
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.



# Only allow use by targets in this directory unless explicitly specified.
visibility = [ ":*" ]

# Abstractions for use by runners that show web content.
source_set("common") {
  sources = [
  deps = [
  public_deps = [

source_set("cast_runner_core") {
  sources = [
  data = [ rebase_path(
          "//components/cast/named_message_port_connector/named_message_port_connector.js") ]
  deps = [

  public_deps = [

  visibility += [ "//fuchsia_web/runners/cast/test:*" ]

executable("cast_runner_exe") {
  assert_no_deps = [

  sources = [ "cast/" ]
  deps = [

  data_deps = [ ":cast_runner_core" ]

# web_instance_host's deps, especially //content/public/common, adds these.
# TODO( Moving flag parsing to web_instance should
# eliminate the dependencies that cause these files to be added. Remove them
# and add the targets that generate these to assert_no_deps in
# cast_runner_core.
_web_instance_host_deps_files_to_exclude = [

  # TODO( SwiftShader is not used in cast_runner.
  # This list should match the list of SwiftShader files excluded from the
  # web_engine package (see fuchsia_web/webengine/

# This file is required for both component and coverage builds.
if (!is_component_build && !fuchsia_code_coverage) {
  _web_instance_host_deps_files_to_exclude += [ "lib/" ]

fuchsia_component("cast_runner_component") {
  manifest = "cast/cast_runner.cml"
  data_deps = [ ":cast_runner_exe" ]

fuchsia_package("cast_runner_pkg") {
  package_name = "cast_runner"
  deps = [ ":cast_runner_component" ]
  excluded_files = _web_instance_host_deps_files_to_exclude

fuchsia_package_installer("cast_runner") {
  visibility += [ "//fuchsia_web:gn_all" ]
  package = ":cast_runner_pkg"
  package_name = "cast_runner"
  package_deps = [ [
      ] ]

test("cast_runner_unittests") {
  sources = [ "cast/" ]
  deps = [
  data_deps = [ ":cast_runner_core" ]

test("cast_runner_integration_tests") {
  sources = [ "cast/" ]
  data = [ "cast/testdata" ]
  deps = [

  # Include as a component in the test's package.
  fuchsia_package_deps = [ ":cast_runner_component" ]

  # Deploy the web_engine packages
  package_deps = [ [
      ] ]
  additional_manifest_fragments = [

test("cast_runner_browsertests") {
  sources = [
  defines = [ "HAS_OUT_OF_PROC_TEST_RUNNER" ]
  data = [ "cast/testdata" ]
  deps = [
  additional_manifest_fragments = [