
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


declare_args() {
  # Set the variable 'use_official_google_api_keys' to true
  # to use the Google-internal file containing official API keys
  # even in a developer build.  Setting this variable explicitly to
  # true will cause the build to fail if the internal file is missing.
  # Set the variable to false to not use the internal file, even for
  # Chrome-branded builds or when it exists in your checkout.
  # Leave it set to "" to have the variable implicitly set to true for
  # Chrome-branded builds or if
  # //src/google_apis/internal/google_chrome_api_keys.h is present and false
  # otherwise.
  # This does not apply to iOS builds, which use different mechanisms and always
  # evaluate to use_official_google_api_keys=false.
  # See
  use_official_google_api_keys = ""

  # Set these to bake the specified API keys and OAuth client
  # IDs/secrets into your build.
  # If you create a build without values baked in, you can instead
  # set environment variables to provide the keys at runtime (see
  # src/google_apis/google_api_keys.h for details).  Features that
  # require server-side APIs may fail to work if no keys are
  # provided.
  # Note that if `use_official_google_api_keys` has been set to true
  # (explicitly or implicitly), these values will be ignored and the official
  # keys will be used instead.
  google_api_key = ""

  # See google_api_key.
  google_default_client_id = ""

  # See google_api_key.
  google_default_client_secret = ""

if (use_official_google_api_keys == "") {
  # No override set. Determine the default behavior.
  if (is_chrome_branded) {
    # Chrome-branded builds default to behaving as if
    #`use_official_google_api_keys` was explicitly set to true and will fail to
    # build if the file is missing.
    use_official_google_api_keys = true
  } else {
    # Check if the key file exists.
    check_internal_result =
                    [ rebase_path("internal/google_chrome_api_keys.h",
                                  root_build_dir) ],
    use_official_google_api_keys = check_internal_result == 1

# Official API keys should always be used for Chrome-branded builds except on
# iOS (see and Fuchsia (see the description of
# for background).
    use_official_google_api_keys || !is_chrome_branded || is_ios || is_fuchsia)

declare_args() {
  # Whether the SetAPIKey() method is defined.
  # iOS and Fuchsia builds that do not use the built-in key use this.
  support_external_google_api_key =
      is_ios || (is_fuchsia && !use_official_google_api_keys)

# internal:generate_metrics_key_header must be a deps when
# USE_OFFICIAL_GOOGLE_API_KEYS` is defined. Use this variable for both.
# On iOS, Chrome branding had been overriding use_official_google_api_keys.
# TODO( Fix this logic on iOS. Can this variable be replaced
# with just use_official_google_api_keys?
_use_official_google_keys_and_generate_metrics_key_header =
    use_official_google_api_keys || (is_ios && is_chrome_branded)

buildflag_header("buildflags") {
  header = "buildflags.h"
  flags = [ "SUPPORT_EXTERNAL_GOOGLE_API_KEY=$support_external_google_api_key" ]

config("key_defines") {
  defines = []

  if (_use_official_google_keys_and_generate_metrics_key_header) {
    defines += [ "USE_OFFICIAL_GOOGLE_API_KEYS=1" ]
  if (google_api_key != "") {
    defines += [ "GOOGLE_API_KEY=\"$google_api_key\"" ]
  if (google_default_client_id != "") {
    defines += [ "GOOGLE_DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID=\"$google_default_client_id\"" ]
  if (google_default_client_secret != "") {
    defines +=
        [ "GOOGLE_DEFAULT_CLIENT_SECRET=\"$google_default_client_secret\"" ]

component("google_apis") {
  sources = [

  configs += [

  public_deps = [

  deps = [

  if (_use_official_google_keys_and_generate_metrics_key_header) {
    deps += [ "internal:generate_metrics_key_header" ]

  if (is_apple) {
    sources += [

    frameworks = [ "Foundation.framework" ]

  defines = [ "IS_GOOGLE_APIS_IMPL" ]

proto_library("proto") {
  sources = [

static_library("test_support") {
  testonly = true
  sources = [

  public_deps = [

source_set("run_all_unittests") {
  testonly = true
  sources = [ "" ]

  deps = [

test("google_apis_unittests") {
  sources = [

  configs += [ ":key_defines" ]

  deps = [

  if (is_ios) {
    deps += [ ":google_apis_unittest_bundle_data" ]
  } else {
    data = [ "test/" ]

  if (is_android) {
    deps += [ "//net/android:net_java" ]

  if (is_fuchsia) {
    additional_manifest_fragments =
        [ "//build/config/fuchsia/test/network.shard.test-cml" ]

  if (enable_extensions) {
    deps += [ "//google_apis/drive:drive_unittests" ]

  if (is_apple) {
    sources += [ "" ]

    deps += [ "//third_party/ocmock" ]

  if (is_chromeos) {
    deps += [

bundle_data("google_apis_unittest_bundle_data") {
  testonly = true
  sources = [
  outputs = [ "{{bundle_resources_dir}}/" +
              "{{source_root_relative_dir}}/{{source_file_part}}" ]