// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// This proto description is adapted from the one used in clang-proto-fuzzer.
syntax = "proto2";
package fuzzing;
// TODO(nedwill): fuzz the following features
// function prototypes
// (in)variance
// structs
// interface blocks
// swizzles
// all ternary operators
// switch/case statements
// loops
// branches (case, break, continue, return, kill)
// preprocessor directives
enum Var {
VAR_0 = 0;
VAR_1 = 1;
VAR_2 = 2;
VAR_3 = 3;
message Lvalue {
optional Var var = 1;
message Vec2 {
optional float first = 1;
optional float second = 2;
message Vec3 {
optional float first = 1;
optional float second = 2;
optional float third = 3;
message Vec4 {
optional float first = 1;
optional float second = 2;
optional float third = 3;
optional float fourth = 4;
// Keep this in sync with `message Const`
enum Type {
// Use suffix to avoid clashing with VOID define on Windows
INT = 1;
BOOL = 2;
UINT = 3;
FLOAT = 4;
VEC2 = 6;
VEC3 = 7;
VEC4 = 8;
BVEC2 = 9;
BVEC3 = 10;
BVEC4 = 11;
IVEC2 = 12;
IVEC3 = 13;
IVEC4 = 14;
UVEC2 = 15;
UVEC3 = 16;
UVEC4 = 17;
MAT2 = 18;
MAT3 = 19;
MAT4 = 20;
MAT2X2 = 21;
MAT2X3 = 22;
MAT2X4 = 23;
MAT3X2 = 24;
MAT3X3 = 25;
MAT3X4 = 26;
MAT4X2 = 27;
MAT4X3 = 28;
MAT4X4 = 29;
// TODO(nedwill): support DVEC*, DMAT*
message Const {
// Keep this in sync with `enum Type`
oneof value {
// Empty case is void
int32 int32 = 1;
bool boolean = 2;
uint32 uint = 3;
float float_const = 4;
double double_const = 5;
Vec2 vec2 = 6;
Vec3 vec3 = 7;
Vec4 vec4 = 8;
Bvec2 bvec2 = 9;
Bvec3 bvec3 = 10;
Bvec4 bvec4 = 11;
Ivec2 ivec2 = 12;
Ivec3 ivec3 = 13;
Ivec4 ivec4 = 14;
Uvec2 uvec2 = 15;
Uvec3 uvec3 = 16;
Uvec4 uvec4 = 17;
Mat2 mat2 = 18;
Mat3 mat3 = 19;
Mat4 mat4 = 20;
Mat2 mat2x2 = 21;
Mat2x3 mat2x3 = 22;
Mat2x4 mat2x4 = 23;
Mat3x2 mat3x2 = 24;
Mat3 mat3x3 = 25;
Mat3x4 mat3x4 = 26;
Mat4x2 mat4x2 = 27;
Mat4x3 mat4x3 = 28;
Mat4 mat4x4 = 29;
// TODO(nedwill): support DVEC*, DMAT*
message Mat2x3 {
optional Vec3 first = 1;
optional Vec3 second = 2;
message Mat2x4 {
optional Vec4 first = 1;
optional Vec4 second = 2;
message Mat3x2 {
optional Vec2 first = 1;
optional Vec2 second = 2;
optional Vec3 third = 3;
message Mat3x4 {
optional Vec4 first = 1;
optional Vec4 second = 2;
optional Vec4 third = 3;
message Mat4x2 {
optional Vec2 first = 1;
optional Vec2 second = 2;
optional Vec2 third = 3;
optional Vec2 fourth = 4;
message Mat4x3 {
optional Vec3 first = 1;
optional Vec3 second = 2;
optional Vec3 third = 3;
optional Vec3 fourth = 4;
message Bvec2 {
optional bool first = 1;
optional bool second = 2;
message Bvec3 {
optional bool first = 1;
optional bool second = 2;
optional bool third = 3;
message Bvec4 {
optional bool first = 1;
optional bool second = 2;
optional bool third = 3;
optional bool fourth = 4;
message Ivec2 {
optional int32 first = 1;
optional int32 second = 2;
message Ivec3 {
optional int32 first = 1;
optional int32 second = 2;
optional int32 third = 3;
message Ivec4 {
optional int32 first = 1;
optional int32 second = 2;
optional int32 third = 3;
optional int32 fourth = 4;
message Uvec2 {
optional uint32 first = 1;
optional uint32 second = 2;
message Uvec3 {
optional uint32 first = 1;
optional uint32 second = 2;
optional uint32 third = 3;
message Uvec4 {
optional uint32 first = 1;
optional uint32 second = 2;
optional uint32 third = 3;
optional uint32 fourth = 4;
message Mat2 {
optional Vec2 first = 1;
optional Vec2 second = 2;
message Mat3 {
optional Vec3 first = 1;
optional Vec3 second = 2;
optional Vec3 third = 3;
message Mat4 {
optional Vec4 first = 1;
optional Vec4 second = 2;
optional Vec4 third = 3;
optional Vec4 fourth = 4;
message BinaryOp {
enum Op {
PLUS = 0;
MINUS = 1;
MUL = 2;
DIV = 3;
MOD = 4;
XOR = 5;
AND = 6;
OR = 7;
EQ = 8;
NE = 9;
LE = 10;
GE = 11;
LT = 12;
GT = 13;
SHL = 14;
SHR = 15;
optional Op op = 1;
optional Rvalue left = 2;
optional Rvalue right = 3;
message UnaryOp {
enum Op {
PLUS = 0;
MINUS = 1;
TILDE = 2;
NOT = 3;
optional Op op = 1;
optional Rvalue rvalue = 2;
message Declare {
optional Type type = 1;
optional Var var = 2;
optional Qualifier qualifier = 3;
enum Qualifier {
// TODO(nedwill): ES2 only
// TODO(nedwill): ES3.1 only
// TODO(nedwill): compute shaders only
optional Rvalue rvalue = 9;
// TODO: finish implementing operators
// https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/specs/gl/GLSLangSpec.4.60.html#operators
message Rvalue {
oneof rvalue {
Var var = 1;
Const cons = 2;
BinaryOp binary_op = 3;
UnaryOp unary_op = 4;
message Assignment {
optional Lvalue lvalue = 1;
optional Rvalue rvalue = 2;
message IfElse {
optional Rvalue cond = 1;
optional Block if_body = 2;
optional Block else_body = 3;
message While {
optional Rvalue cond = 1;
optional Block body = 2;
message Statement {
oneof statement {
Assignment assignment = 1;
IfElse ifelse = 2;
While while_stmt = 3;
Rvalue return_stmt = 4;
Declare declare = 5;
enum FunctionName {
MAIN = 0;
NAME_1 = 1;
NAME_2 = 2;
NAME_3 = 3;
message Block {
repeated Statement statements = 1;
message Function {
optional FunctionName function_name = 1;
optional Block block = 2;
optional Rvalue return_stmt = 3;
optional Type type = 4;
// TODO(nedwill): add arguments
message Shader {
repeated Function functions = 1;
// Global declarations
repeated Declare declarations = 2;
message Session {
optional Shader vertex_shader = 1;
optional Shader fragment_shader = 2;