
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "base/threading/thread_local_storage.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>

#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr_exclusion.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"

#if BUILDFLAG(IS_MAC) && defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64)
#include <pthread.h>
#include <type_traits>


// Chrome Thread Local Storage (TLS)
// This TLS system allows Chrome to use a single OS level TLS slot process-wide,
// and allows us to control the slot limits instead of being at the mercy of the
// platform. To do this, Chrome TLS replicates an array commonly found in the OS
// thread metadata.
// Overview:
// OS TLS Slots       Per-Thread                 Per-Process Global
//     ...
//     []             Chrome TLS Array           Chrome TLS Metadata
//     [] ----------> [][][][][ ][][][][]        [][][][][ ][][][][]
//     []                      |                          |
//     ...                     V                          V
//                      Metadata Version           Slot Information
//                         Your Data!
// Using a single OS TLS slot, Chrome TLS allocates an array on demand for the
// lifetime of each thread that requests Chrome TLS data. Each per-thread TLS
// array matches the length of the per-process global metadata array.
// A per-process global TLS metadata array tracks information about each item in
// the per-thread array:
//   * Status: Tracks if the slot is allocated or free to assign.
//   * Destructor: An optional destructor to call on thread destruction for that
//                 specific slot.
//   * Version: Tracks the current version of the TLS slot. Each TLS slot
//              allocation is associated with a unique version number.
//              Most OS TLS APIs guarantee that a newly allocated TLS slot is
//              initialized to 0 for all threads. The Chrome TLS system provides
//              this guarantee by tracking the version for each TLS slot here
//              on each per-thread Chrome TLS array entry. Threads that access
//              a slot with a mismatched version will receive 0 as their value.
//              The metadata version is incremented when the client frees a
//              slot. The per-thread metadata version is updated when a client
//              writes to the slot. This scheme allows for constant time
//              invalidation and avoids the need to iterate through each Chrome
//              TLS array to mark the slot as zero.
// Just like an OS TLS API, clients of the Chrome TLS are responsible for
// managing any necessary lifetime of the data in their slots. The only
// convenience provided is automatic destruction when a thread ends. If a client
// frees a slot, that client is responsible for destroying the data in the slot.

namespace {
// In order to make TLS destructors work, we need to keep around a function
// pointer to the destructor for each slot. We keep this array of pointers in a
// global (static) array.
// We use the single OS-level TLS slot (giving us one pointer per thread) to
// hold a pointer to a per-thread array (table) of slots that we allocate to
// Chromium consumers.

// g_native_tls_key is the one native TLS that we use. It stores our table.

std::atomic<PlatformThreadLocalStorage::TLSKey> g_native_tls_key{};

// The OS TLS slot has the following states. The TLS slot's lower 2 bits contain
// the state, the upper bits the TlsVectorEntry*.
//   * kUninitialized: Any call to Slot::Get()/Set() will create the base
//     per-thread TLS state. kUninitialized must be null.
//   * kInUse: value has been created and is in use.
//   * kDestroying: Set when the thread is exiting prior to deleting any of the
//     values stored in the TlsVectorEntry*. This state is necessary so that
//     sequence/task checks won't be done while in the process of deleting the
//     tls entries (see comments in SequenceCheckerImpl for more details).
//   * kDestroyed: All of the values in the vector have been deallocated and
//     the TlsVectorEntry has been deleted.
// Final States:
//   * Windows: kDestroyed. Windows does not iterate through the OS TLS to clean
//     up the values.
//   * POSIX: kUninitialized. POSIX iterates through TLS until all slots contain
//     nullptr.
// More details on this design:
//   We need some type of thread-local state to indicate that the TLS system has
//   been destroyed. To do so, we leverage the multi-pass nature of destruction
//   of pthread_key.
//    a) After destruction of TLS system, we set the pthread_key to a sentinel
//       kDestroyed.
//    b) All calls to Slot::Get() DCHECK that the state is not kDestroyed, and
//       any system which might potentially invoke Slot::Get() after destruction
//       of TLS must check ThreadLocalStorage::ThreadIsBeingDestroyed().
//    c) After a full pass of the pthread_keys, on the next invocation of
//       ConstructTlsVector(), we'll then set the key to nullptr.
//    d) At this stage, the TLS system is back in its uninitialized state.
//    e) If in the second pass of destruction of pthread_keys something were to
//       re-initialize TLS [this should never happen! Since the only code which
//       uses Chrome TLS is Chrome controlled, we should really be striving for
//       single-pass destruction], then TLS will be re-initialized and then go
//       through the 2-pass destruction system again. Everything should just
//       work (TM).

// The state of the tls-entry.
enum class TlsVectorState {};

// Bit-mask used to store TlsVectorState.
constexpr uintptr_t kVectorStateBitMask =;

// The maximum number of slots in our thread local storage stack.
constexpr size_t kThreadLocalStorageSize =;

enum TlsStatus {};

struct TlsMetadata {};

struct TlsVectorEntry {};

// This lock isn't needed until after we've constructed the per-thread TLS
// vector, so it's safe to use.
base::Lock* GetTLSMetadataLock() {}
TlsMetadata g_tls_metadata[kThreadLocalStorageSize];
size_t g_last_assigned_slot =;
uint32_t g_sequence_num =;

// The maximum number of times to try to clear slots by calling destructors.
// Use pthread naming convention for clarity.
constexpr size_t kMaxDestructorIterations =;

// Sets the value and state of the vector.
void SetTlsVectorValue(PlatformThreadLocalStorage::TLSKey key,
                       TlsVectorEntry* tls_data,
                       TlsVectorState state) {}

// Returns the tls vector and current state from the raw tls value.
TlsVectorState GetTlsVectorStateAndValue(void* tls_value,
                                         TlsVectorEntry** entry = nullptr) {}

// Returns the tls vector and state using the tls key.
TlsVectorState GetTlsVectorStateAndValue(PlatformThreadLocalStorage::TLSKey key,
                                         TlsVectorEntry** entry = nullptr) {}

// This function is called to initialize our entire Chromium TLS system.
// It may be called very early, and we need to complete most all of the setup
// (initialization) before calling *any* memory allocator functions, which may
// recursively depend on this initialization.
// As a result, we use Atomics, and avoid anything (like a singleton) that might
// require memory allocations.
TlsVectorEntry* ConstructTlsVector() {}

void OnThreadExitInternal(TlsVectorEntry* tls_data) {}

}  // namespace

namespace base {

namespace internal {

void PlatformThreadLocalStorage::OnThreadExit() {
  PlatformThreadLocalStorage::TLSKey key =
  if (key == PlatformThreadLocalStorage::TLS_KEY_OUT_OF_INDEXES)
  TlsVectorEntry* tls_vector = nullptr;
  const TlsVectorState state = GetTlsVectorStateAndValue(key, &tls_vector);

  // On Windows, thread destruction callbacks are only invoked once per module,
  // so there should be no way that this could be invoked twice.
  DCHECK_NE(state, TlsVectorState::kDestroyed);

  // Maybe we have never initialized TLS for this thread.
  if (state == TlsVectorState::kUninitialized)
void PlatformThreadLocalStorage::OnThreadExit(void* value) {}
#endif  // BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN)

}  // namespace internal

// static
bool ThreadLocalStorage::HasBeenDestroyed() {}

void ThreadLocalStorage::Slot::Initialize(TLSDestructorFunc destructor) {}

void ThreadLocalStorage::Slot::Free() {}

void* ThreadLocalStorage::Slot::Get() const {}

void ThreadLocalStorage::Slot::Set(void* value) {}

ThreadLocalStorage::Slot::Slot(TLSDestructorFunc destructor) {}

ThreadLocalStorage::Slot::~Slot() {}

}  // namespace base