
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"

#include <atomic>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_param_associator.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/test/mock_entropy_provider.h"
#include "base/test/task_environment.h"

namespace base {
namespace test {

// A struct describes ParsedEnableFeatures()' result.
struct ScopedFeatureList::FeatureWithStudyGroup {};

struct ScopedFeatureList::Features {};

namespace {

constexpr char kTrialGroup[] =;

// Checks and parses the |enable_features| flag and appends each parsed
// feature, an instance of FeatureWithStudyGroup, to |parsed_enable_features|.
// Returns true if |enable_features| is parsable, otherwise false.
// The difference between this function and ParseEnabledFeatures() defined in
// is:
// if "Feature1<Study1.Group1:Param1/Value1/Param2/Value2," +
//    "Feature2<Study2.Group2" is given,
//'s one returns strings:
//   parsed_enable_features = "Feature1<Study1,Feature2<Study2"
//   force_field_trials = "Study1/Group1"
//   force_fieldtrial_params = "Study1<Group1:Param1/Value1/Param2/Value2"
//  this function returns a vector:
//   [0] FeatureWithStudyGroup("Feature1", "Study1", "Group1",
//         "Param1/Value1/Param2/Value2")
//   [1] FeatureWithStudyGroup("Feature2", "Study2", "Group2", "")
bool ParseEnableFeatures(const std::string& enable_features,
                             parsed_enable_features) {}

// Escapes separators used by enable-features command line.
// E.g. Feature '<' Study '.' Group ':' param1 '/' value1 ','
// ('*' is not a separator. No need to escape it.)
std::string EscapeValue(const std::string& value) {}

// Extracts a feature name from a feature state string. For example, given
// the input "*MyLovelyFeature<SomeFieldTrial", returns "MyLovelyFeature".
std::string_view GetFeatureName(std::string_view feature) {}

// Features in |feature_vector| came from |merged_features| in
// OverrideFeatures() and contains linkage with field trial is case when they
// have parameters (with '<' simbol). In |feature_name| name is already cleared
// with GetFeatureName() and also could be without parameters.
bool ContainsFeature(
    const std::vector<ScopedFeatureList::FeatureWithStudyGroup>& feature_vector,
    std::string_view feature_name) {}

// Merges previously-specified feature overrides with those passed into one of
// the Init() methods. |features| should be a list of features previously
// overridden to be in the |override_state|. |merged_features| should contain
// the enabled and disabled features passed into the Init() method, plus any
// overrides merged as a result of previous calls to this function.
void OverrideFeatures(
    const std::vector<ScopedFeatureList::FeatureWithStudyGroup>& features_list,
    FeatureList::OverrideState override_state,
    ScopedFeatureList::Features* merged_features) {}

// Merges previously-specified feature overrides with those passed into one of
// the Init() methods. |feature_list| should be a string whose format is the
// same as --enable-features or --disable-features command line flag, and
// specifies features overridden to be in the |override_state|.
// |merged_features| should contain the enabled and disabled features passed in
// to the Init() method, plus any overrides merged as a result of previous
// calls to this function.
void OverrideFeatures(const std::string& features_list,
                      FeatureList::OverrideState override_state,
                      ScopedFeatureList::Features* merged_features) {}

// Hex encode params so that special characters do not break formatting.
std::string HexEncodeString(const std::string& input) {}

// Inverse of HexEncodeString().
std::string HexDecodeString(const std::string& input) {}

// Returns a command line string suitable to pass to
// FeatureList::InitFromCommandLine(). For example,
// {{"Feature1", "Study1", "Group1", "Param1/Value1/"}, {"Feature2"}} returns:
// - |enabled_feature|=true -> "Feature1<Study1.Group1:Param1/Value1/,Feature2"
// - |enabled_feature|=false -> "Feature1<Study1.Group1,Feature2"
std::string CreateCommandLineArgumentFromFeatureList(
    const std::vector<ScopedFeatureList::FeatureWithStudyGroup>& feature_list,
    bool enable_features) {}

}  // namespace

FeatureRefAndParams::FeatureRefAndParams(const Feature& feature,
                                         const FieldTrialParams& params)

FeatureRefAndParams::FeatureRefAndParams(const FeatureRefAndParams& other) =

FeatureRefAndParams::~FeatureRefAndParams() = default;

ScopedFeatureList::ScopedFeatureList() = default;

ScopedFeatureList::ScopedFeatureList(const Feature& enable_feature) {}

ScopedFeatureList::~ScopedFeatureList() {}

void ScopedFeatureList::Reset() {}

void ScopedFeatureList::Init() {}

void ScopedFeatureList::InitWithEmptyFeatureAndFieldTrialLists() {}

void ScopedFeatureList::InitWithNullFeatureAndFieldTrialLists() {}

void ScopedFeatureList::InitWithFeatureList(
    std::unique_ptr<FeatureList> feature_list) {}

void ScopedFeatureList::InitFromCommandLine(
    const std::string& enable_features,
    const std::string& disable_features) {}

void ScopedFeatureList::InitWithFeatures(
    const std::vector<FeatureRef>& enabled_features,
    const std::vector<FeatureRef>& disabled_features) {}

void ScopedFeatureList::InitAndEnableFeature(const Feature& feature) {}

void ScopedFeatureList::InitAndDisableFeature(const Feature& feature) {}

void ScopedFeatureList::InitWithFeatureState(const Feature& feature,
                                             bool enabled) {}

void ScopedFeatureList::InitWithFeatureStates(
    const flat_map<FeatureRef, bool>& feature_states) {}

void ScopedFeatureList::InitWithFeaturesImpl(
    const std::vector<FeatureRef>& enabled_features,
    const std::vector<FeatureRefAndParams>& enabled_features_and_params,
    const std::vector<FeatureRef>& disabled_features,
    bool keep_existing_states) {}

void ScopedFeatureList::InitAndEnableFeatureWithParameters(
    const Feature& feature,
    const FieldTrialParams& feature_parameters) {}

void ScopedFeatureList::InitWithFeaturesAndParameters(
    const std::vector<FeatureRefAndParams>& enabled_features,
    const std::vector<FeatureRef>& disabled_features) {}

void ScopedFeatureList::InitWithMergedFeatures(
    Features&& merged_features,
    bool create_associated_field_trials,
    bool keep_existing_states) {}

}  // namespace test
}  // namespace base