# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utility library for working with lucicfg graph nodes."""
load("@stdlib//internal/graph.star", "graph")
load("@stdlib//internal/sequence.star", "sequence")
load("@stdlib//internal/luci/common.star", "builder_ref", "keys", "kinds")
_CHROMIUM_NS_KIND = "@chromium"
def _create_singleton_node_type(kind):
"""Create a singleton node type.
Singleton nodes types only allow for a single node of the type to exist.
This can be used for creating configuration nodes for generators since
generators are unable to access lucicfg vars.
kind: (str) An identifier for the kind of the node. Must be unique
within the chromium namespace.
A node type that can be used for creating and getting a node of
the given kind.
The type has the following properties:
* kind: The kind of node of the type.
The node type has the following methods:
* key(): Creates a key for the node.
* add(**kwargs): Adds a node with a key created via `key()`.
`graph.add_node` will be called with the key and `**kwargs`.
Returns the key.
* get(): Gets the node with the key given by
`key(bucket_name, key_value)`.
def key():
return graph.key(_CHROMIUM_NS_KIND, "", kind, "")
def add(**kwargs):
k = key()
graph.add_node(k, **kwargs)
return k
def get():
return graph.node(key())
return struct(
kind = kind,
key = key,
add = add,
get = get,
_ANONYMOUS_PREFIX = "<anonymous>"
def _create_unscoped_node_type(kind, allow_empty_id = False):
"""Create an unscoped node type.
Unscoped node types only allow for one node to exist with a given key_value.
Key values are arbitrary, it is up to the calling code to assign meaning to
the key values and enforce validity.
kind: (str) An identifier for the kind of the node. Must be unique
within the chromium namespace.
allow_empty_id: (bool) Whether or not to allow the creation of nodes
without providing an ID value. This can allow for creating resources
that are defined within the definition of other resources without
requiring assigning an ID upfront. Instead, a unique ID will be
A node type that can be used for creating and getting nodes of
the given kind.
The type has the following properties:
* kind: The kind of nodes of the type.
The node types has the following methods:
* key(key_id_or_keyset): Gets a key of kind. key_id_or_keyset can either
be the ID value for the key or it can be a keyset, in which case the
key of kind will be extracted from the keyset.
* add(key_id, **kwargs): Adds a node with a key created via
`key(key_id)`. `graph.add_node` will be called with the key and
`**kwargs`. Returns the key. If allow_empty_id is True, key_id will
have the defult value of None and a None value for key_id will
create a node with a key that is unique within the lucicfg run.
* get(key_id): Gets the node with key given by `key(key_id)`.
def key(key_id_or_keyset):
if graph.is_keyset(key_id_or_keyset):
return key_id_or_keyset.get(kind)
return graph.key(_CHROMIUM_NS_KIND, "", kind, key_id_or_keyset)
if allow_empty_id:
def add(key_id = None, **kwargs):
if key_id == None:
key_id = "{}:{}".format(_ANONYMOUS_PREFIX, sequence.next(kind))
elif key_id.startswith(_ANONYMOUS_PREFIX):
fail("cannot specify a key ID with prefix \"{}\"".format(_ANONYMOUS_PREFIX))
k = key(key_id)
graph.add_node(k, **kwargs)
return k
def add(key_id, **kwargs):
k = key(key_id)
graph.add_node(k, **kwargs)
return k
def get(key_id):
return graph.node(key(key_id))
return struct(
kind = kind,
key = key,
add = add,
get = get,
def _create_scoped_node_type(kind, scope_kind):
"""Create a node type scoped to another kind.
Scoped node types allow for a node to exist with a given key value per key
value of the scope kind. Key values are arbitrary, it is up to the calling
code to assign meaning to the key values and enforce validity.
kind: (str) An identifier for the kind of the node. Must be unique within
the chromium namespace.
scope_kind: (str) An identifier for the scope kind.
A node type that can be used for creating and getting nodes of
the given kind.
The type has the following properties:
* kind: The kind of nodes of the type.
The node types has the following methods:
* key(scope_key_value, key_value): Creates a key with the given scope
value as the container and key_value as the ID.
* add(scope_key_value, key_value, **kwargs): Adds a node with a key
created via `key(scope_key_value, key_value)`. `graph.add_node` will
be called with the key and `**kwargs`. Returns the key.
* get(scope_key_value, key_value): Gets the node with the key given by
`key(scope_key_value, key_value)`.
def key(scope_key_value, key_value):
return graph.key(_CHROMIUM_NS_KIND, "", scope_kind, scope_key_value, kind, key_value)
def add(scope_key_value, key_value, **kwargs):
k = key(scope_key_value, key_value)
graph.add_node(k, **kwargs)
return k
def get(scope_key_value, key_value):
return graph.node(key(scope_key_value, key_value))
return struct(
kind = kind,
key = key,
add = add,
get = get,
def _create_node_type_with_builder_ref(kind):
"""Create a node type that allows reference via builder name.
Node types created by this function result in the creation of 2 different
kinds: the target kind (`kind`) and a ref kind. One node of the target kind
can exist for each builder defined in the project. Additionally, 2 nodes of
the ref kind will exist that have edges to the node of the target kind. The
ref nodes provide the means of linking to the node via a ref. A ref is
either a bucket-scoped builder name (e.g. "ci/linux-builder") or simple
builder name (e.g. "linux-builder") if the simple builder name is
kind: (str) An identifier for the kind of the node. Must be unique
within the chromium namespace.
A node type that can be used for creating and getting nodes of
the given kind.
The type has the following properties:
* kind: The kind of nodes of the type.
* ref_kind: The kind of ref nodes of the type.
The node types has the following methods:
* key(bucket_name, builder_name): Creates a key for the target kind with
the given bucket and builder.
* ref_key(ref): Creates a key with the ref kind for the given ref.
* add(bucket_name, builder_name, **kwargs): Adds a node with a key
created via `key(bucket_name, builder_name)`. `graph.add_node` will
be called with the key and `**kwargs`. Additionally, two ref nodes
will be created as parents of the target node, one with the
bucket-scoped builder name and one with the simple builder name.
Returns the target key.
* get(builder_name): Gets the node with the key given by
`key(bucket_name, builder_name)`.
* add_ref(key, ref): Add an edge from an arbitrary node identified by
`key` to one of this node type's ref nodes identified by `ref`.
* follow_ref(ref_node, context_node): Get the target node that is the
child of `ref_node`, which is a node of this node type's ref kind.
In the event that the ref node has multiple children (i.e. a simple
builder name that is ambiguous) `context_node` will be used in the
failure message to identify the source of the reference.
ref_kind = kind + " ref"
def key(bucket_name, builder_name):
return graph.key(_CHROMIUM_NS_KIND, "", kinds.BUCKET, bucket_name, kind, builder_name)
def ref_key(ref):
chunks = ref.split(":", 1)
if len(chunks) != 1:
fail("reference to builder in external project '{}' is not allowed here"
chunks = ref.split("/", 1)
if len(chunks) == 1:
return graph.key("@chromium", "", ref_kind, ref)
return graph.key("@chromium", "", kinds.BUCKET, chunks[0], ref_kind, chunks[1])
def add(bucket_name, builder_name, **kwargs):
k = key(bucket_name, builder_name)
graph.add_node(k, **kwargs)
for ref in (builder_name, "{}/{}".format(bucket_name, builder_name)):
rk = ref_key(ref)
graph.add_node(rk, idempotent = True)
graph.add_edge(rk, k)
return k
def get(bucket_name, builder_name):
return graph.node(key(bucket_name, builder_name))
def add_ref(key, ref):
rk = ref_key(ref)
graph.add_edge(key, rk)
def follow_ref(ref_node, context_node):
if ref_node.key.kind != ref_kind:
fail("{} is not {}".format(ref_node, ref_kind))
variants = graph.children(ref_node.key, kind)
if not variants:
fail("{} is unexpectedly unconnected".format(ref_node))
if len(variants) == 1:
return variants[0]
"ambiguous reference '{}' in {}, possible variants:\n {}".format(
"\n ".join([str(v) for v in variants]),
trace = context_node.trace,
return struct(
kind = kind,
ref_kind = ref_kind,
add = add,
get = get,
add_ref = add_ref,
follow_ref = follow_ref,
# A node-type for access to lucicfg standard builder nodes. It doesn't provide
# full access because it doesn't allow for the creation of new nodes, but it can
# be used as a node type when creating link node types.
_BUILDER = struct(
kind = kinds.BUILDER,
ref_kind = kinds.BUILDER_REF,
add_ref = lambda key, ref: graph.add_edge(key, keys.builder_ref(ref)),
follow_ref = builder_ref.follow,
def _create_link_node_type(kind, parent_node_type, child_node_type):
"""Create a link node type.
A link node type allows for creating nodes that express a relationship
between two nodes. The nodes themselves only matter for providing a
connection between the related nodes and as such, no means are provided for
interacting directly with the nodes of this kind. The specific meaning of
the relationship is determined by the caller. Nodes of this type would be
necessary when there are potentially multiple relationships that could exist
between given nodes.
kind: (str) An identifier for the kind of the node. Must be unique.
parent_node_type: (node type) The node type of the nodes that will be
the parent in the link relationship.
child_node_type: (node type) The node type of the nodes that will be the
child in the link relationship.
A node type that can be used for linking related nodes and retrieving
the parents or children of the relationship.
The node types has the following methods:
* link(parent_key, child_key): Create a link between the nodes
identified by `parent_key` and `child_key`. The name is an arbitrary
name that will appear in error messages if there are issues with the
* children(parent_key): Get the nodes that are linked by nodes of this
type as children of the node identified by `parent_key`.
* parents(child_key): Get the nodes that are linked by nodes of this
type as parents of the node identified by `child_key`.
If the child_node_type was created by
`create_node_type_with_builder_ref`, the returned node type changes in
the following way:
* link instead has the signature link(name, parent_key, child_ref). A
link will be created between the node identified by `parent_key` and
the ref node for the reference `child_ref`.
* children will get the target node type by calling `follow_ref`, so
links to ambiguous refs will cause failures.
# The keys are not actually used after creation of the link, but may appear
# in error messages, so we create a unique key with the given name
def key(name):
return keys.unique(kind, name)
parent_kind = parent_node_type.kind
child_kind = child_node_type.kind
if hasattr(child_node_type, "ref_kind"):
def link(parent_key, child_ref):
k = key(child_ref)
graph.add_edge(parent_key, k)
child_node_type.add_ref(k, child_ref)
def children(parent_key):
if parent_key.kind != parent_kind:
fail("kind of {} is not {}".format(parent_key, parent_kind))
parent_node = graph.node(parent_key)
children = []
# The unique keys use the string representation of an incrementing
# number, which makes the ordering of them seem somewhat chaotic, so
# get the link nodes in definition order
for link_node in graph.children(parent_key, kind, graph.DEFINITION_ORDER):
for ref_node in graph.children(link_node.key, child_node_type.ref_kind):
children.append(child_node_type.follow_ref(ref_node, parent_node))
return children
def parents(child_key):
if child_key.kind != child_kind:
fail("kind of {} is not {}".format(child_key, child_kind))
parents = []
for ref_node in graph.parents(child_key, child_node_type.ref_kind):
# The unique keys use the string representation of an
# incrementing number, which makes the ordering of them seem
# somewhat chaotic, so get the link nodes in definition order
for link_node in graph.parents(ref_node.key, kind, graph.DEFINITION_ORDER):
parents.extend(graph.parents(link_node.key, parent_kind))
return parents
def link(parent_key, child_key):
k = key(child_key.id)
graph.add_edge(parent_key, k)
graph.add_edge(k, child_key)
def children(parent_key):
if parent_key.kind != parent_kind:
fail("kind of {} is not {}".format(parent_key, parent_kind))
children = []
# The unique keys use the string representation of an incrementing
# number, which makes the ordering of them seem somewhat chaotic, so
# get the link nodes in definition order
for link in graph.children(parent_key, kind, graph.DEFINITION_ORDER):
children.extend(graph.children(link.key, child_kind))
return children
def parents(child_key):
if child_key.kind != child_kind:
fail("kind of {} is not {}".format(child_key, child_kind))
parents = []
# The unique keys use the string representation of an incrementing
# number, which makes the ordering of them seem somewhat chaotic, so
# get the link nodes in definition order
for link in graph.parents(child_key, kind, graph.DEFINITION_ORDER):
parents.extend(graph.parents(link.key, parent_kind))
return parents
return struct(
link = link,
children = children,
parents = parents,
nodes = struct(
create_singleton_node_type = _create_singleton_node_type,
create_unscoped_node_type = _create_unscoped_node_type,
create_scoped_node_type = _create_scoped_node_type,
create_bucket_scoped_node_type = lambda kind: _create_scoped_node_type(kind, kinds.BUCKET),
create_node_type_with_builder_ref = _create_node_type_with_builder_ref,
create_link_node_type = _create_link_node_type,