
    // Use onMessage handler with a null |sourcePort|.
    window.addEventListener('message', onMessage.bind(null, null));

    // Function for exercising bidirectional communication between JS content and
    // For messages received on the window:
    //   * acknowledge receipt of MessagePort by sending "got_port <msg>" and
    //     including a MessagePort created in JS.
    // For messages received on a MessagePort provided by the client:
    //   * acknowledge the message sent by the client by sending "ack <msg>" on
    //     the port used to received the message.
    //   * if a message port is provided, acknowledge receipt of MessagePort by
    //     sending "got_port <msg>" on that port, and include a MessagePort
    //     created in JS.
    function onMessage(sourcePort, event) {
      // Ack all messages received on message ports.
      if (sourcePort)
        sourcePort.postMessage('ack ' +;

      // If the peer provided a MessagePort, acknowledge that we got it by
      // sending "got_port" on it, along with a MessagePort that we create on the
      // JS side.
      if (event.ports && event.ports.length > 0) {
        var chan = new MessageChannel();
        chan.port1.onmessage = onMessage.bind(null, chan.port1);

        event.ports[0].onmessage = onMessage.bind(null, event.ports[0]);
        event.ports[0].postMessage('got_port', [chan.port2]);