// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/test/mock_chrome_application_mac.h"
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/check.h"
@implementation MockCrApp
+ (NSApplication*)sharedApplication {
NSApplication* app = [super sharedApplication];
DCHECK([app conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CrAppControlProtocol)])
<< "Existing NSApp (class " << [[app className] UTF8String]
<< ") does not conform to required protocol.";
<< "message_pump_apple::Create() was called before "
<< "+[MockCrApp sharedApplication]";
return app;
- (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
base::AutoReset<BOOL> scoper(&_handlingSendEvent, YES);
[super sendEvent:event];
- (void)setHandlingSendEvent:(BOOL)handlingSendEvent {
_handlingSendEvent = handlingSendEvent;
- (BOOL)isHandlingSendEvent {
return _handlingSendEvent;
namespace mock_cr_app {
void RegisterMockCrApp() {
[MockCrApp sharedApplication];
// If there was an invocation to NSApp prior to this method, then the NSApp
// will not be a MockCrApp, but will instead be an NSApplication.
// This is undesirable and we must enforce that this doesn't happen.
CHECK([NSApp isKindOfClass:[MockCrApp class]]);
} // namespace mock_cr_app