
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/common_decoder.h"

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <algorithm>

#include "base/numerics/safe_math.h"
#include "base/pickle.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/command_buffer_service.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/decoder_client.h"
#include "ui/gfx/ipc/color/gfx_param_traits.h"

namespace gpu {
namespace {
static const size_t kDefaultMaxBucketSize =;  // 1 GB

uint32_t LoadU32Unaligned(const void* ptr) {}

void StoreU32Unaligned(uint32_t v, void* ptr) {}

}  // namespace

const CommonDecoder::CommandInfo CommonDecoder::command_info[] =;

CommonDecoder::Bucket::Bucket() :{}

CommonDecoder::Bucket::~Bucket() = default;

void* CommonDecoder::Bucket::GetData(size_t offset, size_t size) const {}

void CommonDecoder::Bucket::SetSize(size_t size) {}

bool CommonDecoder::Bucket::SetData(
    const volatile void* src, size_t offset, size_t size) {}

void CommonDecoder::Bucket::SetFromString(const char* str) {}

bool CommonDecoder::Bucket::GetAsString(std::string* str) {}

bool CommonDecoder::Bucket::GetAsStrings(
    GLsizei* _count, std::vector<char*>* _string, std::vector<GLint>* _length) {}

bool CommonDecoder::Bucket::OffsetSizeValid(size_t offset, size_t size) const {}

CommonDecoder::CommonDecoder(DecoderClient* client,
                             CommandBufferServiceBase* command_buffer_service)

CommonDecoder::~CommonDecoder() = default;

void* CommonDecoder::GetAddressAndCheckSize(unsigned int shm_id,
                                            unsigned int data_offset,
                                            unsigned int data_size) {}

void* CommonDecoder::GetAddressAndSize(unsigned int shm_id,
                                       unsigned int data_offset,
                                       unsigned int minimum_size,
                                       unsigned int* data_size) {}

unsigned int CommonDecoder::GetSharedMemorySize(unsigned int shm_id,
                                                unsigned int offset) {}

scoped_refptr<gpu::Buffer> CommonDecoder::GetSharedMemoryBuffer(
    unsigned int shm_id) {}

const char* CommonDecoder::GetCommonCommandName(
    cmd::CommandId command_id) const {}

CommonDecoder::Bucket* CommonDecoder::GetBucket(uint32_t bucket_id) const {}

CommonDecoder::Bucket* CommonDecoder::CreateBucket(uint32_t bucket_id) {}

namespace {

// Returns the address of the first byte after a struct.
template <typename T>
const volatile void* AddressAfterStruct(const volatile T& pod) {}

// Returns the address of the frst byte after the struct.
template <typename RETURN_TYPE, typename COMMAND_TYPE>
RETURN_TYPE GetImmediateDataAs(const volatile COMMAND_TYPE& pod) {}

}  // anonymous namespace.

// Decode command with its arguments, and call the corresponding method.
// Note: args is a pointer to the command buffer. As such, it could be changed
// by a (malicious) client at any time, so if validation has to happen, it
// should operate on a copy of them.
error::Error CommonDecoder::DoCommonCommand(unsigned int command,
                                            unsigned int arg_count,
                                            const volatile void* cmd_data) {}

error::Error CommonDecoder::HandleNoop(uint32_t immediate_data_size,
                                       const volatile void* cmd_data) {}

error::Error CommonDecoder::HandleSetToken(uint32_t immediate_data_size,
                                           const volatile void* cmd_data) {}

error::Error CommonDecoder::HandleSetBucketSize(uint32_t immediate_data_size,
                                                const volatile void* cmd_data) {}

error::Error CommonDecoder::HandleSetBucketData(uint32_t immediate_data_size,
                                                const volatile void* cmd_data) {}

error::Error CommonDecoder::HandleSetBucketDataImmediate(
    uint32_t immediate_data_size,
    const volatile void* cmd_data) {}

error::Error CommonDecoder::HandleGetBucketStart(
    uint32_t immediate_data_size,
    const volatile void* cmd_data) {}

error::Error CommonDecoder::HandleGetBucketData(uint32_t immediate_data_size,
                                                const volatile void* cmd_data) {}

error::Error CommonDecoder::HandleInsertFenceSync(
    uint32_t immediate_data_size,
    const volatile void* cmd_data) {}

bool CommonDecoder::ReadColorSpace(uint32_t shm_id,
                                   uint32_t shm_offset,
                                   uint32_t color_space_size,
                                   gfx::ColorSpace* color_space) {}

}  // namespace gpu