// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "fuchsia_web/webengine/web_engine_export.h"
#include "media/base/audio_renderer.h"
#include "media/base/buffering_state.h"
#include "media/base/demuxer_stream.h"
#include "media/base/time_source.h"
#include "media/fuchsia/common/sysmem_buffer_stream.h"
#include "media/fuchsia/common/sysmem_client.h"
#include "media/fuchsia/common/vmo_buffer.h"
namespace media {
class MediaLog;
// AudioRenderer implementation that output audio to AudioConsumer interface on
// Fuchsia. Unlike the default AudioRendererImpl it doesn't decode audio and
// sends encoded stream directly to AudioConsumer provided by the platform.
class WEB_ENGINE_EXPORT WebEngineAudioRenderer final
: public media::AudioRenderer,
public media::TimeSource,
public media::SysmemBufferStream::Sink {
WebEngineAudioRenderer(media::MediaLog* media_log,
~WebEngineAudioRenderer() override;
// AudioRenderer implementation.
void Initialize(media::DemuxerStream* stream,
media::CdmContext* cdm_context,
media::RendererClient* client,
media::PipelineStatusCallback init_cb) override;
TimeSource* GetTimeSource() override;
void Flush(base::OnceClosure callback) override;
void StartPlaying() override;
void SetVolume(float volume) override;
void SetLatencyHint(std::optional<base::TimeDelta> latency_hint) override;
void SetPreservesPitch(bool preserves_pitch) override;
void SetWasPlayedWithUserActivation(
bool was_played_with_user_activation) override;
// TimeSource implementation.
void StartTicking() override;
void StopTicking() override;
void SetPlaybackRate(double playback_rate) override;
void SetMediaTime(base::TimeDelta time) override;
base::TimeDelta CurrentMediaTime() override;
bool GetWallClockTimes(
const std::vector<base::TimeDelta>& media_timestamps,
std::vector<base::TimeTicks>* wall_clock_times) override;
enum class PlaybackState {
// StartTicking() was called, but sysmem buffers haven't been allocated yet.
// AudioConsumer::Start() will be called after CreateStreamSink() once the
// sysmem buffers are allocated.
// We've called Start(), but haven't received updated state. |start_time_|
// should not be used yet.
// Playback is active. When the stream reaches EOS it stays in the kPlaying
// state.
// AudioConsumer was started, but the rate is set to 0. This state is used
// to avoid stopping AudioConsumer unnecessarily between StopTicking() and
// StartTicking().
void StartAudioConsumer();
// Returns current PlaybackState. Should be used only on the main thread.
PlaybackState GetPlaybackState() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS;
// Used to update |state_|. Can be called only in the main thread. This is
// necessary to ensure that GetPlaybackState() without locks is safe. Caller
// must acquire |timeline_lock_|.
void SetPlaybackState(PlaybackState state)
// Resets AudioConsumer and reports error to the |client_|.
void OnError(media::PipelineStatus Status);
// Connects |volume_control_|, if it hasn't been connected, and then sets
// |volume_|.
void UpdateVolume();
void InitializeStream();
// Callback for input_buffer_collection_.AcquireBuffers().
void OnBuffersAcquired(
std::vector<media::VmoBuffer> buffers,
const fuchsia::sysmem2::SingleBufferSettings& buffer_settings);
// Initializes |stream_sink_|. Called during initialization and every time
// configuration changes.
void InitializeStreamSink();
// Calculates desirable playback rate based on `playback_rate_` and
// `playback_state_` and sends it to the AudioConsumer.
void UpdatePlaybackRate();
// Helpers to receive AudioConsumerStatus from the |audio_consumer_|.
void RequestAudioConsumerStatus();
void OnAudioConsumerStatusChanged(fuchsia::media::AudioConsumerStatus status);
// Calls `ScheduleReadDemuxerStream()` and `ScheduleOutOfBufferTimer()` to
// schedule the corresponding timers.
void ScheduleBufferTimers();
// Helpers to pump data from |demuxer_stream_| to |stream_sink_|.
void ScheduleReadDemuxerStream(bool is_time_moving,
base::TimeTicks end_of_buffer_time);
void ReadDemuxerStream();
void OnDemuxerStreamReadDone(
media::DemuxerStream::Status status,
media::DemuxerStream::DecoderBufferVector buffers);
// Schedules `out_of_buffer_timer_` timer, which transitions the renderer to
void ScheduleOutOfBufferTimer(bool is_time_moving,
base::TimeTicks end_of_buffer_time);
// Sends the specified packet to |stream_sink_|.
void SendInputPacket(media::StreamProcessorHelper::IoPacket packet);
// Result handler for StreamSink::SendPacket().
void OnStreamSendDone(
std::unique_ptr<media::StreamProcessorHelper::IoPacket> packet);
// Updates buffer state and notifies the |client_| if necessary.
void SetBufferState(media::BufferingState buffer_state);
// Discards all pending packets.
void FlushInternal();
// End-of-stream event handler for |audio_consumer_|.
void OnEndOfStream();
// Returns true if media clock is ticking and the rate is above 0.0.
bool IsTimeMoving() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(timeline_lock_);
// Calculates media position based on the TimelineFunction returned from
// AudioConsumer. Must be called only when IsTimeMoving() is true.
base::TimeDelta CurrentMediaTimeLocked()
// SysmemBufferStream::Sink implementation.
void OnSysmemBufferStreamBufferCollectionToken(
fuchsia::sysmem2::BufferCollectionTokenPtr token) override;
void OnSysmemBufferStreamOutputPacket(
media::StreamProcessorHelper::IoPacket packet) override;
void OnSysmemBufferStreamEndOfStream() override;
void OnSysmemBufferStreamError() override;
void OnSysmemBufferStreamNoKey() override;
// Handle for |audio_consumer_|. It's stored here until Initialize() is
// called.
fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::media::AudioConsumer> audio_consumer_handle_;
fuchsia::media::AudioConsumerPtr audio_consumer_;
fuchsia::media::StreamSinkPtr stream_sink_;
fuchsia::media::audio::VolumeControlPtr volume_control_;
float volume_ = 1.0;
double playback_rate_ = 1.0;
media::CdmContext* cdm_context_ = nullptr;
media::DemuxerStream* demuxer_stream_ = nullptr;
bool is_demuxer_read_pending_ = false;
bool drop_next_demuxer_read_result_ = false;
media::RendererClient* client_ = nullptr;
// Initialize() completion callback.
media::PipelineStatusCallback init_cb_;
// Indicates that StartPlaying() has been called. Note that playback doesn't
// start until TimeSource::StartTicking() is called.
bool renderer_started_ = false;
media::BufferingState buffer_state_ = media::BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING;
base::TimeDelta last_packet_timestamp_ = base::TimeDelta::Min();
base::DeadlineTimer read_timer_;
base::DeadlineTimer out_of_buffer_timer_;
media::SysmemAllocatorClient sysmem_allocator_{"WebEngineAudioRenderer"};
std::unique_ptr<media::SysmemCollectionClient> input_buffer_collection_;
std::unique_ptr<media::SysmemBufferStream> sysmem_buffer_stream_;
// VmoBuffers for the buffers |input_buffer_collection_|.
std::vector<media::VmoBuffer> input_buffers_;
// Packets and EndOfStream produced before the |stream_sink_| is connected.
// They are sent as soon as input buffers are acquired and |stream_sink_| is
// connected in OnBuffersAcquired().
std::list<media::StreamProcessorHelper::IoPacket> delayed_packets_;
bool has_delayed_end_of_stream_ = false;
// Lead time range requested by the |audio_consumer_|. Initialized to the
// [100ms, 500ms] until the initial AudioConsumerStatus is received.
base::TimeDelta min_lead_time_ = base::Milliseconds(100);
base::TimeDelta max_lead_time_ = base::Milliseconds(500);
// Set to true after we've received end-of-stream from the |demuxer_stream_|.
// The renderer may be restarted after Flush().
bool is_at_end_of_stream_ = false;
// TimeSource interface is not single-threaded. The lock is used to guard
// fields that are accessed in the TimeSource implementation. Note that these
// fields are updated only on the main thread (which corresponds to the
// |thread_checker_|), so on that thread it's safe to assume that the values
// don't change even when not holding the lock.
base::Lock timeline_lock_;
// Should be changed by calling SetPlaybackState() on the main thread.
PlaybackState state_ GUARDED_BY(timeline_lock_) = PlaybackState::kStopped;
// Values from TimelineFunction returned by AudioConsumer.
base::TimeTicks reference_time_ GUARDED_BY(timeline_lock_);
base::TimeDelta media_pos_ GUARDED_BY(timeline_lock_);
// Initialize `media_delta_` to 0 because media clock isn't ticking until
// playback has started.
int32_t media_delta_ GUARDED_BY(timeline_lock_) = 0;
int32_t reference_delta_ GUARDED_BY(timeline_lock_) = 1;
base::WeakPtrFactory<WebEngineAudioRenderer> weak_factory_{this};