// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This module keeps references to original methods before user code is able
// to overwrite them. We assume that this module is executed before any user
// code. The idea is similar to the extension system's SafeBuiltins, and since
// it's similar, we also use a $ prefix as a naming convention.
// For example,
// myElement.setAttribute(name, value);
// becomes
// $Element.setAttribute(myElement, name, value);
// We also provide access to getters and setters:
// myNode.parentNode;
// becomes
// $Node.parentNode.get(myNode);
function makeCallable(prototypeMethod) {
return (thisArg, ...args) => {
return $Function.apply(prototypeMethod, thisArg, args);
function saveMethods(original, safe, methods) {
for (var method of methods) {
safe[method] = makeCallable(original.prototype[method]);
function saveAccessors(original, safe, properties) {
for (var property of properties) {
var desc = $Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(original.prototype, property);
safe[property] = {
get: desc.get && makeCallable(desc.get),
set: desc.set && makeCallable(desc.set),
var SafeMethods = {
$CustomElementRegistry: {},
$Document: {},
$Element: {},
$EventTarget: {},
$HTMLElement: {},
$HTMLIFrameElement: {},
$MutationObserver: MutationObserver,
$Node: {},
$getComputedStyle: window.getComputedStyle,
$parseInt: window.parseInt,
saveMethods(CustomElementRegistry, SafeMethods.$CustomElementRegistry, [
saveMethods(Document, SafeMethods.$Document, [
saveAccessors(Document, SafeMethods.$Document, [
saveMethods(Element, SafeMethods.$Element, [
saveMethods(EventTarget, SafeMethods.$EventTarget, [
saveMethods(HTMLElement, SafeMethods.$HTMLElement, [
saveAccessors(HTMLElement, SafeMethods.$HTMLElement, [
saveAccessors(HTMLIFrameElement, SafeMethods.$HTMLIFrameElement, [
saveMethods(MutationObserver, SafeMethods.$MutationObserver, [
saveMethods(Node, SafeMethods.$Node, [
saveAccessors(Node, SafeMethods.$Node, [
exports.$set('SafeMethods', SafeMethods);