
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "gpu/vulkan/vulkan_util.h"

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "gpu/vulkan/vulkan_function_pointers.h"

namespace gpu {

VkSemaphore ImportVkSemaphoreHandle(VkDevice vk_device,
                                    SemaphoreHandle handle) {}

SemaphoreHandle GetVkSemaphoreHandle(
    VkDevice vk_device,
    VkSemaphore vk_semaphore,
    VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits handle_type) {}

bool IsVkOpaqueExternalSemaphoreSupported(VulkanDeviceQueue* device_queue) {}

VkSemaphore CreateVkOpaqueExternalSemaphore(VkDevice vk_device) {}

SemaphoreHandle ExportVkOpaqueExternalSemaphore(VkDevice vk_device,
                                                VkSemaphore vk_semaphore) {}

}  // namespace gpu