// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/android/scoped_hardware_buffer_fence_sync.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_gles2_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_bindings.h"
namespace base::android {
class ScopedHardwareBufferFenceSync;
} // namespace base::android
namespace gpu {
class TextureOwner;
class TextureBase;
// This class lets AndroidVideoImageBacking draw video frames.
class GPU_GLES2_EXPORT StreamTextureSharedImageInterface
: public base::RefCounted<StreamTextureSharedImageInterface> {
// Release the underlying resources. This should be called when the image is
// not longer valid or the context is lost.
virtual void ReleaseResources() = 0;
// Update texture image to the most recent frame.
virtual void UpdateAndBindTexImage() = 0;
virtual bool HasTextureOwner() const = 0;
virtual TextureBase* GetTextureBase() const = 0;
// Notify the texture of overlay decision, When overlay promotion is true,
// this also sets the bounds of where the overlay is.
virtual void NotifyOverlayPromotion(bool promotion,
const gfx::Rect& bounds) = 0;
// Render the video frame into an overlay plane. Should only be called after
// the overlay promotion. Return true if it could render to overlay correctly.
virtual bool RenderToOverlay() = 0;
// Whether TextureOwner's implementation binds texture to TextureOwner owned
// texture_id during the texture update.
virtual bool TextureOwnerBindsTextureOnUpdate() = 0;
// Provides the buffer backing this image, if it is backed by an
// AHardwareBuffer. The ScopedHardwareBuffer returned may include a fence
// which will be signaled when all pending work for the buffer has been
// finished and it can be safely read from.
// The buffer is guaranteed to be valid until the lifetime of the object
// returned.
virtual std::unique_ptr<base::android::ScopedHardwareBufferFenceSync>
GetAHardwareBuffer() = 0;
virtual ~StreamTextureSharedImageInterface() = default;
friend class base::RefCounted<StreamTextureSharedImageInterface>;
} // namespace gpu