
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "base/time/time.h"

#include <windows.h>

#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <>

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>

#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "base/win/registry.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace base {
namespace {

// For TimeDelta::ConstexprInitialization
constexpr int kExpectedDeltaInMilliseconds = 10;
constexpr TimeDelta kConstexprTimeDelta =

class MockTimeTicks : public TimeTicks {
  static DWORD Ticker() {
    return static_cast<int>(InterlockedIncrement(&ticker_));

  static void InstallTicker() {
    old_tick_function_ = SetMockTickFunction(&Ticker);
    ticker_ = -5;

  static void UninstallTicker() { SetMockTickFunction(old_tick_function_); }

  static volatile LONG ticker_;
  static TickFunctionType old_tick_function_;

volatile LONG MockTimeTicks::ticker_;
MockTimeTicks::TickFunctionType MockTimeTicks::old_tick_function_;

HANDLE g_rollover_test_start;

unsigned __stdcall RolloverTestThreadMain(void* param) {
  int64_t counter = reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(param);
  DWORD rv = WaitForSingleObject(g_rollover_test_start, INFINITE);

  TimeTicks last = TimeTicks::Now();
  for (int index = 0; index < counter; index++) {
    TimeTicks now = TimeTicks::Now();
    int64_t milliseconds = (now - last).InMilliseconds();
    // This is a tight loop; we could have looped faster than our
    // measurements, so the time might be 0 millis.
    EXPECT_GE(milliseconds, 0);
    EXPECT_LT(milliseconds, 250);
    last = now;
  return 0;

#if defined(_M_ARM64) && defined(__clang__)
#define ReadCycleCounter() _ReadStatusReg(ARM64_PMCCNTR_EL0)
#define ReadCycleCounter() __rdtsc()

// Measure the performance of the CPU cycle counter so that we can compare it to
// the overhead of QueryPerformanceCounter. A hard-coded frequency is used
// because we don't care about the accuracy of the results, we just need to do
// the work. The amount of work is not exactly the same as in TimeTicks::Now
// (some steps are skipped) but that doesn't seem to materially affect the
// results.
TimeTicks GetTSC() {
  // Using a fake cycle counter frequency for test purposes.
  return TimeTicks() + Microseconds(ReadCycleCounter() *
                                    Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond / 10000000);

}  // namespace

// This test spawns many threads, and can occasionally fail due to resource
// exhaustion in the presence of ASan.
#define MAYBE_WinRollover DISABLED_WinRollover
#define MAYBE_WinRollover WinRollover
TEST(TimeTicks, MAYBE_WinRollover) {
  // The internal counter rolls over at ~49days.  We'll use a mock
  // timer to test this case.
  // Basic test algorithm:
  //   1) Set clock to rollover - N
  //   2) Create N threads
  //   3) Start the threads
  //   4) Each thread loops through TimeTicks() N times
  //   5) Each thread verifies integrity of result.

  const int kThreads = 8;
  // Use int64_t so we can cast into a void* without a compiler warning.
  const int64_t kChecks = 10;

  // It takes a lot of iterations to reproduce the bug!
  // (See bug 1081395)
  for (int loop = 0; loop < 4096; loop++) {
    // Setup
    g_rollover_test_start = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0);
    HANDLE threads[kThreads];

    for (int index = 0; index < kThreads; index++) {
      void* argument = reinterpret_cast<void*>(kChecks);
      unsigned thread_id;
      threads[index] = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(_beginthreadex(
          NULL, 0, RolloverTestThreadMain, argument, 0, &thread_id));
      EXPECT_NE((HANDLE)NULL, threads[index]);

    // Start!

    // Wait for threads to finish
    for (int index = 0; index < kThreads; index++) {
      DWORD rv = WaitForSingleObject(threads[index], INFINITE);
      // Since using _beginthreadex() (as opposed to _beginthread),
      // an explicit CloseHandle() is supposed to be called.


    // Teardown

TEST(TimeTicks, SubMillisecondTimers) {
  // IsHighResolution() is false on some systems.  Since the product still works
  // even if it's false, it makes this entire test questionable.
  if (!TimeTicks::IsHighResolution())

  // Run kRetries attempts to see a sub-millisecond timer.
  constexpr int kRetries = 1000;
  for (int index = 0; index < kRetries; index++) {
    const TimeTicks start_time = TimeTicks::Now();
    TimeDelta delta;
    // Spin until the clock has detected a change.
    do {
      delta = TimeTicks::Now() - start_time;
    } while (delta.is_zero());
    if (!delta.InMilliseconds())
  ADD_FAILURE() << "Never saw a sub-millisecond timer.";

TEST(TimeTicks, TimeGetTimeCaps) {
  // Test some basic assumptions that we expect about how timeGetDevCaps works.

  TIMECAPS caps;
  MMRESULT status = timeGetDevCaps(&caps, sizeof(caps));

  EXPECT_GE(static_cast<int>(caps.wPeriodMin), 1);
  EXPECT_GT(static_cast<int>(caps.wPeriodMax), 1);
  EXPECT_GE(static_cast<int>(caps.wPeriodMin), 1);
  EXPECT_GT(static_cast<int>(caps.wPeriodMax), 1);
  printf("timeGetTime range is %d to %dms\n", caps.wPeriodMin, caps.wPeriodMax);

TEST(TimeTicks, QueryPerformanceFrequency) {
  // Test some basic assumptions that we expect about QPC.

  LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
  BOOL rv = QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency);
  EXPECT_GT(frequency.QuadPart, 1000000);  // Expect at least 1MHz
  printf("QueryPerformanceFrequency is %5.2fMHz\n",
         frequency.QuadPart / 1000000.0);

TEST(TimeTicks, TimerPerformance) {
  // Verify that various timer mechanisms can always complete quickly.
  // Note:  This is a somewhat arbitrary test.
  const int kLoops = 500000;

  typedef TimeTicks (*TestFunc)();
  struct TestCase {
    TestFunc func;
    const char* description;
  // Cheating a bit here:  assumes sizeof(TimeTicks) == sizeof(Time)
  // in order to create a single test case list.
  static_assert(sizeof(TimeTicks) == sizeof(Time),
                "TimeTicks and Time must be the same size");
  std::vector<TestCase> cases;
  cases.push_back({reinterpret_cast<TestFunc>(&Time::Now), "Time::Now"});
  cases.push_back({&TimeTicks::Now, "TimeTicks::Now"});
  cases.push_back({&GetTSC, "CPUCycleCounter"});

  if (ThreadTicks::IsSupported()) {
        {reinterpret_cast<TestFunc>(&ThreadTicks::Now), "ThreadTicks::Now"});

  // Warm up the CPU to its full clock rate so that we get accurate timing
  // information.
  DWORD start_tick = GetTickCount();
  const DWORD kWarmupMs = 50;
  for (;;) {
    DWORD elapsed = GetTickCount() - start_tick;
    if (elapsed > kWarmupMs)

  for (const auto& test_case : cases) {
    TimeTicks start = TimeTicks::Now();
    for (int index = 0; index < kLoops; index++)
    TimeTicks stop = TimeTicks::Now();
    // Turning off the check for acceptible delays.  Without this check,
    // the test really doesn't do much other than measure.  But the
    // measurements are still useful for testing timers on various platforms.
    // The reason to remove the check is because the tests run on many
    // buildbots, some of which are VMs.  These machines can run horribly
    // slow, and there is really no value for checking against a max timer.
    // const int kMaxTime = 35;  // Maximum acceptible milliseconds for test.
    // EXPECT_LT((stop - start).InMilliseconds(), kMaxTime);
    printf("%s: %1.2fus per call\n", test_case.description,
           (stop - start).InMillisecondsF() * 1000 / kLoops);

#if !defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM64)
// This test is disabled on Windows ARM64 systems because TSCTicksPerSecond is
// only used in Chromium for QueryThreadCycleTime, and QueryThreadCycleTime
// doesn't use a constant-rate timer on ARM64.
TEST(TimeTicks, TSCTicksPerSecond) {
  if (time_internal::HasConstantRateTSC()) {

    // Read the CPU frequency from the registry.
    base::win::RegKey processor_key(
        L"Hardware\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0", KEY_QUERY_VALUE);
    DWORD processor_mhz_from_registry;
              processor_key.ReadValueDW(L"~MHz", &processor_mhz_from_registry));

    // Expect the measured TSC frequency to be similar to the processor
    // frequency from the registry (0.5% error).
    double tsc_mhz_measured = time_internal::TSCTicksPerSecond() / 1e6;
    EXPECT_NEAR(tsc_mhz_measured, processor_mhz_from_registry,
                0.005 * processor_mhz_from_registry);

TEST(TimeTicks, FromQPCValue) {
  if (!TimeTicks::IsHighResolution())

  LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
  const int64_t ticks_per_second = frequency.QuadPart;
  ASSERT_GT(ticks_per_second, 0);

  // Generate the tick values to convert, advancing the tick count by varying
  // amounts.  These values will ensure that both the fast and overflow-safe
  // conversion logic in FromQPCValue() is tested, and across the entire range
  // of possible QPC tick values.
  std::vector<int64_t> test_cases;

  // Build the test cases.
    const int kNumAdvancements = 100;
    int64_t ticks = 0;
    int64_t ticks_increment = 10;
    for (int i = 0; i < kNumAdvancements; ++i) {
      ticks += ticks_increment;
      ticks_increment = ticks_increment * 6 / 5;
    test_cases.push_back(Time::kQPCOverflowThreshold - 1);
    test_cases.push_back(Time::kQPCOverflowThreshold + 1);
    ticks = Time::kQPCOverflowThreshold + 10;
    ticks_increment = 10;
    for (int i = 0; i < kNumAdvancements; ++i) {
      ticks += ticks_increment;
      ticks_increment = ticks_increment * 6 / 5;

  // Test that the conversions using FromQPCValue() match those computed here
  // using simple floating-point arithmetic.  The floating-point math provides
  // enough precision for all reasonable values to confirm that the
  // implementation is correct to the microsecond, and for "very large" values
  // it confirms that the answer is very close to correct.
  for (int64_t ticks : test_cases) {
    const double expected_microseconds_since_origin =
        (static_cast<double>(ticks) * Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond) /
    const TimeTicks converted_value = TimeTicks::FromQPCValue(ticks);
    const double converted_microseconds_since_origin =
        (converted_value - TimeTicks()).InMicrosecondsF();
    // When we test with very large numbers we end up in a range where adjacent
    // double values are far apart - 512.0 apart in one test failure. In that
    // situation it makes no sense for our epsilon to be 1.0 - it should be
    // the difference between adjacent doubles.
    double epsilon = nextafter(expected_microseconds_since_origin, INFINITY) -
    // Epsilon must be at least 1.0 because converted_microseconds_since_origin
    // comes from an integral value, and expected_microseconds_since_origin is
    // a double that is expected to be up to 0.999 larger. In addition, due to
    // multiple roundings in the double calculation the actual error can be
    // slightly larger than 1.0, even when the converted value is perfect. This
    // epsilon value was chosen because it is slightly larger than the error
    // seen in a test failure caused by the double rounding.
    epsilon = std::max(epsilon, 1.002);
                converted_microseconds_since_origin, epsilon)
        << "ticks=" << ticks << ", to be converted via logic path: "
        << (ticks < Time::kQPCOverflowThreshold ? "FAST" : "SAFE");

TEST(TimeDelta, ConstexprInitialization) {
  // Make sure that TimeDelta works around
  EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedDeltaInMilliseconds, kConstexprTimeDelta.InMilliseconds());

TEST(TimeDelta, FromFileTime) {
  ft.dwLowDateTime = 1001;
  ft.dwHighDateTime = 0;

  // 100100 ns ~= 100 us.
  EXPECT_EQ(Microseconds(100), TimeDelta::FromFileTime(ft));

  ft.dwLowDateTime = 0;
  ft.dwHighDateTime = 1;

  // 2^32 * 100 ns ~= 2^32 * 10 us.
  EXPECT_EQ(Microseconds((1ull << 32) / 10), TimeDelta::FromFileTime(ft));

TEST(TimeDelta, FromWinrtDateTime) {
  ABI::Windows::Foundation::DateTime dt;
  dt.UniversalTime = 0;

  // 0 UniversalTime = no delta since epoch.
  EXPECT_EQ(TimeDelta(), TimeDelta::FromWinrtDateTime(dt));

  dt.UniversalTime = 101;

  // 101 * 100 ns ~= 10.1 microseconds.
  EXPECT_EQ(Microseconds(10.1), TimeDelta::FromWinrtDateTime(dt));

TEST(TimeDelta, ToWinrtDateTime) {
  auto time_delta = Seconds(0);

  // No delta since epoch = 0 DateTime.
  EXPECT_EQ(0, time_delta.ToWinrtDateTime().UniversalTime);

  time_delta = Microseconds(10);

  // 10 microseconds = 100 * 100 ns.
  EXPECT_EQ(100, time_delta.ToWinrtDateTime().UniversalTime);

TEST(TimeDelta, FromWinrtTimeSpan) {
  ABI::Windows::Foundation::TimeSpan ts;
  ts.Duration = 0;

  // 0.
  EXPECT_EQ(TimeDelta(), TimeDelta::FromWinrtTimeSpan(ts));

  ts.Duration = 101;

  // 101 * 100 ns ~= 10.1 microseconds.
  EXPECT_EQ(Microseconds(10.1), TimeDelta::FromWinrtTimeSpan(ts));

TEST(TimeDelta, ToWinrtTimeSpan) {
  auto time_delta = Seconds(0);

  // 0.
  EXPECT_EQ(0, time_delta.ToWinrtTimeSpan().Duration);

  time_delta = Microseconds(10);

  // 10 microseconds = 100 * 100 ns.
  EXPECT_EQ(100, time_delta.ToWinrtTimeSpan().Duration);

TEST(HighResolutionTimer, GetUsage) {

  // 0% usage since the timer isn't activated regardless of how much time has
  // elapsed.
  EXPECT_EQ(0.0, Time::GetHighResolutionTimerUsage());
  EXPECT_EQ(0.0, Time::GetHighResolutionTimerUsage());


  // 100% usage since the timer has been activated entire time.
  EXPECT_EQ(100.0, Time::GetHighResolutionTimerUsage());

  double usage1 = Time::GetHighResolutionTimerUsage();
  // usage1 should be about 50%.
  EXPECT_LT(usage1, 100.0);
  EXPECT_GT(usage1, 0.0);

  double usage2 = Time::GetHighResolutionTimerUsage();
  // usage2 should be about 60%.
  EXPECT_LT(usage2, 100.0);
  EXPECT_GT(usage2, usage1);

  EXPECT_EQ(0.0, Time::GetHighResolutionTimerUsage());

}  // namespace base