
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


group("service") {
  if (is_component_build) {
    public_deps = [ "//gpu" ]
  } else {
    public_deps = [ ":service_sources" ]

group("gles2") {
  if (is_component_build) {
    public_deps = [ "//gpu:gles2" ]
  } else {
    public_deps = [ ":gles2_sources" ]

if (is_component_build) {
  link_target_type = "source_set"
} else {
  link_target_type = "static_library"
target(link_target_type, "service_sources") {
  # External code should depend on this via //gpu/command_buffer/service above
  # rather than depending on this directly or the component build will break.
  visibility = [ "//gpu/*" ]

  sources = [

  configs += [

  public_deps = [
  deps = [

  if (is_android && !is_debug) {
    # On Android optimize more since this component can be a bottleneck.
    configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
    configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]

if (is_win) {
  config("service_win_linker_flags") {
    # This is in a separate config so the flags can be applied to dependents.
    # ldflags in GN aren't automatically inherited.
    ldflags = [
      # Linking with OneCore.lib causes the following dlls to load.

target(link_target_type, "gles2_sources") {
  # External code should depend on this via //gpu/command_buffer/service:gles2
  # above rather than depending on this directly or the component build will
  # break.
  visibility = [ "//gpu/*" ]

  deps = []
  defines = []
  sources = [

  if (is_android) {
    sources += [

  if (use_dawn) {
    deps += [ "//gpu/webgpu:common" ]
    sources += [

  configs += [

  # Prefer mesa GL headers to system headers, which cause problems on Win.
  include_dirs = [ "//third_party/mesa_headers" ]

  public_deps = [
  deps += [

  # If statically linked against ANGLE, link against angle:translator which is already included with ANGLE.
  if (use_static_angle) {
    deps += [ "//third_party/angle:translator" ]
  } else {
    deps += [ "//third_party/angle:translator_gl_d3d_only" ]

  if (use_ozone) {
    sources += [
    deps += [

  if (enable_vulkan) {
    deps += [

    sources += [

    if (is_linux || is_fuchsia || is_win) {
      sources += [

    if (use_ozone) {
      sources += [

    if (is_linux && use_dawn) {
      sources += [

  if (use_dawn) {
    deps += [
    if (dawn_enable_opengles) {
      sources += [
    if (use_ozone) {
      sources += [

  if (is_apple) {
    sources += [

    # Do not compile with ARC because Dawn is not (yet) compatible with being
    # called from code compiled with ARC.
    configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:enable_arc" ]

    if (skia_use_metal) {
      deps += [ "//components/viz/common:metal_context_provider" ]

    # Required by on Apple.
    frameworks = [
    if (is_mac) {
      frameworks += [

  if (skia_use_dawn) {
    sources += [
    deps += [ "//third_party/dawn/src/dawn:cpp" ]

    if (is_chromeos) {
      sources += [
      deps += [ "//ui/gfx/linux:drm" ]

  if (is_android) {
    if (!is_debug) {
      # On Android optimize more since this component can be a bottleneck.
      configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
      configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
    sources += [

    # For AImageReader.
    libs = [ "mediandk" ]

    if (use_dawn) {
      sources += [

    deps += [

    # TODO(cblume):
    # Abstract out the platform specific defines. Right now we need the android
    # platform specific define here to be able to include android specific
    # functions.
    defines += [ "VK_USE_PLATFORM_ANDROID_KHR" ]
    deps += [ "//third_party/libsync" ]
    if (enable_vulkan) {
      deps += [ "//gpu/vulkan" ]

  if (is_win) {
    sources += [
    libs = [
    all_dependent_configs = [ ":service_win_linker_flags" ]

proto_library("disk_cache_proto") {
  sources = [ "disk_cache_proto.proto" ]

if (is_android) {
  static_library("android_texture_owner_test_support") {
    testonly = true
    sources = [
    deps = [

if (is_android) {
  source_set("android_texture_owner_unittests") {
    testonly = true
    sources = [

    # For AImageReader_getFormat()
    libs = [ "mediandk" ]

    deps = [