// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.base.test.transit;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.Supplier;
import org.chromium.base.test.transit.ConditionStatus.Status;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Represents a logical expression that has to be true to consider the Station active and false to
* consider the Station exited.
* <p>The logical expression is passed in as a |checkFunction|.
* <p>LogicalElements should be declared by calling {@link
* Elements.Builder#declareLogicalElement(LogicalElement)} passing in an instance created by one of
* the factory methods here such as {@link #uiThreadLogicalElement(String, Function, Supplier)}.
* <p>Generates ENTER and EXIT Conditions for the ConditionalState to ensure the LogicalElement is
* in the right state.
* <p>LogicalElements that have no Exit condition should simply be enter Conditions, declared with
* {@link Elements.Builder#declareEnterCondition(Condition)}.
* @param <ParamT> type of parameter the |checkFunction| requires.
public class LogicalElement<ParamT> extends Element<Void> {
private static final ConditionWithResult<Void> CONDITION_WITH_NULL_RESULT =
new ConditionWithResult<>(/* isRunOnUiThread= */ false) {
public String buildDescription() {
return "Supplier of null";
public boolean hasValue() {
return true;
protected ConditionStatusWithResult<Void> resolveWithSuppliers() {
return fulfilled().withResult(null);
private final boolean mIsRunOnUiThread;
private final String mDescription;
private final Function<ParamT, ConditionStatus> mCheckFunction;
private final Supplier<ParamT> mParamSupplier;
* Create a LogicalElement that runs the check on the UI Thread.
* <p>LogicalElements wait for the function to be true as an ENTER Condition. They also wait for
* the function to be false as an EXIT Condition when transitioning to a ConditionalState that
* does not declare the same LogicalElement.
public static <T> LogicalElement<T> uiThreadLogicalElement(
String description,
Function<T, ConditionStatus> checkFunction,
Supplier<T> paramSupplier,
String id) {
return new LogicalElement<>(
/* isRunOnUiThread= */ true, description, checkFunction, paramSupplier, id);
* Version of {@link #uiThreadLogicalElement(String, Function, Supplier, String)} using the
* |description| as |id|.
public static <T> LogicalElement<T> uiThreadLogicalElement(
String description,
Function<T, ConditionStatus> checkFunction,
Supplier<T> paramSupplier) {
return new LogicalElement<>(
/* isRunOnUiThread= */ true,
/* id= */ null);
* Version of {@link #uiThreadLogicalElement(String, Function, Supplier)} when |checkFunction|
* has no dependencies.
public static LogicalElement<Void> uiThreadLogicalElement(
String description, Callable<ConditionStatus> checkCallable) {
return new LogicalElement<>(
/* isRunOnUiThread= */ true,
new CallableAsFunction(checkCallable),
/* id= */ null);
* Create a LogicalElement that runs the check on the Instrumentation Thread.
* <p>LogicalElements wait for the function to be true as an ENTER Condition. They also wait for
* the function to be false as an EXIT Condition when transitioning to a ConditionalState that
* does not declare the same LogicalElement.
public static <T> LogicalElement<T> instrumentationThreadLogicalElement(
String description,
Function<T, ConditionStatus> checkFunction,
Supplier<T> paramSupplier,
String id) {
return new LogicalElement<>(
/* isRunOnUiThread= */ false, description, checkFunction, paramSupplier, id);
* Version of {@link #instrumentationThreadLogicalElement(String, Function, Supplier, String)}
* using the |description| as |id|.
public static <T> LogicalElement<T> instrumentationThreadLogicalElement(
String description,
Function<T, ConditionStatus> checkFunction,
Supplier<T> paramSupplier) {
return new LogicalElement<>(
/* isRunOnUiThread= */ false,
/* id= */ null);
* Version of {@link #instrumentationThreadLogicalElement(String, Function, Supplier)} when
* |checkFunction| has no dependencies.
public static LogicalElement<Void> instrumentationThreadLogicalElement(
String description, Callable<ConditionStatus> checkCallable) {
return new LogicalElement<>(
/* isRunOnUiThread= */ false,
new CallableAsFunction(checkCallable),
/* id= */ null);
boolean isRunOnUiThread,
String description,
Function<ParamT, ConditionStatus> checkFunction,
Supplier<ParamT> paramSupplier,
@Nullable String id) {
super("LE/" + (id != null ? id : description));
mIsRunOnUiThread = isRunOnUiThread;
mDescription = description;
mCheckFunction = checkFunction;
mParamSupplier = paramSupplier;
public ConditionWithResult<Void> createEnterCondition() {
return new EnterCondition(mIsRunOnUiThread);
public Condition createExitCondition() {
return new ExitCondition(mIsRunOnUiThread);
private class EnterCondition extends ConditionWithResult<Void> {
private EnterCondition(boolean isRunOnUiThread) {
dependOnSupplier(mParamSupplier, "Param");
protected ConditionStatusWithResult<Void> resolveWithSuppliers() {
return mCheckFunction.apply(mParamSupplier.get()).withoutResult();
public String buildDescription() {
return "True: " + mDescription;
private class ExitCondition extends Condition {
private ExitCondition(boolean isRunOnUiThread) {
dependOnSupplier(mParamSupplier, "Param");
protected ConditionStatus checkWithSuppliers() {
ConditionStatus functionResult = mCheckFunction.apply(mParamSupplier.get());
return new ConditionStatus(
invertStatus(functionResult.getStatus()), functionResult.getMessage());
public String buildDescription() {
return "False: " + mDescription;
private @Status int invertStatus(@Status int status) {
return switch (status) {
case Status.NOT_FULFILLED -> Status.FULFILLED;
case Status.FULFILLED -> Status.NOT_FULFILLED;
case Status.ERROR -> Status.ERROR;
case Status.AWAITING -> Status.AWAITING;
default -> throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + status);
private static class CallableAsFunction implements Function<Void, ConditionStatus> {
private final Callable<ConditionStatus> mCheckCallable;
private CallableAsFunction(Callable<ConditionStatus> checkCallable) {
mCheckCallable = checkCallable;
public ConditionStatus apply(Void voidParam) {
try {
return mCheckCallable.call();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);