// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <windows.foundation.collections.h>
#include <wrl/client.h>
#include <wrl/implements.h>
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
// Declare the related template specializations for all the value types
// provided.
namespace ABI {
namespace Windows {
namespace Foundation {
template <>
struct __declspec(uuid("3895C200-8F26-4F5A-B29D-2B5D72E68F99"))
IAsyncOperation<IUnknown*> : IAsyncOperation_impl<IUnknown*> {};
template <>
struct __declspec(uuid("CD99A253-6473-4810-AF0D-763DAB79AC42"))
: IAsyncOperationCompletedHandler_impl<IUnknown*> {};
template <>
struct __declspec(uuid("CB52D855-8121-4AC8-A164-084A27FB377E"))
IAsyncOperation<int*> : IAsyncOperation_impl<int*> {};
template <>
struct __declspec(uuid("EA868415-A724-40BC-950A-C7DB6B1723C6"))
: IAsyncOperationCompletedHandler_impl<int*> {};
// These specialization templates were included in windows.foundation.h, but
// removed in 10.0.19041.0 SDK, so are included here conditionally
#ifdef NTDDI_WIN10_VB // Windows 10.0.19041
template <>
struct __declspec(uuid("968b9665-06ed-5774-8f53-8edeabd5f7b5"))
IAsyncOperation<int> : IAsyncOperation_impl<int> {};
template <>
struct __declspec(uuid("d60cae9d-88cb-59f1-8576-3fba44796be8"))
: IAsyncOperationCompletedHandler_impl<int> {};
} // namespace Foundation
} // namespace Windows
} // namespace ABI
namespace base {
namespace test {
// Provides access to values of type |T| and variations of those values relevant
// to IAsyncOperations. Intended for use in TypedTestSuites concerning
// IAsyncOperations or related functionality. Example:
// template <typename T>
// class SuiteName : public ::testing::Test {};
// TYPED_TEST_P(SuiteName, TestName) {
// AsyncResultsTestValues<TypeParam> test_values;
// ... test_values.GetTestValue_T() ...
// }
// SuiteName,
// base::test::AsyncResultsTestValuesTypes);
template <typename T>
class AsyncResultsTestValues {
// This class body serves only to provide documentation for the functions.
// Actual use of this class is limited to the types for which it has been
// specialized.
class AsyncResultsT;
// Returns a value equal to a variable of type T constructed with an
// empty initializer.
// This value will be equal between all instances of the same type.
// AsyncResultsTestValues<T> instance1;
// AsyncResultsTestValues<T> instance2;
// instance1.GetDefaultValue_T() == instance2.GetDefaultValue_T();
T GetDefaultValue_T();
// Returns the same value as GetDefaultValue_T(), but in the format expected
// for the results of an IAsyncOperation<T>.
// AsyncResultsTestValues<T> instance;
// AsyncResultsT<T> converted_value = instance.GetDefaultValue_T();
// converted_value == instance.GetDefaultValue_AsyncResultsT();
AsyncResultsT GetDefaultValue_AsyncResultsT();
// Returns an arbitrary value NOT equal to GetDefaultValue_T().
// Multiple calls to this function on a single instance will return values
// equal to one another. Calls made on different instances may produce
// equal or non-equal values.
// AsyncResultsTestValues<T> instance1;
// AsyncResultsTestValues<T> instance2;
// instance1.GetTestValue_T() == instance1.GetTestValue_T();
// instance1.GetTestValue_T() == OR != instance2.GetTestValue_T();
T GetTestValue_T();
// Returns the same value as GetTestValue_T(), but in the format expected for
// the results of an IAsyncOperation<T>.
// AsyncResultsTestValues<T> instance;
// AsyncResultsT<T> converted_value = instance.GetTestValue_T();
// converted_value == instance.GetTestValue_AsyncResultsT();
AsyncResultsT GetTestValue_AsyncResultsT();
// The collection of value types supported by AsyncResultsTestValues.
using AsyncResultsTestValuesTypes = ::testing::Types<int, int*, IUnknown*>;
template <>
class AsyncResultsTestValues<int> {
int GetDefaultValue_T() { return 0; }
int GetDefaultValue_AsyncResultsT() { return 0; }
int GetTestValue_T() { return 4; }
int GetTestValue_AsyncResultsT() { return 4; }
template <>
class AsyncResultsTestValues<int*> {
int* GetDefaultValue_T() { return nullptr; }
int* GetDefaultValue_AsyncResultsT() { return nullptr; }
int* GetTestValue_T() { return &test_value_; }
int* GetTestValue_AsyncResultsT() { return &test_value_; }
int test_value_ = 4;
template <>
class AsyncResultsTestValues<IUnknown*> {
AsyncResultsTestValues() {
auto class_instance = Microsoft::WRL::Make<TestClassImplementingIUnknown>();
IUnknown* GetDefaultValue_T() { return nullptr; }
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IUnknown> GetDefaultValue_AsyncResultsT() {
return Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IUnknown>();
IUnknown* GetTestValue_T() { return test_value_.Get(); }
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IUnknown> GetTestValue_AsyncResultsT() {
return test_value_;
class TestClassImplementingIUnknown
: public Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClass<
Microsoft::WRL::WinRtClassicComMix |
IUnknown> {};
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IUnknown> test_value_;
} // namespace test
} // namespace base