
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module extensions.mojom;

import "extensions/common/mojom/css_origin.mojom";
import "extensions/common/mojom/execution_world.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/script/script_evaluation_params.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

// A single JS source to execute in the renderer.
struct JSSource {
  // The Javascript code to execute.
  string code;

  // The URL of the script that was injected, if any.
  url.mojom.Url script_url;

// A single CSS source to execute in the renderer.
struct CSSSource {
  // The CSS code to insert.
  string code;

  // A generated injection key for the CSS, which can be used to remove it
  // later.
  string? key;

// A struct representing a collection of JS code to inject in the renderer.
struct JSInjection {
  // The JS sources to execute.
  array<JSSource> sources;

  // The JS world into which to inject the scripts.
  ExecutionWorld world;

  // An optional world ID. All injections specifying a given world ID will be
  // injected into the same world. All injections omitting a world ID will be
  // injected into a "default" world.
  string? world_id;

  // Whether the caller is interested in the result value. Manifest-declared
  // content scripts and executeScript() calls without a response callback
  // are examples of when this will be `kNoResult`.
  blink.mojom.WantResultOption wants_result;

  // Whether the code to be executed with synthesized user activation.
  blink.mojom.UserActivationOption user_gesture;

  // For scripts that evaluate to promises, whether to wait for the resolution
  // of the resulting promises.
  blink.mojom.PromiseResultOption wait_for_promise;

// A struct representing a collection of CSS code to insert in the renderer.
struct CSSInjection {
  enum Operation {

  // The CSS sources to insert.
  array<CSSSource> sources;

  // The origin of the CSS.
  CSSOrigin css_origin;

  // The type of operation to perform.
  Operation operation;

// A single CodeInjection, which is allowed to contain exactly one of
// CSS and JS.
union CodeInjection {
  CSSInjection css;
  JSInjection js;