
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


// This file defines the types and structs used to issue memory dump requests.
// These are also used in the IPCs for coordinating inter-process memory dumps.

#include <stdint.h>

#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"

namespace base {
namespace trace_event {

class ProcessMemoryDump;

// Captures the reason why a memory dump is being requested. This is to allow
// selective enabling of dumps, filtering and post-processing. Keep this
// consistent with memory_instrumentation.mojo and
// memory_instrumentation_struct_traits.{h,cc}
enum class MemoryDumpType {};

// Tells the MemoryDumpProvider(s) how much detailed their dumps should be.
// Keep this consistent with memory_instrumentation.mojo and
// memory_instrumentation_struct_traits.{h,cc}
enum class MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail : uint32_t {};

// Tells the MemoryDumpProvider(s) if they should try to make the result
// more deterministic by forcing garbage collection.
// Keep this consistent with memory_instrumentation.mojo and
// memory_instrumentation_struct_traits.{h,cc}
enum class MemoryDumpDeterminism : uint32_t {};

// Keep this consistent with memory_instrumentation.mojo and
// memory_instrumentation_struct_traits.{h,cc}
struct BASE_EXPORT MemoryDumpRequestArgs {};

// Args for ProcessMemoryDump and passed to OnMemoryDump calls for memory dump
// providers. Dump providers are expected to read the args for creating dumps.
struct MemoryDumpArgs {};


BASE_EXPORT const char* MemoryDumpTypeToString(const MemoryDumpType& dump_type);

BASE_EXPORT MemoryDumpType StringToMemoryDumpType(const std::string& str);

BASE_EXPORT const char* MemoryDumpLevelOfDetailToString(
    const MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail& level_of_detail);

BASE_EXPORT MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail
StringToMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail(const std::string& str);

}  // namespace trace_event
}  // namespace base