
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package org.chromium.base.test.transit;

import static;

import android.util.Pair;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;

import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.TimeUtils;
import org.chromium.base.test.transit.StatusStore.StatusRegion;
import org.chromium.base.test.transit.Transition.TransitionOptions;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.CriteriaHelper;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.CriteriaNotSatisfiedException;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

/** Polls multiple {@link Condition}s in parallel. */
public class ConditionWaiter {

     * The process of waiting for a {@link Condition} to be fulfilled.
     * <p>Tracks the {@link ConditionStatus}es returned over time, how long it took to be fulfilled
     * (or for long it was checked until it timed out).
     * <p>Tracks and aggregates the ConditionStatues for user-friendly printing.
    protected static class ConditionWait {

        private final Condition mCondition;
        private final @ConditionOrigin int mOrigin;
        private boolean mIsInitialWait = true;
        private long mTimeStarted;
        private long mTimeUnfulfilled;
        private long mTimeFulfilled;
        private StatusStore mStatusStore = new StatusStore();

         * Constructor.
         * @param condition the {@link Condition} that this will wait for.
         * @param origin the origin of the |condition|.
        ConditionWait(Condition condition, @ConditionOrigin int origin) {
            mCondition = condition;
            mOrigin = origin;

        Condition getCondition() {
            return mCondition;

        int getOrigin() {
            return mOrigin;

        void markAsDelayedWait() {
            mIsInitialWait = false;

        boolean isInitialWait() {
            return mIsInitialWait;

        private void ensureTimerStarted() {
            if (mTimeStarted > 0) {

            mTimeStarted = getNow();
            mTimeUnfulfilled = mTimeStarted;

        private boolean update() {
            ConditionStatus status;
            try {
                if (mCondition.isRunOnUiThread()) {
                    // TODO( Post multiple checks in parallel, the UI thread
                    // will
                    // run them sequentially.
                    status = ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(mCondition::check);
                } else {
                    status = mCondition.check();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
                status = Condition.error(sw.toString());

            if (status.isError()) {
                return true;
            } else if (status.isFulfilled()) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return true;

        /** Report that the Condition being waited on is not fulfilled at this time. */
        private void reportUnfulfilledWait(ConditionStatus status) throws IllegalStateException {
            assert mTimeStarted > 0
                    : "\"" + getCondition().getDescription() + "\"'s wait timer never started";
            mTimeFulfilled = 0;
            mTimeUnfulfilled = status.getTimestamp();

        /** Report that the Condition being waited on is fulfilled at this time. */
        private void reportFulfilledWait(ConditionStatus status) {
            assert mTimeStarted > 0
                    : "\"" + getCondition().getDescription() + "\"'s wait timer never started";
            if (!isFulfilled()) {
                // isFulfilled() will return true after setting a non-zero time.
                mTimeFulfilled = status.getTimestamp();

         * @return if the Condition is fulfilled.
        private boolean isFulfilled() {
            return mTimeFulfilled > 0;

         * @return how long the condition has been considered unfulfilled for.
         *     <p>The Condition must be unfulfilled, or an assertion will be raised.
        private long getTimeUnfulfilled() {
            assert !isFulfilled();

            return mTimeUnfulfilled - mTimeStarted;

         * @return how long the condition took to be fulfilled for the first time. The result is a
         *     pair (lowerBound, upperBound), where the time it took is between these two numbers.
         *     |lowerBound| is the last time at which the Condition was seen as unfulfilled and
         *     |upperBound| is the first time at which the Condition was seen as fulfilled.
         *     <p>The Condition must be fulfilled, or an assertion will be raised.
        private Pair<Long, Long> getTimeToFulfill() {
            assert isFulfilled();

            long minTimeToFulfill = mTimeUnfulfilled - mTimeStarted;
            long maxTimeToFulfill = mTimeFulfilled - mTimeStarted;
            return Pair.create(minTimeToFulfill, maxTimeToFulfill);

        private static long getNow() {
            long now = TimeUtils.currentTimeMillis();
            assert now > 0;
            return now;

         * @return an aggregation of the statuses reported while checking a Condition.
        public StatusStore getStatusStore() {
            return mStatusStore;

    /** The maximum time to wait for a criteria to become valid. */
    public static final long MAX_TIME_TO_POLL = 5000L;

    /** The polling interval to wait between checking for a satisfied criteria. */
    public static final long POLLING_INTERVAL = 50;

    private static final String TAG = "Transit";

    protected final Transition mTransition;
    protected List<ConditionWait> mWaits;
    protected Map<Condition, ElementFactory> mConditionsGuardingFactories;
    protected final Map<String, ConditionWait> mExitWaitsByElementId = new HashMap<>();

    ConditionWaiter(Transition transition) {
        mTransition = transition;

    protected void onBeforeTransition(boolean failOnAlreadyFulfilled) {
        for (ConditionWait wait : mWaits) {

    protected void onAfterTransition() {
        for (ConditionWait wait : mWaits) {

     * Start timers, perform the first Condition checks before running the Trigger.
     * <p>Ensure at least one Condition is not fulfilled before running the Trigger.
     * <p>This also makes supplied values available for Conditions that implement Supplier before
     * {@link Condition#onStartMonitoring()} is called.
    void preCheck(boolean failOnAlreadyFulfilled) {
        mWaits = createWaits();
        mConditionsGuardingFactories = createFactories();

        if (mWaits.isEmpty()) {
            if (failOnAlreadyFulfilled) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "No conditions to fulfill. If this is expected, use a null Trigger.");
            } else {
                Log.i(TAG, "No conditions to fulfill.");

        for (ConditionWait wait : mWaits) {
        boolean anyCriteriaMissing = processWaits(/* startMonitoringNewWaits= */ false);

        if (!anyCriteriaMissing && failOnAlreadyFulfilled) {
            throw buildWaitConditionsException(
                    "All Conditions already fulfilled before running Trigger. If this is expected,"
                        + " use a null Trigger. If this is possible but not necessarily expected,"
                        + " use TransitionOptions.withPossiblyAlreadyFulfilled().",

     * Blocks waiting for multiple {@link Condition}s, polling them and reporting their status to he
     * {@link ConditionWait}es.
     * @param conditionWaitsSupplier a supplier of the current list of {@link ConditionWait}es to
     *     process. Gets called every poll interval to refresh the list of ConditionWaits.
     * @param transitionName String representing the Transition to print
     * @param options the {@link TransitionOptions} to configure the polling parameters.
     * @throws AssertionError if not all {@link Condition}s are fulfilled before timing out.
    void waitFor(String transitionName) {
        Runnable checker =
                () -> {
                    boolean anyCriteriaMissing = processWaits(/* startMonitoringNewWaits= */ true);

                    if (anyCriteriaMissing) {
                        throw buildWaitConditionsException("Did not meet all conditions", mWaits);
                    } else {
                                "%s: Conditions fulfilled:\n%s",

        TransitionOptions options = mTransition.getOptions();
        long timeoutMs = options.mTimeoutMs != 0 ? options.mTimeoutMs : MAX_TIME_TO_POLL;
        CriteriaHelper.pollInstrumentationThread(checker, timeoutMs, POLLING_INTERVAL);

        // Check that all element factories were used.
        if (!mConditionsGuardingFactories.isEmpty()) {
            StringBuilder failureMessage =
                    new StringBuilder("Some Conditions of element factories were not declared:\n");
            for (Condition condition : mConditionsGuardingFactories.keySet()) {
                failureMessage.append("  * ").append(condition.getDescription()).append("\n");

    private List<ConditionWait> createWaits() {
        List<ConditionWait> allWaits = new ArrayList<>();

        Set<String> destinationElementIds = new HashSet<>();
        for (ConditionalState conditionalState : mTransition.getEnteredStates()) {
            final Elements destinationElements = conditionalState.getElements();
            List<ConditionWait> newWaits = createEnterConditionWaits(destinationElements);

        // Create EXIT Conditions for Views that should disappear and LogicalElements that should
        // be false.
        for (ConditionalState conditionalState : mTransition.getExitedStates()) {
            final Elements originElements = conditionalState.getElements();
            for (Element<?> element : originElements.getElements()) {
                Condition exitCondition = element.getExitCondition(destinationElementIds);
                if (exitCondition != null) {
                    ConditionWait conditionWait =
                            new ConditionWait(exitCondition, ConditionWaiter.ConditionOrigin.EXIT);
                    // Keep track of exit waits by element id so that any new
                    // elements added by an element factory can remove matching
                    // previously created exit wait (since the element is now a shared element).
                    mExitWaitsByElementId.put(element.getId(), conditionWait);

            // Add extra EXIT Conditions.
            for (Condition exitCondition : originElements.getOtherExitConditions()) {
                        new ConditionWait(exitCondition, ConditionWaiter.ConditionOrigin.EXIT));

        // Add transition (TRSTN) conditions
        for (Condition condition : mTransition.getTransitionConditions()) {
            allWaits.add(new ConditionWait(condition, ConditionWaiter.ConditionOrigin.TRANSITION));

        return allWaits;

    private Map<Condition, ElementFactory> createFactories() {
        Map<Condition, ElementFactory> allConditionsGuardingFactories = new HashMap<>();

        for (ConditionalState conditionalState : mTransition.getEnteredStates()) {
            final Elements destinationElements = conditionalState.getElements();

        return allConditionsGuardingFactories;

     * Processes destination elements to get a list of waits for their enter conditions, also called
     * when processing new elements from ElementFactory.
     * @param elements The elements to process (i.e. create ConditionWaits for).
     * @return the created {@link ConditionWait}s.
    private List<ConditionWait> createEnterConditionWaits(Elements elements) {
        final List<ConditionWait> newWaits = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Element<?> element : elements.getElements()) {
            @Nullable Condition enterCondition = element.getEnterCondition();
            if (enterCondition != null) {
                        new ConditionWait(enterCondition, ConditionWaiter.ConditionOrigin.ENTER));

        // Add extra ENTER Conditions.
        for (Condition enterCondition : elements.getOtherEnterConditions()) {
            newWaits.add(new ConditionWait(enterCondition, ConditionWaiter.ConditionOrigin.ENTER));

        return newWaits;

    private boolean processWaits(boolean startMonitoringNewWaits) {
        boolean anyCriteriaMissing = false;
        Set<String> newElementIds = new HashSet<>();

        // We process waits in batches because if a wait that guards a factory is
        // fulfilled, the new elements fabricated by the factory create new
        // waits that also need to be processed. nextBatch starts with the
        // original list of waits |mWaits| and at the end of the loop, nextBatch
        // contains any new waits created while processing the current batch.
        // We stop when no new Waits are created (i.e. nextBatch is empty).
        List<ConditionWait> nextBatch = mWaits;
        mWaits = new ArrayList<>();
        while (!nextBatch.isEmpty()) {
            List<ElementFactory> newFactories = new ArrayList<>();
            for (ConditionWait wait : nextBatch) {
                boolean stillNeedsWait = wait.update();
                anyCriteriaMissing |= stillNeedsWait;
                ElementFactory generator = mConditionsGuardingFactories.get(wait.mCondition);
                if (!stillNeedsWait && generator != null) {
                    // Remove from the map so that next time we check this wait
                    // we dont rerun the factory.


            Elements newElements = fabricateElements(newFactories);
            nextBatch = createEnterConditionWaits(newElements);

            for (ConditionWait wait : nextBatch) {
                // We do not want to start monitoring conditions (even newly
                // created ones) during the first update cycle (aka preCheck)
                // since we already do that after.
                if (startMonitoringNewWaits) {


        for (String elementId : newElementIds) {
            // Check if an exit condition matching the newly added element
            // exists and remove it since it is now a shared element.
            ConditionWait removedExitWait = mExitWaitsByElementId.remove(elementId);
            if (removedExitWait != null) {

        return anyCriteriaMissing;

    private Elements fabricateElements(List<ElementFactory> factories) {
        Elements newElements = new Elements();
        for (ElementFactory factory : factories) {
        return newElements;

    private static CriteriaNotSatisfiedException buildWaitConditionsException(
            String message, List<ConditionWait> conditionWaits) {
        return new CriteriaNotSatisfiedException(
                message + ":\n" + createWaitConditionsSummary(conditionWaits));

    private static String createWaitConditionsSummary(List<ConditionWait> conditionStatuses) {
        StringBuilder detailsString = new StringBuilder();

        int i = 1;
        for (ConditionWait conditionStatus : conditionStatuses) {
            String conditionDescription = conditionStatus.mCondition.getDescription();

            String originString = "";
            switch (conditionStatus.mOrigin) {
                case ConditionOrigin.ENTER:
                    if (conditionStatus.isInitialWait()) {
                        originString = "[ENTER ]";
                    } else {
                        originString = "[+ENTER]";
                case ConditionOrigin.EXIT:
                    originString = "[EXIT  ]";
                case ConditionOrigin.TRANSITION:
                    originString = "[TRSTN ]";

            String verdictString;
            if (conditionStatus.getStatusStore().anyErrorsReported()) {
                if (conditionStatus.isFulfilled()) {
                    verdictString = "[OK* ]";
                } else {
                    verdictString = "[ERR*]";
            } else {
                if (conditionStatus.isFulfilled()) {
                    verdictString = "[OK  ]";
                } else {
                    verdictString = "[FAIL]";

            StringBuilder historyString = new StringBuilder();
            if (conditionStatus.getStatusStore().shouldPrintRegions()) {
                List<StatusRegion> statusRegions =
                for (StatusRegion r : statusRegions) {
                    historyString.append("\n        ");

            String fulfilledString;
            if (conditionStatus.isFulfilled()) {
                Pair<Long, Long> timeToFulfill = conditionStatus.getTimeToFulfill();
                fulfilledString =
                                "{fulfilled after %d~%d ms}",
                                timeToFulfill.first, timeToFulfill.second);
            } else {
                fulfilledString =
                                "{unfulfilled after %d ms}", conditionStatus.getTimeUnfulfilled());

                    .append("    [")
                    .append("] ")
                    .append(" ")
                    .append(" ")
                    .append(" ")
            if (historyString.length() > 0) {
        return detailsString.toString();

    /** The origin of a {@link Condition} (enter, exit, transition). */
    @interface ConditionOrigin {
        int ENTER = 0;
        int EXIT = 1;
        int TRANSITION = 2;