
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>
#include <string_view>

#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "build/branding_buildflags.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"

namespace url {
class Origin;

namespace extensions {

// Determine whether or not a source came from an extension. |source| can link
// to a page or a script, and can be external (e.g., ""),
// extension-related (e.g., "chrome-extension://<extension_id>/background.js"),
// or internal (e.g., "event_bindings" or "schemaUtils").
bool IsSourceFromAnExtension(const std::u16string& source);

}  // namespace extensions

namespace extension_urls {

// Canonical URLs for the Chrome Webstore. You probably want to use one of
// the calls below rather than using one of these constants directly, since
// the active extensions embedder may provide its own webstore URLs.
extern const char kChromeWebstoreBaseURL[];
extern const char kChromeWebstoreUpdateURL[];
extern const char kNewChromeWebstoreBaseURL[];

// Various utm attribution sources for web store URLs.
// From the sub-menu item in the extension menu inside the 3-dot menu.
extern const char kAppMenuUtmSource[];
// From the button in the puzzle-piece extensions menu in the toolbar.
extern const char kExtensionsMenuUtmSource[];
// From the link in the sidebar in the chrome://extensions page.
extern const char kExtensionsSidebarUtmSource[];
// From the link on chrome://settings/getMostChrome page.
extern const char kGetMostChromeUtmSource[];

// Returns the URL prefix for the extension/apps gallery. Can be set via the
// --apps-gallery-url switch. The URL returned will not contain a trailing
// slash. Do not use this as a prefix/extent for the store.
GURL GetWebstoreLaunchURL();
GURL GetNewWebstoreLaunchURL();

// Returns a url with a utm_source query param value of `utm_source_value`
// appended.
GURL AppendUtmSource(const GURL& url, std::string_view utm_source_value);

// Returns the URL to the extensions category on the old and new Web Store
// depending on extensions_features::kNewWebstoreURL feature flag.
std::string GetWebstoreExtensionsCategoryURL();

// Returns the URL prefix for an item in the extension/app gallery. This URL
// will contain a trailing slash and should be concatenated with an item ID
// to get the item detail URL.
std::string GetWebstoreItemDetailURLPrefix();

// Returns the URL used to get webstore data (ratings, manifest, icon URL,
// etc.) about an extension from the webstore as JSON.
GURL GetWebstoreItemJsonDataURL(const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id);

// Returns the URL used to get webstore data (ratings, manifest, icon URL,
// etc.) about an extension from the webstore using the new itemSnippets API.
GURL GetWebstoreItemSnippetURL(const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id);

// Sets the itemSnippets API URL to `test_url`.
base::AutoReset<const GURL*> SetItemSnippetURLForTesting(const GURL* test_url);

// Returns the compile-time constant webstore update url specific to
// Chrome. Usually you should prefer using GetWebstoreUpdateUrl.
GURL GetDefaultWebstoreUpdateUrl();

// Return the update URL used by gallery/webstore extensions/apps. This may
// have been overridden by a command line flag for testing purposes.
GURL GetWebstoreUpdateUrl();

// Returns the url to visit to report abuse for the given |extension_id|
// and |referrer_id|.
GURL GetWebstoreReportAbuseUrl(const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id,
                               const std::string& referrer_id);

// Returns the URL with extension recommendations related to `extension_id` in
// the new Web Store.
GURL GetNewWebstoreItemRecommendationsUrl(
    const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id);

// Returns whether the URL's host matches or is in the same domain as any of the
// webstore URLs. Note: This includes any subdomains of the webstore URLs.
// TODO( We should move the domain checks for the webstore
// to use the IsSameOrigin version below where appropriate.
bool IsWebstoreDomain(const GURL& url);

// Returns whether the origin is the same origin as any of the webstore URLs.
bool IsWebstoreOrigin(const url::Origin& origin);

// Returns whether the URL is the webstore update URL (just considering host
// and path, not scheme, query, etc.)
bool IsWebstoreUpdateUrl(const GURL& update_url);

// Returns true if the URL points to an extension blocklist.
bool IsBlocklistUpdateUrl(const GURL& url);

// Returns true if the origin points to an URL used for safebrowsing.
bool IsSafeBrowsingUrl(const GURL& url);

}  // namespace extension_urls