// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
include: [
// `main()` intantiates tracing directly.
// Although the protocol is technically optional, as in this shard, not
// providing it will result in log spam.
program: {
runner: "elf",
binary: "cast_runner_exe",
// Enable graceful teardown since the web_instance uses dynamic
// capabilities via this Component.
lifecycle: { stop_event: "notify" },
capabilities: [
protocol: [
resolver: "cast-resolver",
path: "/svc/fuchsia.component.resolution.Resolver",
runner: "cast-runner",
path: "/svc/fuchsia.component.runner.ComponentRunner",
expose: [
protocol: [
from: "self",
resolver: "cast-resolver",
from: "self",
runner: "cast-runner",
from: "self",
use: [
directory: "config-data",
rights: [ "r*" ],
path: "/config/data",
availability: "optional",
directory: "tzdata-icu",
rights: [ "r*" ],
path: "/config/tzdata/icu",
// Capabilities used by the Runner itself.
protocol: [
protocol: "fuchsia.component.Realm",
from: "framework",
storage: "cache",
path: "/cache",