
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This file is auto-generated from
// gpu/command_buffer/
// It's formatted by clang-format using chromium coding style:
//    clang-format -i -style=chromium filename


void Finish() {}

void Flush() {}

void GetError(uint32_t result_shm_id, uint32_t result_shm_offset) {}

void GenQueriesEXTImmediate(GLsizei n, GLuint* queries) {}

void DeleteQueriesEXTImmediate(GLsizei n, const GLuint* queries) {}

void QueryCounterEXT(GLuint id,
                     GLenum target,
                     uint32_t sync_data_shm_id,
                     uint32_t sync_data_shm_offset,
                     GLuint submit_count) {}

void BeginQueryEXT(GLenum target,
                   GLuint id,
                   uint32_t sync_data_shm_id,
                   uint32_t sync_data_shm_offset) {}

void EndQueryEXT(GLenum target, GLuint submit_count) {}

void LoseContextCHROMIUM(GLenum current, GLenum other) {}

void BeginRasterCHROMIUMImmediate(GLfloat r,
                                  GLfloat g,
                                  GLfloat b,
                                  GLfloat a,
                                  GLboolean needs_clear,
                                  GLuint msaa_sample_count,
                                  gpu::raster::MsaaMode msaa_mode,
                                  GLboolean can_use_lcd_text,
                                  GLboolean visible,
                                  GLfloat hdr_headroom,
                                  const GLbyte* mailbox) {}

void RasterCHROMIUM(GLuint raster_shm_id,
                    GLuint raster_shm_offset,
                    GLsizeiptr raster_shm_size,
                    GLuint font_shm_id,
                    GLuint font_shm_offset,
                    GLsizeiptr font_shm_size) {}

void EndRasterCHROMIUM() {}

void CreateTransferCacheEntryINTERNAL(GLuint entry_type,
                                      GLuint entry_id,
                                      GLuint handle_shm_id,
                                      GLuint handle_shm_offset,
                                      GLuint data_shm_id,
                                      GLuint data_shm_offset,
                                      GLuint data_size) {}

void DeleteTransferCacheEntryINTERNAL(GLuint entry_type, GLuint entry_id) {}

void UnlockTransferCacheEntryINTERNAL(GLuint entry_type, GLuint entry_id) {}

void DeletePaintCachePathsINTERNALImmediate(GLsizei n, const GLuint* ids) {}

void DeletePaintCachePathsINTERNAL(GLsizei n,
                                   uint32_t ids_shm_id,
                                   uint32_t ids_shm_offset) {}

void ClearPaintCacheINTERNAL() {}

void CopySharedImageINTERNALImmediate(GLint xoffset,
                                      GLint yoffset,
                                      GLint x,
                                      GLint y,
                                      GLsizei width,
                                      GLsizei height,
                                      GLboolean unpack_flip_y,
                                      const GLbyte* mailboxes) {}

void WritePixelsINTERNALImmediate(GLint x_offset,
                                  GLint y_offset,
                                  GLuint src_width,
                                  GLuint src_height,
                                  GLuint src_row_bytes,
                                  GLuint src_sk_color_type,
                                  GLuint src_sk_alpha_type,
                                  GLint shm_id,
                                  GLuint shm_offset,
                                  GLuint pixels_offset,
                                  const GLbyte* mailbox) {}

void WritePixelsYUVINTERNALImmediate(GLuint src_width,
                                     GLuint src_height,
                                     GLuint src_row_bytes_plane1,
                                     GLuint src_row_bytes_plane2,
                                     GLuint src_row_bytes_plane3,
                                     GLuint src_row_bytes_plane4,
                                     GLuint src_yuv_plane_config,
                                     GLuint src_yuv_subsampling,
                                     GLuint src_yuv_datatype,
                                     GLint shm_id,
                                     GLuint shm_offset,
                                     GLuint plane2_offset,
                                     GLuint plane3_offset,
                                     GLuint plane4_offset,
                                     const GLbyte* mailbox) {}

void ReadbackARGBImagePixelsINTERNALImmediate(GLint src_x,
                                              GLint src_y,
                                              GLint plane_index,
                                              GLuint dst_width,
                                              GLuint dst_height,
                                              GLuint row_bytes,
                                              GLuint dst_sk_color_type,
                                              GLuint dst_sk_alpha_type,
                                              GLint shm_id,
                                              GLuint shm_offset,
                                              GLuint color_space_offset,
                                              GLuint pixels_offset,
                                              const GLbyte* mailbox) {}

void ReadbackYUVImagePixelsINTERNALImmediate(GLuint dst_width,
                                             GLuint dst_height,
                                             GLint shm_id,
                                             GLuint shm_offset,
                                             GLuint y_offset,
                                             GLuint y_stride,
                                             GLuint u_offset,
                                             GLuint u_stride,
                                             GLuint v_offset,
                                             GLuint v_stride,
                                             const GLbyte* mailbox) {}

void ConvertYUVAMailboxesToRGBINTERNALImmediate(GLint src_x,
                                                GLint src_y,
                                                GLsizei width,
                                                GLsizei height,
                                                GLenum planes_yuv_color_space,
                                                GLenum plane_config,
                                                GLenum subsampling,
                                                const GLbyte* mailboxes) {}

void ConvertRGBAToYUVAMailboxesINTERNALImmediate(GLenum planes_yuv_color_space,
                                                 GLenum plane_config,
                                                 GLenum subsampling,
                                                 const GLbyte* mailboxes) {}

void TraceBeginCHROMIUM(GLuint category_bucket_id, GLuint name_bucket_id) {}

void TraceEndCHROMIUM() {}

void SetActiveURLCHROMIUM(GLuint url_bucket_id) {}