
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/multi_draw_manager.h"

#include <memory>
#include <tuple>

#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_bindings.h"

namespace gpu {
namespace gles2 {

namespace {


}  // namespace

class MultiDrawManagerTest : public testing::TestWithParam<Param> {};

// Test that the simple case succeeds
TEST_P(MultiDrawManagerTest, Success) {}

// Test that the internal state of the multi draw manager resets such that
// successive valid multi draws can be executed
TEST_P(MultiDrawManagerTest, SuccessAfterSuccess) {}

// Test that multiple chunked multi draw calls succeed
TEST_P(MultiDrawManagerTest, SuccessMultiple) {}

// Test that it is invalid to submit an empty multi draw
TEST_P(MultiDrawManagerTest, Empty) {}

// Test that it is invalid to end a multi draw if it has not been started
TEST_P(MultiDrawManagerTest, EndBeforeBegin) {}

// Test that it is invalid to begin a multi draw twice
TEST_P(MultiDrawManagerTest, BeginAfterBegin) {}

// Test that it is invalid to begin a multi draw twice, even if
// the first begin was empty
TEST_P(MultiDrawManagerTest, BeginAfterEmptyBegin) {}

// Test that it is invalid to do a multi draw before begin
TEST_P(MultiDrawManagerTest, DrawBeforeBegin) {}

// Test that it is invalid to end a multi draw twice
TEST_P(MultiDrawManagerTest, DoubleEnd) {}

// Test that it is invalid to end a multi draw before the drawcount
// is saturated
TEST_P(MultiDrawManagerTest, Underflow) {}

// Test that it is invalid to end a multi draw before the drawcount
// is saturated, using multiple chunks
TEST_P(MultiDrawManagerTest, UnderflowMultiple) {}

// Test that it is invalid to do a multi draw that overflows the drawcount
TEST_P(MultiDrawManagerTest, Overflow) {}

// Test that it is invalid to do a multi draw that overflows the drawcount,
// using multiple chunks
TEST_P(MultiDrawManagerTest, OverflowMultiple) {}

// Test that it is invalid to do a multi draw that does not match the first
// chunk's draw mode
TEST_P(MultiDrawManagerTest, DrawModeMismatch) {}

// Test that it is invalid to do a multi draw that does not match the first
// chunk's element type
TEST_P(MultiDrawManagerTest, ElementTypeMismatch) {}


}  // namespace gles2
}  // namespace gpu