// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/app/feed_app_agent.h"
#import <BackgroundTasks/BackgroundTasks.h>
#import <UserNotifications/UserNotifications.h>
#import "components/metrics/metrics_service.h"
#import "components/search_engines/prepopulated_engines.h"
#import "components/search_engines/template_url.h"
#import "components/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.h"
#import "components/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
#import "components/signin/public/identity_manager/identity_manager.h"
#import "ios/chrome/app/application_delegate/app_state.h"
#import "ios/chrome/app/background_refresh_constants.h"
#import "ios/chrome/app/profile/profile_state.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/content_notification/model/content_notification_util.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/discover_feed/model/discover_feed_service.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/discover_feed/model/discover_feed_service_factory.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/discover_feed/model/feed_constants.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ntp/shared/metrics/feed_metrics_recorder.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/push_notification/model/provisional_push_notification_util.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/push_notification/model/push_notification_client_id.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/search_engines/model/template_url_service_factory.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/model/application_context/application_context.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/model/profile/profile_ios.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/model/utils/first_run_util.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/public/features/features.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/signin/model/authentication_service.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/signin/model/authentication_service_factory.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/signin/model/identity_manager_factory.h"
@implementation FeedAppAgent {
// Set to YES when the app is foregrounded.
BOOL _wasForegroundedAtLeastOnce;
#pragma mark - AppStateObserver
- (void)appState:(AppState*)appState
didTransitionFromInitStage:(InitStage)previousInitStage {
if (appState.initStage == InitStageBrowserBasic) {
// Apple docs say that background tasks must be registered before the
// end of `application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:`.
// InitStageBrowserBasic fulfills that requirement.
[self maybeRegisterBackgroundRefreshTask];
// This is a provisional permission, which does not prompt the user at this
// point.
[self maybeRequestUserNotificationPermissions];
} else if (appState.initStage ==
InitStageBrowserObjectsForBackgroundHandlers) {
// Save the value of the feature flag now since 'base::FeatureList' was
// not available in `InitStageBrowserBasic`.
// IsFeedBackgroundRefreshCapabilityEnabled() simply reads the saved value
// saved by SaveFeedBackgroundRefreshCapabilityEnabledForNextColdStart(). Do
// not wrap this in IsFeedBackgroundRefreshCapabilityEnabled() -- in this
// case, a new value would never be saved again once we save NO, since the
// NO codepath would not execute saving a new value.
} else if (appState.initStage == InitStageNormalUI) {
if (IsWebChannelsEnabled() && IsDiscoverFeedServiceCreatedEarly()) {
// Starting the DiscoverFeedService is required before users are able to
// interact with any tab because following a web channel (part of the
// Following Feed feature which depends on the DiscoverFeedService) is
// available on any tab, and not just the NTP where the Following Feed
// lives. This line is intended to crash if DiscoverFeedService is not
// able to be instantiated here.
AuthenticationService* authService =
if (authService &&
authService->HasPrimaryIdentity(signin::ConsentLevel::kSignin)) {
BOOL isContentNotificationProvisionalEnabled = NO;
if (IsContentNotificationExperimentEnabled()) {
// Only start doing the content notificaiton user eligibiliey check when
// content notification experiment is enabled.
AuthenticationService* authService =
bool isUserSignedIn = authService && authService->HasPrimaryIdentity(
const TemplateURL* defaultSearchURLTemplate =
bool isDefaultSearchEngine = defaultSearchURLTemplate &&
defaultSearchURLTemplate->prepopulate_id() ==
PrefService* pref_service =
isContentNotificationProvisionalEnabled =
isUserSignedIn, isDefaultSearchEngine, pref_service);
if (isContentNotificationProvisionalEnabled) {
// This method does not show a UI prompt to the user. Provisional
// notifications are authorized without any user input if the user hasn't
// previously disabled notifications.
AuthenticationService* authService =
std::vector<PushNotificationClientId> clientIds = {
[super appState:appState didTransitionFromInitStage:previousInitStage];
#pragma mark - SceneObservingAppAgent
- (void)appDidEnterBackground {
if (IsFeedBackgroundRefreshEnabled()) {
[self scheduleBackgroundRefresh];
} else if ([self feedServiceIfCreated]) {
[self feedServiceIfCreated]->RefreshFeed(
- (void)appDidEnterForeground {
_wasForegroundedAtLeastOnce = YES;
if (IsFeedBackgroundRefreshCapabilityEnabled()) {
// This is not strictly necessary, but it makes it more explicit. The OS
// limits to 1 refresh task at any time, and a new request will replace a
// previous request. Tasks are only executed in the background.
[BGTaskScheduler.sharedScheduler cancelAllTaskRequests];
#pragma mark - Helpers
// Returns the DiscoverFeedService.
- (DiscoverFeedService*)feedService {
// DiscoverFeedService is expected to be available since the startup sequence
// should create background objects before this method is called. This line is
// intended to crash if DiscoverFeedService is not available.
return DiscoverFeedServiceFactory::GetForBrowserState(
self.appState.mainProfile.browserState, /*create=*/true);
// Returns the DiscoverFeedService if created.
- (DiscoverFeedService*)feedServiceIfCreated {
return DiscoverFeedServiceFactory::GetForBrowserState(
self.appState.mainProfile.browserState, /*create=*/false);
// Returns the FeedMetricsRecorder.
- (FeedMetricsRecorder*)feedMetricsRecorder {
return self.feedService->GetFeedMetricsRecorder();
// Registers handler for the background refresh task. According to
// documentation, this must complete before the end of
// `applicationDidFinishLaunching`.
- (void)maybeRegisterBackgroundRefreshTask {
if (!IsFeedBackgroundRefreshCapabilityEnabled()) {
__weak FeedAppAgent* weakSelf = self;
launchHandler:^(BGTask* task) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[weakSelf handleBackgroundRefreshTask:task];
// Schedules a background refresh task with an earliest begin date in the
// future. The OS limits to 1 refresh task at any time, and a new request will
// replace a previous request. Tasks are only executed in the background.
// TODO(crbug.com/40231475): It is critically important that we do not schedule
// other background fetch tasks (e.g., with other identifiers) anywhere,
// including other files. The OS only allows one fetch task at a time.
// Eventually, background fetches should be managed by a central manager.
- (void)scheduleBackgroundRefresh {
// Do not DCHECK whether background refreshes were enabled at startup because
// this is also called from the background task handler, and the value could
// have changed during a cold start.
if (!IsFeedBackgroundRefreshEnabled()) {
BGAppRefreshTaskRequest* request = [[BGAppRefreshTaskRequest alloc]
request.earliestBeginDate = [self earliestBackgroundRefreshBeginDate];
// Error in scheduling is intentionally not handled since the fallback is that
// the user will just refresh in the foreground.
// TODO(crbug.com/40231475): Consider logging error in histogram.
[BGTaskScheduler.sharedScheduler submitTaskRequest:request error:nil];
// Returns the earliest begin date to set on the refresh task. Either returns a
// date from DiscoverFeedService or an override date created with the override
// interval in Experimental Settings.
- (NSDate*)earliestBackgroundRefreshBeginDate {
NSDate* earliestBeginDate = nil;
if (IsFeedOverrideDefaultsEnabled()) {
earliestBeginDate = [NSDate
} else {
// This is expected to crash if FeedService is not available.
earliestBeginDate =
[self feedService]->GetEarliestBackgroundRefreshBeginDate();
return earliestBeginDate;
// This method is called when the app is in the background.
- (void)handleBackgroundRefreshTask:(BGTask*)task {
// Do not DCHECK whether background refreshes were enabled at startup because
// the value could have changed during a cold start.
if (!IsFeedBackgroundRefreshEnabled()) {
// TODO(crbug.com/40249480): Kill the app if in a cold start because currently
// there are issues with background cold starts.
if (!_wasForegroundedAtLeastOnce) {
[self handleColdStartAndKillApp];
if (IsRecurringBackgroundRefreshScheduleEnabled()) {
[self scheduleBackgroundRefresh];
task.expirationHandler = ^{
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// This is expected to crash if FeedService is not available.
[self feedService]->HandleBackgroundRefreshTaskExpiration();
[self maybeNotifyRefreshSuccess:NO];
// Cold starts are killed earlier in this method, so warm and cold starts
// cannot be recorded at the same time.
[self recordWarmStartMetrics];
// This is expected to crash if FeedService is not available.
[self feedService]->PerformBackgroundRefreshes(^(BOOL success) {
[self maybeNotifyRefreshSuccess:success];
[task setTaskCompletedWithSuccess:success];
// Records cold start histogram and kills app.
- (void)handleColdStartAndKillApp {
// TODO(crbug.com/40249480): Remove this workaround and enable background
// cold starts.
[self maybeNotifyRefreshSuccess:NO];
// Record refresh trigger for warm start.
- (void)recordWarmStartMetrics {
#pragma mark - Refresh Completion Notifications (only enabled by Experimental Settings)
// Request provisional permission, which does not explicitly prompt the user for
// permission. Instead, the OS delivers provisional notifications quietly and
// are visible in the notification center's history. For active debugging, the
// tester can go to the Settings App and turn on full permissions for banners
// and sounds.
- (void)maybeRequestUserNotificationPermissions {
if (!IsFeedBackgroundRefreshCompletedNotificationEnabled()) {
UNUserNotificationCenter* center =
[center requestAuthorizationWithOptions:(UNAuthorizationOptionProvisional |
UNAuthorizationOptionAlert |
completionHandler:^(BOOL granted, NSError* error){
// Requests OS to send a local user notification with `title`.
- (void)maybeRequestNotification:(NSString*)title {
if (!IsFeedBackgroundRefreshCompletedNotificationEnabled()) {
UNMutableNotificationContent* content =
[[UNMutableNotificationContent alloc] init];
content.title = title;
content.body = @"This is enabled via Experimental Settings which is not "
@"available in stable.";
UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger* trigger =
[UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger triggerWithTimeInterval:(1)
UNNotificationRequest* request =
[UNNotificationRequest requestWithIdentifier:[[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString]
UNUserNotificationCenter* center =
[center addNotificationRequest:request withCompletionHandler:nil];
// Requests OS to send a local user notification that a feed refresh has been
// attempted in the background. The notification title says 'success' or
// 'failure' based on `success`.
- (void)maybeNotifyRefreshSuccess:(BOOL)success {
NSString* title = nil;
if (success) {
title = @"Feed Bg Refresh Success";
} else {
title = @"Feed Bg Refresh Failure";
[self maybeRequestNotification:title];
SetFeedRefreshTimestamp([NSDate now], kFeedLastBackgroundRefreshTimestamp);