
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Common utilities for Quic tests


#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/strings/ascii.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/congestion_control/loss_detection_interface.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/congestion_control/send_algorithm_interface.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/crypto/transport_parameters.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/frames/quic_reset_stream_at_frame.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/http/http_decoder.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/http/quic_server_session_base.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/http/quic_spdy_client_session_base.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/http/quic_spdy_session.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_connection.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_connection_id.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_error_codes.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_framer.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_packet_writer.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_packet_writer_wrapper.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_packets.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_path_validator.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_sent_packet_manager.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_server_id.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_time.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_types.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_utils.h"
#include "quiche/quic/platform/api/quic_socket_address.h"
#include "quiche/quic/test_tools/mock_clock.h"
#include "quiche/quic/test_tools/mock_connection_id_generator.h"
#include "quiche/quic/test_tools/mock_quic_session_visitor.h"
#include "quiche/quic/test_tools/mock_random.h"
#include "quiche/quic/test_tools/quic_framer_peer.h"
#include "quiche/quic/test_tools/simple_quic_framer.h"
#include "quiche/common/capsule.h"
#include "quiche/common/http/http_header_block.h"
#include "quiche/common/simple_buffer_allocator.h"

namespace quic {

namespace test {

// A generic predictable connection ID suited for testing.
QuicConnectionId TestConnectionId();

// A generic predictable connection ID suited for testing, generated from a
// given number, such as an index.
QuicConnectionId TestConnectionId(uint64_t connection_number);

// A generic predictable connection ID suited for testing, generated from a
// given number, such as an index. Guaranteed to be 9 bytes long.
QuicConnectionId TestConnectionIdNineBytesLong(uint64_t connection_number);

// Extracts the connection number passed to TestConnectionId().
uint64_t TestConnectionIdToUInt64(QuicConnectionId connection_id);

enum : uint16_t {};
enum : uint32_t {};

enum : uint64_t {};

// Create an arbitrary stateless reset token, same across multiple calls.
std::vector<uint8_t> CreateStatelessResetTokenForTest();

// A hostname useful for testing, returns "".
std::string TestHostname();

// A server ID useful for testing, returns
QuicServerId TestServerId();

// Returns the test peer IP address.
QuicIpAddress TestPeerIPAddress();

// Upper limit on versions we support.
ParsedQuicVersion QuicVersionMax();

// Lower limit on versions we support.
ParsedQuicVersion QuicVersionMin();

// Disables all flags that enable QUIC versions that use TLS.
// This is only meant as a temporary measure to prevent some broken tests
// from running with TLS.
void DisableQuicVersionsWithTls();

// Create an encrypted packet for testing.
// If versions == nullptr, uses &AllSupportedVersions().
// Note that the packet is encrypted with NullEncrypter, so to decrypt the
// constructed packet, the framer must be set to use NullDecrypter.
QuicEncryptedPacket* ConstructEncryptedPacket(
    QuicConnectionId destination_connection_id,
    QuicConnectionId source_connection_id, bool version_flag, bool reset_flag,
    uint64_t packet_number, const std::string& data, bool full_padding,
    QuicConnectionIdIncluded destination_connection_id_included,
    QuicConnectionIdIncluded source_connection_id_included,
    QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length,
    ParsedQuicVersionVector* versions, Perspective perspective);

QuicEncryptedPacket* ConstructEncryptedPacket(
    QuicConnectionId destination_connection_id,
    QuicConnectionId source_connection_id, bool version_flag, bool reset_flag,
    uint64_t packet_number, const std::string& data, bool full_padding,
    QuicConnectionIdIncluded destination_connection_id_included,
    QuicConnectionIdIncluded source_connection_id_included,
    QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length,
    ParsedQuicVersionVector* versions);

// Create an encrypted packet for testing.
// If versions == nullptr, uses &AllSupportedVersions().
// Note that the packet is encrypted with NullEncrypter, so to decrypt the
// constructed packet, the framer must be set to use NullDecrypter.
QuicEncryptedPacket* ConstructEncryptedPacket(
    QuicConnectionId destination_connection_id,
    QuicConnectionId source_connection_id, bool version_flag, bool reset_flag,
    uint64_t packet_number, const std::string& data,
    QuicConnectionIdIncluded destination_connection_id_included,
    QuicConnectionIdIncluded source_connection_id_included,
    QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length,
    ParsedQuicVersionVector* versions);

// This form assumes |versions| == nullptr.
QuicEncryptedPacket* ConstructEncryptedPacket(
    QuicConnectionId destination_connection_id,
    QuicConnectionId source_connection_id, bool version_flag, bool reset_flag,
    uint64_t packet_number, const std::string& data,
    QuicConnectionIdIncluded destination_connection_id_included,
    QuicConnectionIdIncluded source_connection_id_included,
    QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length);

// This form assumes |connection_id_length| == PACKET_8BYTE_CONNECTION_ID,
// |packet_number_length| == PACKET_4BYTE_PACKET_NUMBER and
// |versions| == nullptr.
QuicEncryptedPacket* ConstructEncryptedPacket(
    QuicConnectionId destination_connection_id,
    QuicConnectionId source_connection_id, bool version_flag, bool reset_flag,
    uint64_t packet_number, const std::string& data);

// Creates a client-to-server ZERO-RTT packet that will fail to decrypt.
std::unique_ptr<QuicEncryptedPacket> GetUndecryptableEarlyPacket(
    const ParsedQuicVersion& version,
    const QuicConnectionId& server_connection_id);

// Constructs a received packet for testing. The caller must take ownership
// of the returned pointer.
QuicReceivedPacket* ConstructReceivedPacket(
    const QuicEncryptedPacket& encrypted_packet, QuicTime receipt_time);
QuicReceivedPacket* ConstructReceivedPacket(
    const QuicEncryptedPacket& encrypted_packet, QuicTime receipt_time,
    QuicEcnCodepoint ecn);

// Create an encrypted packet for testing whose data portion erroneous.
// The specific way the data portion is erroneous is not specified, but
// it is an error that QuicFramer detects.
// Note that the packet is encrypted with NullEncrypter, so to decrypt the
// constructed packet, the framer must be set to use NullDecrypter.
QuicEncryptedPacket* ConstructMisFramedEncryptedPacket(
    QuicConnectionId destination_connection_id,
    QuicConnectionId source_connection_id, bool version_flag, bool reset_flag,
    uint64_t packet_number, const std::string& data,
    QuicConnectionIdIncluded destination_connection_id_included,
    QuicConnectionIdIncluded source_connection_id_included,
    QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length, ParsedQuicVersion version,
    Perspective perspective);

// Returns QuicConfig set to default values.
QuicConfig DefaultQuicConfig();

ParsedQuicVersionVector SupportedVersions(ParsedQuicVersion version);

struct QuicAckBlock {};

// Testing convenience method to construct a QuicAckFrame with arbitrary ack
// blocks. Each block is given by a (closed-open) range of packet numbers. e.g.:
// InitAckFrame({{1, 10}})
//   => 1 ack block acking packet numbers 1 to 9.
// InitAckFrame({{1, 2}, {3, 4}})
//   => 2 ack blocks acking packet 1 and 3. Packet 2 is missing.
QuicAckFrame InitAckFrame(const std::vector<QuicAckBlock>& ack_blocks);

// Testing convenience method to construct a QuicAckFrame with 1 ack block which
// covers packet number range [1, |largest_acked| + 1).
// Equivalent to InitAckFrame({{1, largest_acked + 1}})
QuicAckFrame InitAckFrame(uint64_t largest_acked);
QuicAckFrame InitAckFrame(QuicPacketNumber largest_acked);

// Testing convenience method to construct a QuicAckFrame with |num_ack_blocks|
// ack blocks of width 1 packet, starting from |least_unacked| + 2.
QuicAckFrame MakeAckFrameWithAckBlocks(size_t num_ack_blocks,
                                       uint64_t least_unacked);

// Testing convenice method to construct a QuicAckFrame with |largest_acked|,
// ack blocks of width 1 packet and |gap_size|.
QuicAckFrame MakeAckFrameWithGaps(uint64_t gap_size, size_t max_num_gaps,
                                  uint64_t largest_acked);

// Returns the encryption level that corresponds to the header type in
// |header|. If the header is for GOOGLE_QUIC_PACKET instead of an
// IETF-invariants packet, this function returns ENCRYPTION_INITIAL.
EncryptionLevel HeaderToEncryptionLevel(const QuicPacketHeader& header);

// Returns a QuicPacket that is owned by the caller, and
// is populated with the fields in |header| and |frames|, or is nullptr if the
// packet could not be created.
std::unique_ptr<QuicPacket> BuildUnsizedDataPacket(
    QuicFramer* framer, const QuicPacketHeader& header,
    const QuicFrames& frames);
// Returns a QuicPacket that is owned by the caller, and of size |packet_size|.
std::unique_ptr<QuicPacket> BuildUnsizedDataPacket(
    QuicFramer* framer, const QuicPacketHeader& header,
    const QuicFrames& frames, size_t packet_size);

// Compute SHA-1 hash of the supplied std::string.
std::string Sha1Hash(absl::string_view data);

// Delete |frame| and return true.
bool ClearControlFrame(const QuicFrame& frame);
bool ClearControlFrameWithTransmissionType(const QuicFrame& frame,
                                           TransmissionType type);

// Simple random number generator used to compute random numbers suitable
// for pseudo-randomly dropping packets in tests.
class SimpleRandom : public QuicRandom {};

class MockFramerVisitor : public QuicFramerVisitorInterface {};

class NoOpFramerVisitor : public QuicFramerVisitorInterface {};

class MockQuicConnectionVisitor : public QuicConnectionVisitorInterface {};

class MockQuicConnectionHelper : public QuicConnectionHelperInterface {};

class MockAlarmFactory : public QuicAlarmFactory {};

class TestAlarmFactory : public QuicAlarmFactory {};

class MockQuicConnection : public QuicConnection {};

// Helper that allows retrieving and clearing queued packets.
class PacketProvider {};

class PacketSavingConnection : public MockQuicConnection,
                               public PacketProvider {};

class MockQuicSession : public QuicSession {};

class MockQuicCryptoStream : public QuicCryptoStream {};

class MockQuicSpdySession : public QuicSpdySession {};

class MockHttp3DebugVisitor : public Http3DebugVisitor {};

class TestQuicSpdyServerSession : public QuicServerSessionBase {};

class TestQuicSpdyClientSession : public QuicSpdyClientSessionBase {};

class MockPacketWriter : public QuicPacketWriter {};

class MockSendAlgorithm : public SendAlgorithmInterface {};

class MockLossAlgorithm : public LossDetectionInterface {};

class MockAckListener : public QuicAckListenerInterface {};

class MockNetworkChangeVisitor
    : public QuicSentPacketManager::NetworkChangeVisitor {};

class MockQuicConnectionDebugVisitor : public QuicConnectionDebugVisitor {};

class MockReceivedPacketManager : public QuicReceivedPacketManager {};

class MockPacketCreatorDelegate : public QuicPacketCreator::DelegateInterface {};

class MockSessionNotifier : public SessionNotifierInterface {};

class MockQuicPathValidationContext : public QuicPathValidationContext {};

class MockQuicPathValidationResultDelegate
    : public QuicPathValidator::ResultDelegate {};

class MockHttpDecoderVisitor : public HttpDecoder::Visitor {};

class QuicCryptoClientStreamPeer {};

// Creates a client session for testing.
// server_id: The server id associated with this stream.
// connection_start_time: The time to set for the connection clock.
//   Needed for strike-register nonce verification.  The client
//   connection_start_time should be synchronized witht the server
//   start time, otherwise nonce verification will fail.
// supported_versions: Set of QUIC versions this client supports.
// helper: Pointer to the MockQuicConnectionHelper to use for the session.
// crypto_client_config: Pointer to the crypto client config.
// client_connection: Pointer reference for newly created
//   connection.  This object will be owned by the
//   client_session.
// client_session: Pointer reference for the newly created client
//   session.  The new object will be owned by the caller.
void CreateClientSessionForTest(
    QuicServerId server_id, QuicTime::Delta connection_start_time,
    const ParsedQuicVersionVector& supported_versions,
    MockQuicConnectionHelper* helper, QuicAlarmFactory* alarm_factory,
    QuicCryptoClientConfig* crypto_client_config,
    PacketSavingConnection** client_connection,
    TestQuicSpdyClientSession** client_session);

// Creates a server session for testing.
// server_id: The server id associated with this stream.
// connection_start_time: The time to set for the connection clock.
//   Needed for strike-register nonce verification.  The server
//   connection_start_time should be synchronized witht the client
//   start time, otherwise nonce verification will fail.
// supported_versions: Set of QUIC versions this server supports.
// helper: Pointer to the MockQuicConnectionHelper to use for the session.
// server_crypto_config: Pointer to the crypto server config.
// server_connection: Pointer reference for newly created
//   connection.  This object will be owned by the
//   server_session.
// server_session: Pointer reference for the newly created server
//   session.  The new object will be owned by the caller.
void CreateServerSessionForTest(
    QuicServerId server_id, QuicTime::Delta connection_start_time,
    ParsedQuicVersionVector supported_versions,
    MockQuicConnectionHelper* helper, QuicAlarmFactory* alarm_factory,
    QuicCryptoServerConfig* server_crypto_config,
    QuicCompressedCertsCache* compressed_certs_cache,
    PacketSavingConnection** server_connection,
    TestQuicSpdyServerSession** server_session);

// Verifies that the relative error of |actual| with respect to |expected| is
// no more than |margin|.
// Please use EXPECT_APPROX_EQ, a wrapper around this function, for better error
// report.
template <typename T>
void ExpectApproxEq(T expected, T actual, float relative_margin) {}

#define EXPECT_APPROX_EQ(expected, actual, relative_margin)

template <typename T>
QuicHeaderList AsHeaderList(const T& container) {}

// Helper functions for stream ids, to allow test logic to abstract over the
// HTTP stream numbering scheme (i.e. whether one or two QUIC streams are used
// per HTTP transaction).
QuicStreamId GetNthClientInitiatedBidirectionalStreamId(
    QuicTransportVersion version, int n);
QuicStreamId GetNthServerInitiatedBidirectionalStreamId(
    QuicTransportVersion version, int n);
QuicStreamId GetNthServerInitiatedUnidirectionalStreamId(
    QuicTransportVersion version, int n);
QuicStreamId GetNthClientInitiatedUnidirectionalStreamId(
    QuicTransportVersion version, int n);

StreamType DetermineStreamType(QuicStreamId id, ParsedQuicVersion version,
                               Perspective perspective, bool is_incoming,
                               StreamType default_type);

// Creates a MemSlice using a singleton trivial buffer allocator.  Performs a
// copy.
quiche::QuicheMemSlice MemSliceFromString(absl::string_view data);

// Used to compare ReceivedPacketInfo.
MATCHER_P(ReceivedPacketInfoEquals, info, "") {}

MATCHER_P(ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals, destination_connection_id, "") {}

MATCHER_P2(InRange, min, max, "") {}

// A GMock matcher that prints expected and actual QuicErrorCode strings
// upon failure.  Example usage:
// EXPECT_THAT(stream_->connection_error(), IsError(QUIC_INTERNAL_ERROR));
MATCHER_P(IsError, expected,
          absl::StrCat(negation ? "isn't equal to " : "is equal to ",
                       QuicErrorCodeToString(expected))) {}

// Shorthand for IsError(QUIC_NO_ERROR).
// Example usage: EXPECT_THAT(stream_->connection_error(), IsQuicNoError());
        absl::StrCat(negation ? "isn't equal to " : "is equal to ",
                     QuicErrorCodeToString(QUIC_NO_ERROR))) {}

// A GMock matcher that prints expected and actual QuicRstStreamErrorCode
// strings upon failure.  Example usage:
// EXPECT_THAT(stream_->stream_error(), IsStreamError(QUIC_INTERNAL_ERROR));
MATCHER_P(IsStreamError, expected,
          absl::StrCat(negation ? "isn't equal to " : "is equal to ",
                       QuicRstStreamErrorCodeToString(expected))) {}

// Shorthand for IsStreamError(QUIC_STREAM_NO_ERROR).  Example usage:
// EXPECT_THAT(stream_->stream_error(), IsQuicStreamNoError());
        absl::StrCat(negation ? "isn't equal to " : "is equal to ",
                     QuicRstStreamErrorCodeToString(QUIC_STREAM_NO_ERROR))) {}

// TaggingEncrypter appends kTagSize bytes of |tag| to the end of each message.
class TaggingEncrypter : public QuicEncrypter {};

// TaggingDecrypter ensures that the final kTagSize bytes of the message all
// have the same value and then removes them.
class TaggingDecrypter : public QuicDecrypter {};

// StringTaggingDecrypter ensures that the final kTagSize bytes of the message
// match the expected value.
class StrictTaggingDecrypter : public TaggingDecrypter {};

class TestPacketWriter : public QuicPacketWriter {};

class DroppingPacketsWithSpecificDestinationWriter
    : public QuicPacketWriterWrapper {};

// Parses a packet generated by
// QuicFramer::WriteClientVersionNegotiationProbePacket.
// |packet_bytes| must point to |packet_length| bytes in memory which represent
// the packet. This method will fill in |destination_connection_id_bytes|
// which must point to at least |*destination_connection_id_length_out| bytes in
// memory. |*destination_connection_id_length_out| will contain the length of
// the received destination connection ID, which on success will match the
// contents of the destination connection ID passed in to
// WriteClientVersionNegotiationProbePacket.
bool ParseClientVersionNegotiationProbePacket(
    const char* packet_bytes, size_t packet_length,
    char* destination_connection_id_bytes,
    uint8_t* destination_connection_id_length_out);

// Writes an array of bytes that correspond to a QUIC version negotiation packet
// that a QUIC server would send in response to a probe created by
// QuicFramer::WriteClientVersionNegotiationProbePacket.
// The bytes will be written to |packet_bytes|, which must point to
// |*packet_length_out| bytes of memory. |*packet_length_out| will contain the
// length of the created packet. |source_connection_id_bytes| will be sent as
// the source connection ID, and must point to |source_connection_id_length|
// bytes of memory.
bool WriteServerVersionNegotiationProbeResponse(
    char* packet_bytes, size_t* packet_length_out,
    const char* source_connection_id_bytes,
    uint8_t source_connection_id_length);

// Implementation of Http3DatagramVisitor which saves all received datagrams.
class SavingHttp3DatagramVisitor : public QuicSpdyStream::Http3DatagramVisitor {};

// Implementation of ConnectIpVisitor which saves all received capsules.
class SavingConnectIpVisitor : public QuicSpdyStream::ConnectIpVisitor {};

inline std::string EscapeTestParamName(absl::string_view name) {}

}  // namespace test
}  // namespace quic