
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "google_apis/gcm/engine/mcs_client.h"

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <memory>
#include <utility>

#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/test/simple_test_clock.h"
#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "google_apis/gcm/base/fake_encryptor.h"
#include "google_apis/gcm/base/mcs_util.h"
#include "google_apis/gcm/engine/fake_connection_factory.h"
#include "google_apis/gcm/engine/fake_connection_handler.h"
#include "google_apis/gcm/engine/gcm_store_impl.h"
#include "google_apis/gcm/monitoring/fake_gcm_stats_recorder.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace gcm {

namespace {

const uint64_t kAndroidId =;
const uint64_t kSecurityToken =;

// Number of messages to send when testing batching.
// Note: must be even for tests that split batches in half.
const int kMessageBatchSize =;

// The number of unacked messages the client will receive before sending a
// stream ack.
// TODO(zea): get this (and other constants) directly from the mcs client.
const int kAckLimitSize =;

// TTL value for reliable messages.
const int kTTLValue =;  // 5 minutes.

// Specifies whether immediate ACK should be requested.
enum RequestImmediateAck {};

// Helper for building arbitrary data messages.
MCSMessage BuildDataMessage(const std::string& from,
                            const std::string& category,
                            const std::string& message_id,
                            int last_stream_id_received,
                            const std::string& persistent_id,
                            int ttl,
                            uint64_t sent,
                            int queued,
                            const std::string& token,
                            const uint64_t& user_id,
                            RequestImmediateAck immediate_ack) {}

// MCSClient with overriden exposed persistent id logic.
class TestMCSClient : public MCSClient {};

class TestConnectionListener : public ConnectionFactory::ConnectionListener {};

class MCSClientTest : public testing::Test {};


MCSClientTest::~MCSClientTest() {}

void MCSClientTest::SetUp() {}

void MCSClientTest::TearDown() {}

void MCSClientTest::BuildMCSClient() {}

void MCSClientTest::InitializeClient() {}

void MCSClientTest::LoginClient(
    const std::vector<std::string>& acknowledged_ids) {}

void MCSClientTest::LoginClientWithHeartbeat(
    const std::vector<std::string>& acknowledged_ids,
    int heartbeat_interval_ms) {}

void MCSClientTest::AddExpectedLoginRequest(
    const std::vector<std::string>& acknowledged_ids,
    int heartbeat_interval_ms) {}

void MCSClientTest::StoreCredentials() {}

FakeConnectionHandler* MCSClientTest::GetFakeHandler() const {}

void MCSClientTest::WaitForMCSEvent() {}

void MCSClientTest::PumpLoop() {}

void MCSClientTest::ErrorCallback() {}

void MCSClientTest::MessageReceivedCallback(const MCSMessage& message) {}

void MCSClientTest::MessageSentCallback(int64_t user_serial_number,
                                        const std::string& app_id,
                                        const std::string& message_id,
                                        MCSClient::MessageSendStatus status) {}

void MCSClientTest::SetDeviceCredentialsCallback(bool success) {}

// Initialize a new client.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, InitializeNew) {}

// Initialize a new client, shut it down, then restart the client. Should
// reload the existing device credentials.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, InitializeExisting) {}

// Log in successfully to the MCS endpoint.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, LoginSuccess) {}

// Encounter a server error during the login attempt. Should trigger a
// reconnect.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, FailLogin) {}

// Send a message without RMQ support.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, SendMessageNoRMQ) {}

// Send a message without RMQ support while disconnected. Message send should
// fail immediately, invoking callback.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, SendMessageNoRMQWhileDisconnected) {}

// Send a message with RMQ support.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, SendMessageRMQ) {}

// Send a message with RMQ support while disconnected. On reconnect, the message
// should be resent.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, SendMessageRMQWhileDisconnected) {}

// Send a message with RMQ support without receiving an acknowledgement. On
// restart the message should be resent.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, SendMessageRMQOnRestart) {}

// Send messages with RMQ support, followed by receiving a stream ack. On
// restart nothing should be recent.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, SendMessageRMQWithStreamAck) {}

// Send messages with RMQ support. On restart, receive a SelectiveAck with
// the login response. No messages should be resent.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, SendMessageRMQAckOnReconnect) {}

// Send messages with RMQ support. On restart, receive a SelectiveAck with
// the login response that only acks some messages. The unacked messages should
// be resent.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, SendMessageRMQPartialAckOnReconnect) {}

// Handle a selective ack that only acks some messages. The remaining unacked
// messages should be resent. On restart, those same unacked messages should be
// resent, and any pending acks for incoming messages should also be resent.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, SelectiveAckMidStream) {}

// Receive some messages. On restart, the login request should contain the
// appropriate acknowledged ids.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, AckOnLogin) {}

// Receive some messages. On the next send, the outgoing message should contain
// the appropriate last stream id received field to ack the received messages.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, AckOnSend) {}

// Receive the ack limit in messages, which should trigger an automatic
// stream ack. Receive a heartbeat to confirm the ack.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, AckWhenLimitReachedWithHeartbeat) {}

// If a message's TTL has expired by the time it reaches the front of the send
// queue, it should be dropped.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, ExpiredTTLOnSend) {}

TEST_F(MCSClientTest, ExpiredTTLOnRestart) {}

// Sending two messages with the same collapse key and same app id while
// disconnected should only send the latter of the two on reconnection.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, CollapseKeysSameApp) {}

// Sending two messages with the same collapse key and different app id while
// disconnected should not perform any collapsing.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, CollapseKeysDifferentApp) {}

// Sending two messages with the same collapse key and app id, but different
// user, while disconnected, should not perform any collapsing.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, CollapseKeysDifferentUser) {}

// Test case for setting a custom heartbeat interval, when it is too short.
// Covers both connection restart and storing of custom intervals.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, CustomHeartbeatIntervalTooShort) {}

// Test case for setting a custom heartbeat interval, when it is too long.
// Covers both connection restart and storing of custom intervals.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, CustomHeartbeatIntervalTooLong) {}

// Tests adding and removing custom heartbeat interval.
// Covers both connection restart and storing of custom intervals.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, CustomHeartbeatIntervalSingleInterval) {}

// Tests adding custom heartbeat interval before connection is initialized.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, CustomHeartbeatIntervalSetBeforeInitialize) {}

// Tests adding custom heartbeat interval after connection is initialized, but
// but before login is sent.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, CustomHeartbeatIntervalSetBeforeLogin) {}

// Tests situation when two heartbeat intervals are set and second is longer.
// Covers both connection restart and storing of custom intervals.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, CustomHeartbeatIntervalSecondIntervalLonger) {}

// Tests situation when two heartbeat intervals are set and second is shorter.
// Covers both connection restart and storing of custom intervals.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, CustomHeartbeatIntervalSecondIntervalShorter) {}

// Tests situation shorter of two intervals is removed.
// Covers both connection restart and storing of custom intervals.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, CustomHeartbeatIntervalRemoveShorterInterval) {}

// Receive a message with immediate ack request, which should trigger an
// automatic stream ack.
TEST_F(MCSClientTest, AckWhenImmediateAckRequested) {}

} // namespace

}  // namespace gcm