// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module extensions.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/uuid.mojom";
import "extensions/common/mojom/event_dispatcher.mojom";
import "extensions/common/mojom/extra_response_data.mojom";
import "extensions/common/mojom/frame.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/values.mojom";
import "extensions/common/mojom/message_port.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/tokens/tokens.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// An interface for an extension service worker context. Implemented in the
// browser process.
interface ServiceWorkerHost {
// Tells the browser that an extension service worker context was initialized,
// but possibly didn't start executing its top-level JavaScript.
string extension_id,
int64 service_worker_version_id,
int32 worker_thread_id,
blink.mojom.ServiceWorkerToken service_worker_token,
pending_associated_remote<EventDispatcher> event_dispatcher);
// Tells the browser that an extension service worker context has started and
// finished executing its top-level JavaScript.
// Start corresponds to EmbeddedWorkerInstance::OnStarted notification.
// TODO(crbug.com/40259636): This is a workaround: ideally this IPC should be
// redundant because it directly corresponds to
// EmbeddedWorkerInstance::OnStarted message. However, because OnStarted
// message is on different mojo IPC pipe, and most extension IPCs are on
// legacy IPC pipe, this IPC is necessary to ensure FIFO ordering of this
// message with rest of the extension IPCs.
// Two possible solutions to this:
// - Associate extension IPCs with Service Worker IPCs. This can be done
// (and will be a requirement) when extension IPCs are moved to mojo, but
// requires resolving or defining ordering dependencies amongst the
// extension messages, and any additional messages in Chrome.
// - Make Service Worker IPCs channel-associated so that there's FIFO
// guarantee between extension IPCs and Service Worker IPCs. This isn't
// straightforward as it changes SW IPC ordering with respect of rest of
// Chrome.
// See https://crbug.com/879015#c4 for details.
string extension_id,
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken activation_token,
url.mojom.Url service_worker_scope,
int64 service_worker_version_id,
int32 worker_thread_id);
// Tells the browser that an extension service worker context has been
// destroyed.
string extension_id,
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken activation_token,
url.mojom.Url service_worker_scope,
int64 service_worker_version_id,
int32 worker_thread_id);
// A service worker thread sends this message when an extension service worker
// starts an API request. We use [UnlimitedSize] here because `params` may be
// large with some extension function (ex. Storage API).
RequestWorker(RequestParams params)
=> (bool success,
mojo_base.mojom.ListValue response_wrapper,
string error,
ExtraResponseData? extra_data);
// Optional Ack message sent to the browser to notify that the response to a
// function has been processed.
// The `request_uuid` is the UUID of the extension function.
WorkerResponseAck(mojo_base.mojom.Uuid request_uuid);
// Open a channel to all listening contexts owned by the extension with
// the given ID.
extensions.mojom.ExternalConnectionInfo info,
extensions.mojom.ChannelType channel_type,
string channel_name, extensions.mojom.PortId port_id,
pending_associated_remote<extensions.mojom.MessagePort> port,
pending_associated_receiver<extensions.mojom.MessagePortHost> port_host);
// Get a port handle to the native application. The handle can be used for
// sending messages to the extension.
string native_app_name, extensions.mojom.PortId port_id,
pending_associated_remote<extensions.mojom.MessagePort> port,
pending_associated_receiver<extensions.mojom.MessagePortHost> port_host);
// Get a port handle to the given tab. The handle can be used for sending
// messages to the extension.
int32 tab_id, int32 frame_id, string? document_id,
extensions.mojom.ChannelType channel_type,
string channel_name, extensions.mojom.PortId port_id,
pending_associated_remote<extensions.mojom.MessagePort> port,
pending_associated_receiver<extensions.mojom.MessagePortHost> port_host);