
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "extensions/common/permissions/api_permission_set.h"

namespace extensions {

// The new kind of Chrome app/extension permission messages.
// A PermissionMessage is an immutable object that represents a single bullet
// in the list of an app or extension's permissions. It contains the localized
// permission message to display, as well as the set of permissions that
// contributed to that message (and should be revoked if this permission is
// revoked). It can also optionally contain a list of sub-messages which should
// appear as nested bullet points below the main one.
// |permissions| contains the permissions that are 'represented' by this
// message and should be revoked if this permission message is revoked. Note
// that other permissions could have contributed to the message, but these are
// the ones 'contained' in this message - if this set is taken for all
// PermissionMessages, each permission will only be in at most one
// PermissionMessage.
// Some permissions may contain nested messages, stored in |submessages|. These
// are appropriate to show as nested bullet points below the permission,
// collapsed if needed. For example, host permission messages may list all the
// sites the app has access to in |submessages|, with a summary message in
// |message|.
// TODO(sashab): Add a custom revoke action for each permission and nested
// permission message, registerable as a callback.
class PermissionMessage {};


}  // namespace extensions