
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Defines all the command-line switches used by gpu/command_buffer/service/.


#include "gpu/config/gpu_switches.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_export.h"

namespace switches {

GPU_EXPORT extern const char kCompileShaderAlwaysSucceeds[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kDisableGLErrorLimit[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kDisableGLSLTranslator[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kDisableShaderNameHashing[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kEnableGPUCommandLogging[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kEnableGPUDebugging[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kEnableGPUServiceLoggingGPU[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kEnableGPUDriverDebugLogging[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kDisableGpuProgramCache[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kEnforceGLMinimums[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kForceGpuMemAvailableMb[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kForceGpuMemDiscardableLimitMb[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kForceMaxTextureSize[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kGpuProgramCacheSizeKb[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kDisableGpuShaderDiskCache[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kEnableThreadedTextureMailboxes[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kGLShaderIntermOutput[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kUseVulkan[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kVulkanImplementationNameNative[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kVulkanImplementationNameSwiftshader[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kDisableVulkanSurface[];

}  // namespace switches