// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module extensions.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/values.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// The serialization format of the message.
enum SerializationFormat {
// The type of messaging channel.
enum ChannelType {
// A message channel associated with `runtime.sendMessage()` or
// `tabs.sendMessage()`.
// A message channel associated with `extension.sendRequest()`.
// A longer-lived message channel associated with `runtime.connect()`
// or `tabs.connect()`.
// A native message channel. Note that unlike above, both one-time and
// long-lived native message channels use the same type (because they don't
// have associated channel names).
// Type of the messaging source or destination - i.e., the type of the
// component which talks to a messaging channel.
enum MessagingEndpointType {
// An extension.
// A web page or a hosted app.
// A content script.
// A user script.
// A native application.
// Definition of a port. This struct will eventually go away when all
// legacy IPC messages have been removed to use the targeted
// MessagePort/MessagePortHost below.
struct PortId {
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken context_id;
int32 port_number;
bool is_opener;
SerializationFormat serialization_format;
// Definition of an endpoint.
struct MessagingEndpoint {
MessagingEndpointType type;
string? extension_id;
string? native_app_name;
// Definition of the tab that is being connected.
struct TabConnectionInfo {
mojo_base.mojom.DictionaryValue tab;
int32 frame_id;
string document_id;
string document_lifecycle;
// Connection information.
struct ExternalConnectionInfo {
MessagingEndpoint source_endpoint;
string target_id;
url.mojom.Url source_url;
url.mojom.Origin? source_origin;
int32 guest_process_id;
int32 guest_render_frame_routing_id;
// A message that is serialized across the channel.
struct Message {
string data;
SerializationFormat format;
bool user_gesture;
bool from_privileged_context;
// The renderer interface to a message port.
interface MessagePort {
// Dispatch the Port.onDisconnect event for message channels.
DispatchDisconnect(string error);
// Deliver a message sent with MessagePortHost.PostMessage.
DeliverMessage(Message message);
// The browser interface to a message port.
interface MessagePortHost {
// Indicate the port should be closed.
ClosePort(bool close_channel);
// Send a message to an extension process.
PostMessage(Message message);
// Send a message to tell the browser that one of the listeners for a message
// indicated they are intending to reply later.