# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Runner class for variations smoke tests."""
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import iossim_util
import test_apps
import test_runner
from test_result_util import ResultCollection, TestResult, TestStatus
from xcodebuild_runner import SimulatorParallelTestRunner
from xcode_log_parser import XcodeLogParser
_THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
_SRC_DIR = os.path.join(_THIS_DIR, os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir,
os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir)
_VARIATIONS_SMOKE_TEST_DIR = os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'testing', 'scripts')
sys.path.insert(0, _VARIATIONS_SMOKE_TEST_DIR)
import variations_seed_access_helper as seed_helper
# Constants around the variation keys.
_LOCAL_STATE_VARIATIONS_LAST_FETCH_TIME_KEY = 'variations_last_fetch_time'
# Test argument to make EG2 test verify the fetch happens in current app launch.
_VERIFY_FETCHED_IN_CURRENT_LAUNCH_ARG = '--verify-fetched-in-current-launch'
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VariationsSimulatorParallelTestRunner(SimulatorParallelTestRunner):
"""Variations simulator runner."""
def __init__(self, app_path, host_app_path, iossim_path, version, platform,
out_dir, variations_seed_path, **kwargs):
self).__init__(app_path, host_app_path, iossim_path, version,
platform, out_dir, **kwargs)
self.variations_seed_path = variations_seed_path
self.host_app_bundle_id = test_apps.get_bundle_id(self.host_app_path)
self.test_app = self.get_launch_test_app()
def _user_data_dir(self):
"""Returns path to user data dir containing "Local State" file.
Note: The path is under app data directory of host Chrome app under test.
The path changes each time launching app but the content is consistent.
# This is required for next cmd to work.
app_data_path = iossim_util.get_app_data_directory(self.host_app_bundle_id,
return os.path.join(app_data_path, 'Library', 'Application Support',
'Google', 'Chrome')
def _reset_last_fetch_time(self):
"""Resets last fetch time to one day before so the next fetch can happen.
On mobile devices the fetch will only happen 30 min after last fetch by
checking |variations_last_fetch_time| key in Local State.
# Last fetch time in local state uses win timestamp in microseconds.
win_delta = datetime.utcnow() - datetime(1601, 1, 1)
win_now = int(win_delta.total_seconds())
win_one_day_before = win_now - 60 * 60 * 24
win_one_day_before_microseconds = win_one_day_before * 1000000
self._user_data_dir(), {
LOGGER.info('Reset last fetch time to %s in Local State.' %
def _launch_app_once(self, out_sub_dir, verify_fetched_within_launch=False):
"""Launches app once.
out_sub_dir: (str) Sub dir under |self.out_dir| for this attempt output.
verify_fetched_within_launch: (bool) Whether to verify that the fetch
would happens in current launch.
(test_result_util.ResultCollection): Raw EG test result of the launch.
launch_out_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, out_sub_dir)
if verify_fetched_within_launch:
cmd = self.test_app.command(launch_out_dir, 'id=%s' % self.udid, 1)
proc = subprocess.Popen(
env=self.env_vars or {},
output = test_runner.print_process_output(proc, self.readline_timeout)
if _VERIFY_FETCHED_IN_CURRENT_LAUNCH_ARG in self.test_app.test_args:
return XcodeLogParser.collect_test_results(launch_out_dir, output)
def _launch_variations_smoke_test(self):
"""Runs variations smoke test logic which involves multiple test launches.
Tuple of (bool, str) Success status and reason.
# Launch app to make it fetch seed from server.
fetch_launch_result = self._launch_app_once(
'fetch_launch', verify_fetched_within_launch=True)
if not fetch_launch_result.passed_tests():
log = 'Test failure at app launch to fetch variations seed.'
return False, log
# Verify a production version of variations seed was fetched successfully.
current_seed, current_signature = seed_helper.get_current_seed(
if not current_seed or not current_signature:
log = 'Failed to fetch variations seed on initial fetch launch.'
return False, log
# Inject the test seed.
# |seed_helper.load_test_seed_from_file()| tries to find a seed file under
# src root first. If it doesn't exist, it will fallback to the one in
# |self.variations_seed_path|.
seed, signature = seed_helper.load_test_seed_from_file(
if not seed or not signature:
log = ('Ill-formed test seed json file: "%s" and "%s" are required',
return False, log
if not seed_helper.inject_test_seed(seed, signature, self._user_data_dir()):
log = 'Failed to inject test seed.'
return False, log
# Launch app with injected seed.
injected_launch_result = self._launch_app_once('injected_launch')
if not injected_launch_result.passed_tests():
log = 'Test failure at app launch after the seed is injected.'
return False, log
# Reset last fetch timestamp to one day before now. On mobile devices a
# fetch will only happen after 30 min of last fetch.
# Launch app again to refetch and update the injected seed with a delta.
update_launch_result = self._launch_app_once(
'update_launch', verify_fetched_within_launch=True)
if not update_launch_result.passed_tests():
log = 'Test failure at app launch to update seed with a delta.'
return False, log
# Verify seed has been updated successfully and it's different from the
# injected test seed.
# TODO(crbug.com/40191854): This test expectation may not work correctly
# when a field trial config under test does not affect a platform, so it
# requires more investigations to figure out the correct behavior.
current_seed, current_signature = seed_helper.get_current_seed(
if current_seed == seed or current_signature == signature:
log = 'Failed to update seed with a delta'
return False, log
return True, 'Variations smoke test passed all steps!'
def launch(self):
"""Entrance to launch tests in this runner."""
success, log = self._launch_variations_smoke_test()
test_status = TestStatus.PASS if success else TestStatus.FAIL
# Report a single test named |VariationsSmokeTest| as part of runner output.
overall_result = ResultCollection(test_results=[
TestResult('VariationsSmokeTest', test_status, test_log=log)
self.test_results = overall_result.standard_json_output(path_delimiter='/')
return success