
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "gin/arguments.h"
#include "gin/converter.h"
#include "gin/gin_export.h"
#include "gin/per_isolate_data.h"
#include "v8/include/v8-external.h"
#include "v8/include/v8-forward.h"
#include "v8/include/v8-persistent-handle.h"
#include "v8/include/v8-template.h"

namespace gin {

struct InvokerOptions {};

namespace internal {

template<typename T>
struct CallbackParamTraits {};
CallbackParamTraits<const T &>;
CallbackParamTraits<const T *>;

// CallbackHolder and CallbackHolderBase are used to pass a
// base::RepeatingCallback from CreateFunctionTemplate through v8 (via
// v8::FunctionTemplate) to DispatchToCallback, where it is invoked.

// CallbackHolder will clean up the callback in two different scenarios:
// - If the garbage collector finds that it's garbage and collects it. (But note
//   that even _if_ we become garbage, we might never get collected!)
// - If the isolate gets disposed.
// TODO( When gin::Wrappable gets migrated over to using
//   cppgc, this class should also be considered for migration.

// This simple base class is used so that we can share a single object template
// among every CallbackHolder instance.
class GIN_EXPORT CallbackHolderBase {};

template<typename Sig>
class CallbackHolder : public CallbackHolderBase {};

template <typename T>
bool GetNextArgument(Arguments* args,
                     const InvokerOptions& invoker_options,
                     bool is_first,
                     T* result) {}

// For advanced use cases, we allow callers to request the unparsed Arguments
// object and poke around in it directly.
inline bool GetNextArgument(Arguments* args,
                            const InvokerOptions& invoker_options,
                            bool is_first,
                            Arguments* result) {}
inline bool GetNextArgument(Arguments* args,
                            const InvokerOptions& invoker_options,
                            bool is_first,
                            Arguments** result) {}

// It's common for clients to just need the isolate, so we make that easy.
inline bool GetNextArgument(Arguments* args,
                            const InvokerOptions& invoker_options,
                            bool is_first,
                            v8::Isolate** result) {}

// Throws an error indicating conversion failure.
GIN_EXPORT void ThrowConversionError(Arguments* args,
                                     const InvokerOptions& invoker_options,
                                     size_t index);

// Class template for extracting and storing single argument for callback
// at position |index|.
template <size_t index, typename ArgType, typename = void>
struct ArgumentHolder {};

// This is required for types such as v8::LocalVector<T>, which don't have
// a default constructor. To create an element of such a type, the isolate
// has to be provided.
ArgumentHolder<index, ArgType, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_default_constructible_v<typename CallbackParamTraits<ArgType>::LocalType> && std::is_constructible_v<typename CallbackParamTraits<ArgType>::LocalType, v8::Isolate *>>>;

// Class template for converting arguments from JavaScript to C++ and running
// the callback with them.
template <typename IndicesType, typename... ArgTypes>
class Invoker;

Invoker<std::index_sequence<indices...>, ArgTypes...>;

// DispatchToCallback converts all the JavaScript arguments to C++ types and
// invokes the base::RepeatingCallback.
template <typename Sig>
struct Dispatcher {};

Dispatcher<ReturnType (ArgTypes...)>;

}  // namespace internal

// CreateFunctionTemplate creates a v8::FunctionTemplate that will create
// JavaScript functions that execute a provided C++ function or
// base::RepeatingCallback. JavaScript arguments are automatically converted via
// gin::Converter, as is the return value of the C++ function, if any.
// |invoker_options| contains additional parameters. If it contains a
// holder_type, it will be used to provide a useful conversion error if the
// holder is the first argument. If not provided, a generic invocation error
// will be used.
// NOTE: V8 caches FunctionTemplates for a lifetime of a web page for its own
// internal reasons, thus it is generally a good idea to cache the template
// returned by this function.  Otherwise, repeated method invocations from JS
// will create substantial memory leaks. See
// The callback will be destroyed if either the function template gets garbage
// collected or _after_ the isolate is disposed. Garbage collection can never be
// relied upon. As such, any destructors for objects bound to the callback must
// not depend on the isolate being alive at the point they are called. The order
// in which callbacks are destroyed is not guaranteed.
template <typename Sig>
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> CreateFunctionTemplate(
    v8::Isolate* isolate,
    base::RepeatingCallback<Sig> callback,
    InvokerOptions invoker_options = {}

// CreateDataPropertyCallback creates a v8::AccessorNameGetterCallback and
// corresponding data value that will hold and execute the provided
// base::RepeatingCallback, using automatic conversions similar to
// |CreateFunctionTemplate|.
// It is expected that these will be passed to v8::Template::SetLazyDataProperty
// or another similar function.
template <typename Sig>
std::pair<v8::AccessorNameGetterCallback, v8::Local<v8::Value>>
CreateDataPropertyCallback(v8::Isolate* isolate,
                           base::RepeatingCallback<Sig> callback,
                           InvokerOptions invoker_options = {}

}  // namespace gin