
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "quiche/quic/core/crypto/crypto_handshake.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/crypto/quic_compressed_certs_cache.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/crypto/quic_crypto_server_config.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_config.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_crypto_handshaker.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_crypto_stream.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_session.h"
#include "quiche/quic/platform/api/quic_export.h"

namespace quic {

class CachedNetworkParameters;
class CryptoHandshakeMessage;
class QuicCryptoServerConfig;
class QuicCryptoServerStreamBase;

// TODO(alyssar) see what can be moved out of QuicCryptoServerStream with
// various code and test refactoring.
class QUICHE_EXPORT QuicCryptoServerStreamBase : public QuicCryptoStream {};

// Creates an appropriate QuicCryptoServerStream for the provided parameters,
// including the version used by |session|. |crypto_config|, |session|, and
// |helper| must all outlive the stream. The caller takes ownership of the
// returned object.
QUICHE_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<QuicCryptoServerStreamBase>
CreateCryptoServerStream(const QuicCryptoServerConfig* crypto_config,
                         QuicCompressedCertsCache* compressed_certs_cache,
                         QuicSession* session,
                         QuicCryptoServerStreamBase::Helper* helper);

}  // namespace quic