditionVariable::Wait
// - base::PlatformThread::Join
// - base::PlatformThread::Sleep
// - base::Process::WaitForExit
// - base::Process::WaitForExitWithTimeout
// Tasks should generally not use these methods.
// Instead of waiting on a WaitableEvent or a ConditionVariable, put the work
// that should happen after the wait in a callback and post that callback from
// where the WaitableEvent or ConditionVariable would have been signaled. If
// something needs to be scheduled after many tasks have executed, use
// base::BarrierClosure.
// On Windows, join processes asynchronously using base::win::ObjectWatcher.
// MayBlock() must be specified in conjunction with this trait if and only if
// removing usage of methods listed above in the labeled tasks would still
// result in tasks that may block (per MayBlock()'s definition).
// In doubt, consult with //base/task/OWNERS.
struct WithBaseSyncPrimitives {};

// Describes metadata for a single task or a group of tasks.
class BASE_EXPORT TaskTraits {};

// Returns string literals for the enums defined in this file. These methods
// should only be used for tracing and debugging.
BASE_EXPORT const char* TaskPriorityToString(TaskPriority task_priority);
BASE_EXPORT const char* TaskShutdownBehaviorToString(
    TaskShutdownBehavior task_priority);

// Stream operators so that the enums defined in this file can be used in
// DCHECK and EXPECT statements.
BASE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
                                     const TaskPriority& shutdown_behavior);
BASE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(
    std::ostream& os,
    const TaskShutdownBehavior& shutdown_behavior);

}  // namespace base