# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Library for defining polymorphic builders."""
load("@stdlib//internal/graph.star", "graph")
load("@stdlib//internal/luci/common.star", "builder_ref", "keys")
load("./builders.star", "builder", "defaults")
load("./nodes.star", "nodes")
load("//project.star", "settings")
_LAUNCHER = nodes.create_bucket_scoped_node_type("polymorphic-launcher")
_RUNNER = nodes.create_link_node_type("polymorphic-runner", _LAUNCHER, nodes.BUILDER)
_TARGET_BUILDER = nodes.create_link_node_type("polymorphic-target", _LAUNCHER, nodes.BUILDER)
_TARGET_TESTER = nodes.create_link_node_type("polymorphic-target-tester", nodes.BUILDER, nodes.BUILDER)
def _builder_ref_to_builder_id(ref):
bucket, builder = ref.split("/", 1)
return dict(
project = settings.project,
bucket = bucket,
builder = builder,
def _target_builder(*, builder, dimensions = None, testers = None):
"""Details for a target builder for a polymorphic launcher.
builder: (str) The bucket-qualified reference to the builder that
performs the polymoprhic runs.
dimensions: (dimensions.dimensions) Additional dimensions to set for the
target builder. Any dimensions specified here will override
dimensions on the runner builder. An empty dimension value will
remove the dimension when the runner builder is triggered for the
target builder.
testers: (list[str]) An optional list of testers to restrict the
operation to. If not specified, then the operation will include all
testers that are triggered by the target builder.
if dimensions:
dimensions = dimensions.resolve(*builder.split("/"))
return struct(
builder = builder,
dimensions = dimensions,
testers = testers,
def _launcher(
"""Define a polymorphic launcher builder.
The executable will default to the `chromium_polymorphic/launcher` recipe
and the properties will be updated to set the `runner_builder` and
`target_builder` properties as required by the recipe.
name: (str) The name of the builder.
runner: (str) Bucket-qualified reference to the builder that performs
the polymorphic runs.
target_builders: (list[str|target_builder]) The target builders that the
runner builder should be triggered for. Can either be an object
returned by polymorphic.target_builder or a string with the
bucket-qualified reference to the target builder. It should be noted
that an empty list has different behavior from the default: none of
the triggered testers will be included in the operation.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed onto
The lucicfg keyset for the builder
if not target_builders:
fail("target_builders must not be empty")
target_builders = [_target_builder(builder = t) if type(t) == type("") else t for t in target_builders]
bucket = defaults.get_value_from_kwargs("bucket", kwargs)
launcher_key = _LAUNCHER.add(bucket, name, props = dict(
runner = runner,
target_builders = target_builders,
graph.add_edge(keys.project(), launcher_key)
# Create links to the runner and target builders. We don't actually do
# anything with the links, but lucicfg will check that the nodes that are
# linked to were actually added (i.e. that the referenced builders actually
# exist).
_RUNNER.link(launcher_key, runner)
for t in target_builders:
_TARGET_BUILDER.link(launcher_key, t.builder)
if t.testers != None:
for tester in t.testers:
_TARGET_TESTER.link(launcher_key, tester)
kwargs.setdefault("executable", "recipe:chromium_polymorphic/launcher")
kwargs.setdefault("resultdb_enable", False)
return builder(
name = name,
polymorphic = struct(
launcher = _launcher,
target_builder = _target_builder,
def _get_tester_group_and_name(context_node, builder_proto_by_key, tester_ref):
builder_ref_node = graph.node(keys.builder_ref(tester_ref))
builder_node = builder_ref.follow(builder_ref_node, context_node)
builder_proto = builder_proto_by_key[builder_node.key]
builder_group = json.decode(builder_proto.properties)["builder_group"]
return {
"group": builder_group,
"builder": builder_node.key.id,
def _target_builder_prop(context_node, builder_proto_by_key, target_builder):
p = {"builder_id": _builder_ref_to_builder_id(target_builder.builder)}
if target_builder.dimensions:
p["dimensions"] = target_builder.dimensions
if target_builder.testers != None:
testers = []
p["tester_filter"] = {"testers": testers}
for t in target_builder.testers:
testers.append(_get_tester_group_and_name(context_node, builder_proto_by_key, t))
return p
def _generate_launcher_properties(ctx):
cfg = None
for f in ctx.output:
if f.startswith("luci/cr-buildbucket"):
cfg = ctx.output[f]
if cfg == None:
fail("There is no buildbucket configuration file to update properties")
builder_proto_by_key = {}
for bucket in cfg.buckets:
if not proto.has(bucket, "swarming"):
bucket_name = bucket.name
for builder in bucket.swarming.builders:
builder_name = builder.name
builder_proto_by_key[keys.builder(bucket_name, builder_name)] = builder
for bucket in cfg.buckets:
if not proto.has(bucket, "swarming"):
bucket_name = bucket.name
for builder in bucket.swarming.builders:
builder_name = builder.name
node = _LAUNCHER.get(bucket_name, builder_name)
if not node:
properties = json.decode(builder.properties)
"runner_builder": _builder_ref_to_builder_id(node.props.runner),
"target_builders": [_target_builder_prop(node, builder_proto_by_key, t) for t in node.props.target_builders],
builder.properties = json.encode(properties)