
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "gpu/config/gpu_switches.h"

namespace switches {

// Disable GPU rasterization, i.e. rasterize on the CPU only.
// Overrides the kEnableGpuRasterization flag.
const char kDisableGpuRasterization[] =;

// Disables mipmap generation in Skia. Used a workaround for select low memory
// devices, see for details.
const char kDisableMipmapGeneration[] =;

// Allow heuristics to determine when a layer tile should be drawn with the
// Skia GPU backend. Only valid with GPU accelerated compositing.
const char kEnableGpuRasterization[] =;

// Select a different set of GPU blocklist entries with the specified
// test_group ID.
const char kGpuBlocklistTestGroup[] =;

// Enable an extra set of GPU driver bug list entries with the specified
// test_group ID. Note the default test group (group 0) is still active.
const char kGpuDriverBugListTestGroup[] =;

// Passes encoded GpuPreferences to GPU process.
const char kGpuPreferences[] =;

// Ignores GPU blocklist.
const char kIgnoreGpuBlocklist[] =;

// Allows explicitly specifying the shader disk cache size for embedded devices.
// Default value is 6MB. On Android, 2MB is default and 128KB for low-end
// devices.
const char kGpuDiskCacheSizeKB[] =;

// Disables the non-sandboxed GPU process for DX12 info collection
const char kDisableGpuProcessForDX12InfoCollection[] =;

const char kEnableUnsafeWebGPU[] =;

// Enables WebGPU developer features which are not generally exposed to the web
// platform.
const char kEnableWebGPUDeveloperFeatures[] =;

// Enable validation layers in Dawn backends.
const char kEnableDawnBackendValidation[] =;

// The adapter to use for WebGPU content.
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kUseWebGPUAdapter[] =;

// The adapter selecting strategy related to GPUPowerPreference.
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kUseWebGPUPowerPreference[] =;

// Force all WebGPU content to run in WebGPU Compatibility mode.
const char kForceWebGPUCompat[] =;

// Set the Dawn features(toggles) enabled on the creation of Dawn devices.
const char kEnableDawnFeatures[] =;

// Set the Dawn features(toggles) disabled on the creation of Dawn devices.
const char kDisableDawnFeatures[] =;

// Start the non-sandboxed GPU process for DX12 and Vulkan info collection
// immediately after the browser starts. The default is to delay for 120
// seconds.
const char kNoDelayForDX12VulkanInfoCollection[] =;

// Enables measures of how long GPU Main Thread was blocked between SwapBuffers
const char kEnableGpuBlockedTime[] =;

// Passes the active graphics vendor id from browser process to info collection
// GPU process.
const char kGpuVendorId[] =;

// Passes the active graphics device id from browser process to info collection
// GPU process.
const char kGpuDeviceId[] =;

// Passes the active graphics sub system id from browser process to info
// collection GPU process.
const char kGpuSubSystemId[] =;

// Passes the active graphics revision info from browser process to info
// collection GPU process.
const char kGpuRevision[] =;

// Passes the active graphics driver version from browser process to info
// collection GPU process.
const char kGpuDriverVersion[] =;

// Indicate that the this is being used by Android WebView and its draw functor
// is using vulkan.
const char kWebViewDrawFunctorUsesVulkan[] =;

// Enables using protected memory for vulkan resources.
const char kEnableVulkanProtectedMemory[] =;

// Disables falling back to GL based hardware rendering if initializing Vulkan
// fails. This is to allow tests to catch regressions in Vulkan.
const char kDisableVulkanFallbackToGLForTesting[] =;

// Specifies the heap limit for Vulkan memory.
// TODO( Remove this switch.
const char kVulkanHeapMemoryLimitMb[] =;

// Specifies the sync CPU limit for total Vulkan memory.
// TODO( Remove this switch.
const char kVulkanSyncCpuMemoryLimitMb[] =;

// Crash Chrome if GPU process crashes. This is to force a test to fail when
// GPU process crashes unexpectedly.
const char kForceBrowserCrashOnGpuCrash[] =;

// Override value for the GPU watchdog timeout in seconds.
const char kGpuWatchdogTimeoutSeconds[] =;

// Force the use of a separate EGL display for WebGL contexts. Used for testing
// multi-GPU pathways on devices with only one valid GPU.
const char kForceSeparateEGLDisplayForWebGLTesting[] =;

// Specify which backend to use for Skia Graphite - "dawn" (default) or "metal"
// (only allowed on non-official developer builds).
const char kSkiaGraphiteBackend[] =;
const char kSkiaGraphiteBackendDawn[] =;
const char kSkiaGraphiteBackendDawnD3D11[] =;
const char kSkiaGraphiteBackendDawnD3D12[] =;
const char kSkiaGraphiteBackendDawnMetal[] =;
const char kSkiaGraphiteBackendDawnSwiftshader[] =;
const char kSkiaGraphiteBackendDawnVulkan[] =;
const char kSkiaGraphiteBackendMetal[] =;

// Force disabling/enabling Skia Graphite. Disabling will take precedence over
// enabling if both are specified.
const char kDisableSkiaGraphite[] =;
const char kEnableSkiaGraphite[] =;

const char kShaderCachePath[] =;

// Try to use a redistributable DirectML.dll. Used for testing WebNN
// against newer DirectML release before it is integrated into Windows OS.
// Please see more info about DirectML releases at:
const char kUseRedistributableDirectML[] =;

// Enables ThreadControllerWithMessagePumpImpl's TimeKeeper UMA metrics using
// CrGpuMain as suffix.
const char kEnableGpuMainTimeKeeperMetrics[] =;

}  // namespace switches